Part 14 (1/2)

Golden Moments Anonymous 20440K 2022-07-22

”Yes; here it is, but it is only a picture of a rabbit,” said Mrs. Wolf.

”That is right,” said Lina: ”we all looked at that picture, and then we had to shut the book and write what we could about The Rabbit. And the little girl next me put, 'The rabbit moves his nose when he eats;' and that was all she wrote. We did so laugh when she had to read it out.”

”A very short essay, certainly,” said Mrs. Wolf, laughing also; ”still, it is strictly true, and that is something. But what did my little Lina write?”

”I'll show you, mother,” said Lina; and, with a deep blush on her face, she drew her slate carefully out of her bag. ”The mistress was pleased with it, and told me I might show it to you.”

Lina's slate had on it a really spirited little sketch of two rabbits, and Mrs. Wolf was both surprised and delighted.

”Did you do this, Lina?” she asked, as she drew the little artist to her.

”I couldn't think of anything to write,” said Lina shyly; ”I never can; so I drew the rabbits instead.”

”My darling,” said her mother earnestly, ”if you work hard you might one day be a great artist--I feel sure of it.”

Mrs. Wolf's words came true in after years. Lina is now a well-known painter, and honors not a few have fallen to her share.

But that day in the garden, when mother first prophesied that she would be an artist, is still the day that Lina loves most to recall. ”It was mother's praise that made an artist of me,” she always declares.


by F. Wyville Home.


I should like to be the captain of a great big s.h.i.+p, And to take her out a sailing for a long sea trip.

I would visit all the islands of the hot south seas, And the white and s.h.i.+ning regions where the ice-bergs freeze.


I would have a little cabin fitted up quite smart, With a swinging berth, a spygla.s.s, and a deep sea chart, And beads to please the savages in isles far hence, And a parrot who can whistle tunes and talk good sense.


When a storm of wind arises, and the great waves swell, We will scud along the billows like a blown foam-bell, When 'tis calm beneath a sky without one fleck, I'll play a game of skittles on the calm smooth deck.


And if the crew should mutiny on some dark night, With my left I'd seize a cutla.s.s and a pistol in my right, And I'd show them that their Captain has a right bold heart, And I'd make each man an officer that took my part.


”Good-by, Annie dear; mind and take good care of Dorrie.”

”Yes, mamma.”