Part 10 (1/2)

For the rings use reeds, venetian iron, or hoops fros with raffia or yarn Make at least three rings of varying sizes (See Fig 60)

Playing ring toss and keeping tally us or other heavy paper roll and paste cylinders about three inches in dia These a tally gives excellent practice in nu Gae sheet of heavy cardboard Carefully cut out the circles with a sharp-pointed knife Mount a picture of some animal on each piece cut out

Fasten the pieces back in place by a single cloth hinge pasted on the back, and at the lowest part of the circle

Tack the sheet of cardboard to a light wooden fraainst the wall at a slight angle Bean bags thrown at the anih the holes The bean bags should be as



The various holidays which co the year mean so much to little children that they should receive special notice and should suggest the forgests attention to harvest products, to be modeled in clay, cut fro of sand-table scenes showing early New England life in various phases; theof various utensils and commodities of the primitive ho of candles, the hour glass, and the sundial

=Christs suitable for gifts If the work centers around the Christ tris, etc, as well as individual gifts If a tree is not obtainable, a box h drawn by cardboard reindeer Whatever else is done in honor of the visit of St

Nicholas, the spirit of giving should be cultivated by roups Picture books may be made for sick children, doll furniture and other toys for the orphans' hoht arrive a week or two before Christ contributions to help hi that it would be called for at a certain time When a ”real Santa” calls for the sack, hesoifts which the children contribute should be of their ownand notthe parcels mother has provided

=Valentine's Day= offers an opportunity for developing appreciation of a higher form of art than the shop s frequently offer, and also investing with pure, sweet sentiar sentimentality and coarse jests

=Easter= offers a sis in color and subjects for greeting cards The season also suggests e ani

=Hero days= suggest a variety of fors, or pictures in three di important phases of the hero's life; illustrated stories in booklet for of ”properties” for drae froinality and self-reliance

So estions are constantly being offered in school journals that specific suggestions for _things to make_ seem superfluous here

=Individual Problee part of the handwork in the lower grades, it is desirable to have, from time to time, projects which seek a definite result from each pupil In the co pupil tohis ideas upon his fellows and by doing all the hile the slower pupils are getting ready to begin In the same way it is possible for the lazy pupil to shi+rk erness of his companions It is therefore necessary to maintain a balance by the use of individual problems of a more definite type These may often be specific parts of the community problem, but this will not meet all the needs of the case The special days offer excellent occasion for work of this sort in addition to the cooperative problems which are undertaken by the class as a whole



=Modification of Outlines=--All the projects outlined in the foregoing pages are capable of rades For this reason, in nearly every probleestions are offered than will often be applicable in any one instance of its developiven frorade, on the principle that it is easier to add to the detail of a problem than to sienerally specific in detail, in order to prevent as far as possible aof any project