Part 3 (1/2)
”You saw his advertis.e.m.e.nt in the DAILY WORLD,” prompted Cuthbert.
”'Home of convalescents; mental and nervous troubles cured.'”
”And,” continued Ford, ”I have come to him for rest and treatment. My name is Lieutenant Henry Grant. I arrived in London two weeks ago on the MAURETANIA. But my name was not on the pa.s.senger-list, because I did not want the Navy Department to know I was taking my leave abroad. I have been stopping at my own address in Jermyn Street, and my references are yourself, the, and my landlord. You will telephone him at once that, if any one asks after Henry Grant, he is to say what you tell him to say. And if any one sends for Henry Grant's clothes, he is to send MY clothes.”
”But you don't expect to be in there as long as that?” exclaimed Cuthbert.
”I do not,” said Ford. ”But, if he takes me in, I must make a bluff of sending for my things. No; either I will be turned out in five minutes, or if he accepts me as a patient I will be there until midnight. If I cannot get the girl out of the house by midnight, it will mean that I can't get out myself, and you had better bring the police and the coroner.”
”Do you mean it?” asked Cuthbert.
”I most certainly do!” exclaimed Ford.
”Until twelve I want a chance to get this story exclusively for our paper. If she is not free by then it means I have fallen down on it, and you and the police are to begin to batter in the doors.”
The two young men left the cab, and at some distance from each other walked to Sowell Street. At the house of Dr. Prothero, Ford stopped and rang the bell. From across the street Cuthbert saw the door open and the figure of a man of almost gigantic stature block the doorway. For a moment he stood there, and then Cuthbert saw him step to one side, saw Ford enter the house and the door close upon him. Cuthbert at once ran to a telephone, and, having instructed Ford's landlord as to the part he was to play, returned to Sowell Street. There, in a state nearly approaching a genuine nervous breakdown, he continued his vigil.
Even without his criminal record to cast a glamour over him, Ford would have found Dr. Prothero, a disturbing person. His size was enormous, his eyes piercing, sinister, unblinking, and the hands that could strangle a bull, and with which as though to control himself, he continually pulled at his black beard, were gigantic, of a deadly white, with fingers long and prehensile. In his manner he had all the suave insolence of the Oriental and the suspicious alertness of one constantly on guard, but also, as Ford at once noted, of one wholly without fear. He had not been over a moment in his presence before the reporter felt that to successfully lie to such a man might be counted as a triumph.
Prothero opened the door into a little office leading off the hall, and switched on the electric lights. For some short time, without any effort to conceal his suspicion, he stared at Ford in silence.
”Well?” he said, at last. His tone was a challenge.
Ford had already given his a.s.sumed name and profession, and he now ran glibly into the story he had planned. He opened his card-case and looked into it doubtfully. ”I find I have no card with me,” he said; ”but I am, as I told you, Lieutenant Grant, of the United States Navy. I am all right physically, except for my nerves. They've played me a queer trick.
If the facts get out at home, it might cost me my commission. So I've come over here for treatment.”
”Why to ME?” asked Prothero.
”I saw by your advertis.e.m.e.nt,” said the reporter, ”that you treated for nervous mental troubles. Mine is an illusion,” he went on. ”I see things, or, rather, always one thing-a battle-s.h.i.+p coming at us head on.
For the last year I've been executive officer of the KEARSARGE, and the responsibility has been too much for me.”
”You see a battle-s.h.i.+p?” inquired the Jew.
”A phantom battle-s.h.i.+p,” Ford explained, ”a sort OF FLYING DUTCHMAN.
The time I saw it I was on the bridge, and I yelled and telegraphed the engine-room. I brought the s.h.i.+p to a full stop, and backed her. But it was dirty weather, and the error was pa.s.sed over. After that, when I saw the thing coming I did nothing. But each time I think it is real.” Ford s.h.i.+vered slightly and glanced about him. ”Some day,” he added fatefully, ”it WILL be real, and I will NOT signal, and the s.h.i.+p will sink!”
In silence, Prothero observed his visitor closely. The young man seemed sincere, genuine. His manner was direct and frank. He looked the part he had a.s.sumed, as one used to authority.
”My fees are large,” said the Russian.
At this point, had Ford, regardless of terms, exhibited a hopeful eagerness to at once close with him, the Jew would have shown him the door. But Ford was on guard, and well aware that a lieutenant in the navy had but few guineas to throw away on medicines. He made a movement as though to withdraw.
”Then I am afraid,” he said, ”I must go somewhere else.”
His reluctance apparently only partially satisfied the Jew.
Ford adopted opposite tactics. He was never without ready money. His paper saw to it that in its interests he was always able at any moment to pay for a special train across Europe, or to bribe the entire working staff of a cable office. From his breast-pocket he took a blue linen envelope, and allowed the Jew to see that it was filled with twenty-pound notes. ”I have means outside my pay,” said Ford.
”I would give almost any price to the man who can cure me.” The eyes of the Russian flashed avariciously.