Part 2 (1/2)

[26] Thomas Wright, _Narratives of Sorcery and Magic_ (ed. of N. Y., 1852), 126 ff.; see also his _Elizabeth and her Times_ (London, 1838), I, 457, letter of Shrewsbury to Burghley.

[27] Wright, _Narratives_, 130 ff.

[28] _Ibid._, 134.

[29] See Reginald Scot, _The Discoverie of Witchcraft_ (London, 1584; reprinted, Brinsley Nicholson, ed., London, 1886), 4.

[30] A very typical instance was that in Kent in 1597, see _Archaeologia Cantiana_ (Kent Archaeological Soc., London), XXVI, 21. Several good instances are given in the _Hertfords.h.i.+re County Session Rolls_ (compiled by W. J. Hardy, London, 1905), I; see also J. Raine, ed., _Depositions respecting the Rebellion of 1569, Witchcraft, and other Ecclesiastical Proceedings from the Court of Durham_ (Surtees Soc., London, 1845), 99, 100.

[31] J. Raine, ed., _Injunctions and other Ecclesiastical Proceedings of Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham_ (Surtees Soc., London, 1850), 18; H.

Owen and J. B. Blakeway, _History of Shrewsbury_ (London, 1825), II, 364, art. 43.

[32] _Arch. Cant._, XXVI, 19.

[33] _Hertfords.h.i.+re Co. Sess. Rolls_, I, 3.

[34] See _Depositions ... from the Court of Durham_, 99; _Arch. Cant._, XXVI, 21; W. H. Hale, _Precedents_, etc. (London, 1847), 148, 185.

[35] Hale, _op. cit._, 163; _Middles.e.x County Records_, ed. by J. C.

Jeaffreson (London, 1892), I, 84, 94.

[36] For an instance of how a ”wise woman” feared this very thing, see Hale, _op. cit._, 147.

[37] See _Witches taken at St. Oses_, E; also Dr. Barrow's opinion in the pamphlet ent.i.tled _The most strange and admirable discoverie of the three Witches of Warboys, arraigned, convicted and executed at the last a.s.sizes at Huntingdon...._ (London, 1593).

[38] _Folk Lore Soc. Journal_, II, 157-158, where this story is quoted from a work by ”Wm. Clouues, Mayster in Chirurgery,” published in 1588.

He only professed to have ”reade” of it, so that it is perhaps just a pleasant tradition. If it is nothing more than that, it is at least an interesting evidence of opinion.

[39] Strype, _Annals of the Reformation_, I, pt. i, 9-10; _Dictionary of National Biography_, article on Anthony Fortescue, by G. K. Fortescue.

[40] Strype, _op. cit._, I, pt. i, 546, 555-558; also Wright, _Elizabeth and her Times_, I, 121, where a letter from Cecil to Sir Thomas Smith is printed.

[41] The interest which the privy council showed in sorcery and witchcraft during the earlier part of the reign is indicated in the following references: _Acts of the Privy Council_, new series, VII, 6, 22, 200-201; X, 220, 382; XI, 22, 36, 292, 370-371, 427; XII, 21-22, 23, 26, 29, 34, 102, 251; _Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1547-1580_, 137, 142; _id._, _1581-1590_, 29, 220, 246-247; _id._, _Add. 1580-1625_, 120-121; see also John Strype, _Life of Sir Thomas Smith_ (London, 1698; Oxford, 1820), ed. of 1820, 127-129. The case mentioned in _Cal. St. P., Dom., 1581-1590_, 29, was probably a result of the activity of the privy council. The case in _id._, _Add., 1580-1625_, 120-121, is an instance of where the accused was suspected of both witchcraft and ”high treason touching the supremacy.” Nearly all of the above mentioned references to the activity of the privy council refer to the first half of the reign and a goodly proportion to the years 1578-1582.

[42] _Acts P. C._, n. s., XI, 292.

[43] Strype, _Sir Thomas Smith_, 127-129.

[44] _A Rehearsall both straung and true of hainous and horrible acts committed by Elizabeth Stile_, etc. (for full t.i.tle see appendix). This pamphlet is in black letter. Its account is confirmed by the reference in _Acts P. C._, n. s., XI, 22. See also Scot, _Discoverie_, 51, 543.

[45] An aged widow had been committed to gaol on the testimony of her neighbors that she was ”lewde, malitious, and hurtful to the people.” An ostler, after he had refused to give her relief, had suffered a pain. So far as the account goes, this was the sum of the evidence against the woman. Unhappily she waited not on the order of her trial but made voluble confession and implicated five others, three of whom were without doubt professional enchanters. She had met, she said, with Mother Dutten, Mother Devell, and Mother Margaret, and ”concluded several hainous and vilanous practices.” The deaths of five persons whom she named were the outcome of their concerted plans. For the death of a sixth she avowed entire responsibility. This amazing confession may have been suggested to her piece by piece, but it was received at full value.

That she included others in her guilt was perhaps because she responded to the evident interest aroused by such additions, or more likely because she had grudges unsatisfied. The women were friendless, three of the four were partially dependent upon alms, there was no one to come to their help, and they were convicted. The man that had been arraigned, a ”charmer,” seems to have gone free.

[46] _Injunctions ... of ... Bishop of Durham_, 18, 84, 99; Visitations of Canterbury, in _Arch. Cant._, XXVI; Hale, _Precedents, 1475-1640_, 147, etc.

[47] Arch. Cant., XXVI, _pa.s.sim_; Hale, _op. cit._, 147, 148, 163, 185; Mrs. Lynn Linton, _Witch Stories_ (London, 1861; new ed., 1883), 144.

[48] See Hale, _op. cit._, 148, 157.