7 Chapter 7 (1/2)

After accepting mission he flew away. He was still relaxed because he doesn't have attack time limitations for completing mission. But what he didn't know was that his appearance has taken five great villages by a strom.


Hokage office

Counsil officials and third hokage huraizen are sitting there.

Huraizen can't forget that feeling. When that aura came he was sitting on his chair in hokage office. But when aura came he could feel nature energy trying to tell him to not disobey this, he could tell from its dread that the owner of aura can destroy the world and nature energy was trying to bind every single person to not anger this being and obey him.

Just then he was reverse summoned by monkey king Emma( dont know his name nor am I looking). when he appare in front him he was shaking, like his worst nightmare came true. huraizen asked Emma who was owner of that aura and what should we do and does he have any kind of information on this being. Thats when Emma finally spoke with trembling voice.

Emma: Huraizen THE DOOMS BRINGER has awaken, He is legend of past, DRAGON KING ACNOLOGIA!!!!!!!!!!€£!! Just be careful, we can't do anything against him. you should go and start meeting.

And he sent huraizen back. and they were having a meeting. everyone has different thoughts then others. And danzo was thinking of a way to take acnologia under his control. That's when huraizen said” call the Kage summit in 2 days”


Yagura has never experienced being called by 3 tails. But this time 3 tails was calling him and that too desperately. And it started after that aura came. he went in his mind scape. There he saw 3 tails in a jail. He went near 3 tails and 3 tail said something that he was sure he would never heard.

3 tail: let me out of this cage I need to call others tail beasts to confirm something and after that I'll go back. I am not lying, i can even promise to go back in cage in name of my father after I've confirmed it.

yagura: how can I believe what you said is true.

yagura saw 3 tails was becoming a little frantic. he has never seen 3 tails like this. so he agreed.

After he removed the seal, he watched as 3 tail came out. It didn't even bothered him and directly close his eyes after some time he opened then and looked afraid.Then he looked like he is thinking about and after some time it closed his eyes again. Then when opened them he looked toward me and spoke:”start packing we are going to Kage summit, start running now the early it is started the better and send letters to other villages to come with their jinchuriki. And tell them it is related to the aura and they need all tail beast there. now let's hurry go”


Same thing happened to killer bee, and he hurried to his brother who also trusted his brother sent the later to bring jinchuriki's and he also left in hurry with his brother and 2 tails jinchuriki.