Part 40 (1/2)
”Of course you did--that is, after you had explained yourself.”
Master Mather's face looked blank, he did not know what to make of it.
”In truth, Master Mather,” said the young Englishman, ”I was under the necessity of getting married this evening; and, thinking over the wors.h.i.+pful ministers of Boston town, I singled you out as the one I should prefer to officiate on the happy occasion.”
”I decline to have anything to do with it,” said Master Mather indignantly, turning on his heel, and going to the door of the cabin.
But here a muscular sailor, with a boarding pike, promptly forbade his pa.s.sage by putting the pike across the door way.
”What do you mean by barring my way in this manner?” said the minister in great wrath to the captain. ”Have you no reverence for the law?”
”Not a particle for Boston law,” replied Captain Tolley. ”The only law recognized on board the Storm King is the command of its Captain. You have been brought here to marry these two young friends of mine; and you will not leave the vessel before you do it--if I have to take you with us all the way to China.”
Master Mather pondered the matter for a moment. ”This is too informal, there are certain preliminaries that are necessary in such cases.”
”Advisable--but I am told not absolutely necessary,” replied Master Raymond.
”Wait then for an hour or two; and we shall be on the high seas--and out of any jurisdiction,” added Captain Tolley.
”Who is this maiden? Who gives her away?” asked the minister.
”This maiden is Mistress Dulcibel Burton,” said Master Raymond, taking her by the hand.
”She is an orphan; but I give her away,” added the Captain.
”Dulcibel Burton! the serpent witch!” exclaimed Master Mather. ”What is that convict doing here? Has she broken jail?”
”Master Mather,” said the Captain in an excited tone, ”if you utter another word of insult against this innocent and beautiful maiden, I will have you flung overboard to the sharks! So take care of what you say!” and the indignant seaman shook his finger in the minister's face warningly.
”Master Mather,” added Raymond, more coolly, ”Mistress Burton has not broken jail. She was duly released from custody by Keeper Arnold on the presentation of an official paper by Lady Mary Phips. Therefore your conscience need not be uneasy on that score.”
”Why are you here then--why making this haste? It is evident that there is something wrong about it.”
”Boston has not treated either of us so well that we are very desirous of remaining,” replied Master Raymond. ”And as we are going together, it is only decorous that we should get married. If you however refuse to marry us, we shall be compelled to take you with us--for the mere presence of such a respected minister will be sufficient to s.h.i.+eld the maiden's name from all reckless calumniators.”
The second mate came to the door of the cabin. ”Captain, there is a fine breeze blowing, it is a pity not to use it.”
”Make all ready, sir,” replied the Captain. Then turning to the minister, ”There is no particular hurry, Master Mather. You can take the night to think over it. To-morrow morning probably, if you come to your senses, we may be able to send you ash.o.r.e somewhere, between here and the capes of the Delaware.”
”This is outrageous!” said Master Mather. ”I will hold both of you accountable for it.”
”It is a bad time to threaten, when your head is in the lion's mouth, Master Mather,” returned Captain Tolley fiercely. ”No one knows but my own men that you ever came on board the 'Storm King.' How do you know that I am not Captain Kidd himself?”
The minister's face grew pale. It was no disparagement to his manhood.
Even Master Raymond's face grew very serious--for did even he know that this Captain Tolley might not be the renowned freebooter, of whose many acts of daring and violence the wide seas rang?
”I would counsel you for your own good to do at once what you will have to do ultimately,” said Master Raymond gravely. ”I owe you no thanks for anything; but”--and the young man laughed as he turned to Dulcibel--”I never could trap even a fox without pitying the animal.”
Dulcibel went up to the minister, and put her hand upon his arm:--”Do I look so much like a witch?” she said in a playful tone.