Part 22 (1/2)
To Annibale Caraccioli,
_Non Licida, ne Driope._
Lycoris, Lycidas, and Dryope Cannot, dear Niblo, save thy name from death; Shadows that fleet, and flowers that yield their breath, Match not the Love that craves infinity.
The beauty thou dost wors.h.i.+p dwells in thee: Within thy soul divine it harboureth: This also bids my spirit soar, and saith Words that unsphere for me heaven's harmony.
Make then thine inborn l.u.s.tre beam and s.h.i.+ne With love of goodness; goodness cannot fail: From G.o.d alone let praise immense be thine.
My soul is tired of telling o'er the tale With men: she calls on thine: she bids thee go Into G.o.d's school with tablets white as snow.
_Telesio, il telo._
Telesius, the arrow from thy bow Midmost his band of sophists slays that high Tyrant of souls that think; he cannot fly: While Truth soars free, loosed by the self-same blow.
Proud lyres with thine immortal praises glow, Smitten by bards elate with victory: Lo, thine own Cavalcante, stormfully Lightning, still strikes the fortress of the foe!
Good Gaieta bedecks our saint serene With robes translucent, light-irradiate, Restoring her to all her natural sheen; The while my tocsin at the temple-gate Of the wide universe proclaims her queen, Pythia of first and last ordained by fate.
_Senno ed Amor._
Wisdom and love, O Bina, gave thee wings, Before the blossom of thy years had faded, To fly with Adam for thy guide, G.o.d-aided, Through many lands in divers journeyings.
Pure virtue is thy guerdon: virtue brings Glory to thee, death to the foes degraded, Who through long years of darkness have invaded Thy Germany, mother of slaves not kings.
Yet, gazing on heaven's book, heroic child, My soul discerns graces divine in thee:-- Leave toys and playthings to the crowd of fools!
Do thou with heart fervent and proudly mild Make war upon those fraud-engendering schools!
I see thee victor, and in G.o.d I see.
_Portando in man._