Part 22 (1/2)

As the coach went bouncing across the international bridge, Dolores said, spitefully: ”It will take more than the pardon of poor Juan Garcia to unlock Heaven for that bandit. He is the wickedest man I ever met--yes, probably the wickedest man in the world.”

”He has been kind to us.”

”Bah! He has a motive. Do you notice the way he looks at you? It is enough to d.a.m.n him for all eternity.”

Upon her arrival at the hotel Alaire received an agreeable surprise, for as her vehicle paused, at the curb David Law stepped forward, hat in hand.

”What bloodthirsty business brings you to Pueblo?” she queried, when they had exchanged greetings.

Law smiled at her. ”I came to offer free board and lodging to a poor Greaser. But he ain't here. And you, ma'am?”

Alaire briefly outlined the reasons that had taken her to La Feria and the duties that had kept her busy since her return, while Dave nodded his understanding. When, however, he learned that she was counting upon General Luis Longorio's aid in securing justice, his expression altered. He regarded her with some curiosity as he inquired:

”Isn't Longorio the very man who robbed you?”


”And now he offers to square himself?”

”Precisely. You don't seem to put much faith in him.”

”Mexicans are peculiar people,” Law said, slowly. ”At least we consider them peculiar--probably because they are different to us. Anyhow, we don't understand their business methods or their habits of mind; even their laughter and their tears are different to ours, but--from my experience with them I wouldn't put much confidence in this Longorio's word. I say this, and I'm supposed to have a little Mexican blood in me.”

During this brief conversation they had entered the hotel, and now the lobby idlers took quick cognizance of Mrs. Austin's presence. The lanky, booted Ranger excited no comment, for men of his type were common here; but Alaire was the heroine of many stories and the object of a wide-spread curiosity; therefore she received open stares and heard low whisperings. Naturally resenting this attention, she gave her hand to Law more quickly than she would have done otherwise.

”I hope we shall see each other again,” she murmured.

”That's more'n likely; I'm located in your neighborhood now,” he informed her. ”I'm leaving for Jonesville in the morning.”

”By train?”

”No'm. I'm goin' to follow the river road if I can get an automobile.”

Mindful of the Ranger's courtesy to her on their previous meeting, Alaire said: ”Won't you go with us? We intend to start early.”

”I'd love to, ma'am--but I'll have to make a few inquiries along the line.”

”Good! It is a large car and”--she smiled at him--”if we have tire trouble I may need your help. Jose, my man, is a splendid horse-breaker, but he seems to think a tire tool is some sort of a fancy branding-iron. His mechanical knowledge is limited to a bridle-bit and a cinch, and I'm almost certain he believes there is something unG.o.dly about horseless wagons.”

Dave was nearly speechless with delight, and when the mistress of Las Palmas had gone up-stairs he felt inclined to pinch himself to see if he were dreaming. He had pursued a fruitless quest during the past few days, and his resentment had grown as he became certain that Tad Lewis had sent him on a wild-goose chase; but the sight of Alaire miraculously restored his good spirits, and the prospect of a long, intimate ride in her company changed the whole trend of his thoughts.

His disappointment at not seeing her upon his visit to Las Palmas had only served to enhance his memories of their first meeting, and time, now, had deepened his interest tenfold. Yes, she was ”The Lone Star,”

the estrella brillante of his empty sky.

When the supper-hour came he managed by carefully watching the dining-room to time his meal with Mrs. Austin's. He even ventured to hope that they might share the same table, but in this he was disappointed. However, from where he sat he could see her profile and wors.h.i.+p her to his heart's content, and when she favored him with a smile and a nod he was happy.

All without his knowledge, Dave realized, this woman had secured an amazing hold over him. He had thought a great deal about her, of course, but his thoughts had been idle, and it had required this second encounter to make him know the truth. Now, however, there could be no doubt about his feelings; he was more than romantically interested, the mere sight of her had electrified him. The discovery distressed him, and he very properly decided that the affair should end here, since it could lead to nothing except disappointment.

But who can govern a wayward fancy? One moment Law promised himself to see no more of this married woman; the next he wondered how she would occupy the evening, and ventured to hope that he might have a chance to talk with her.