Part 40 (1/2)

1650. Stratford-at-Bow, Middles.e.x. Witch said to have been apprehended, but ”escaped the law.” Glanvill, _Sadducismus Triumphatus_, pt. ii, Relation XX.

1650. Middles.e.x. Joan Allen sentenced to be hanged. _Middles.e.x County Records_, III, 284. _The Weekly Intelligencer_, Oct. 7, 1650, refers to the hanging of a witch at the Old Bailey, probably Joan.

1650. Leicester. Anne Chettle searched and acquitted. Tried again two years later. Result unknown. _Leicesters.h.i.+re and Rutland Notes and Queries_, I, 247; James Thompson, _Leicester_ (Leicester, 1849), 406.

1650. Alnwick. Dorothy Swinow, wife of a colonel, indicted.

Nothing further came of it. _Wonderfull News from the North_ (1650).

1650. Middles.e.x. Elizabeth Smith acquitted. _Middles.e.x County Records_, III, 284.

c. 1650-60. St. Alban's, Herts. Two witches suspected and probably tried. Drage, _Daimonomageia_ (1665), 40-41.

1651. Yorks.h.i.+re. Margaret Morton acquitted. _York Depositions_, 38.

1651. Middles.e.x. Elizabeth Lanam of Stepney acquitted.

_Middles.e.x County Records_, III, 202, 285.

1651. Colchester, Ess.e.x. John Lock sentenced to one year's imprisonment and four appearances in the pillory.

Brit. Mus., Stowe MSS., 840, fol. 43.

1652. Yorks.h.i.+re. Hester France of Huddersfield accused before the justice of the peace. _York Depositions_, 51.

1652. Maidstone, Kent. Six women hanged, others indicted.

_A Prodigious and Tragicall History of the Arraignment ... of six Witches at Maidstone ..._ by ”H. F. Gent.,” 1652; _The Faithful Scout_, July 30-Aug.

7, 1652; Ashmole's Diary in _Lives of Ashmole and Lilly_ (London, 1774), 316.

1652. Middles.e.x. Joan Peterson of Wapping acquitted on one charge, found guilty on another, and hanged.

_Middles.e.x County Records_, III, 287; _The Witch of Wapping_; _A Declaration in Answer to several lying Pamphlets concerning the Witch of Wapping_; _The Tryall and Examinations of Mrs. Joan Peterson_; _French Intelligencer_, Apr. 6-13, 1652; _Mercurius Democritus_, Apr. 7-14, 1652; _Weekly Intelligencer_, April 6-13, 1652; _Faithful Scout_, Apr. 9-16, 1652.

1652. London. Susan Simpson acquitted. _A True and Perfect List of the Names of those Prisoners in Newgate_ (London, 1652).

1652. Worcester. Catherine Huxley of Evesham, charged with bewitching a nine-year-old girl, hanged. Baxter, _Certainty of the World of Spirits_ (London, 1691), 44-45. Baxter's narrative was sent him by ”the now Minister of the place.”

1652. Middles.e.x. Temperance Fossett of Whitechapel acquitted.

_Middles.e.x County Records_, III, 208, 288.

1652. Middles.e.x. Margery Scott of St Martin's-in-the-Fields acquitted. _Ibid._, 209.

1652. Scarborough, Yorks.h.i.+re. Anne Marchant or Hunnam accused and searched. J. B. Baker, _History of Scarborough_ (London, 1882), 481, using local records.

1652. Durham. Francis Adamson and ---- Powle executed.

Richardson, _Table Book_, I, 286.

1652. Exeter, Devons.h.i.+re. Joan Baker committed. Cotton, _Gleanings ... Relative to the History of ... Exeter_ (Exeter, 1877), 149.

1652. Wilts. William Starr accused and searched. _Hist.

MSS. Comm. Reports_, _Various_, I, 127.

1652-53. Cornwall. A witch near Land's End accused, and accuses others. Eight sent to Launceston gaol. Some probably executed (see above, p. 218 and footnotes 24, 25). _Mercurius Politicus_, Nov. 24-Dec. 2, 1653; R. and O. B. Peter, _The Histories of Launceston and Dunheved_ (Plymouth, 1885), 285. See also Burthogge, _Essay upon Reason and the Nature of Spirits_ (London, 1694), 196.