5 Friendship through Battle (1/2)

As the two stared at each other there were no sounds. No birds stirred and not a single bug noise, as if they could sense the coming battle. Out of the tree line came the she wolf with red fur, moving into the yard and stared at Lucius. Elias came to call the female Drako Ani, she was protective of the boy and her glare was entirely on the new visitor.

Mir was also in the same mindset as the wolf, and she was glaring at the man as well. Jahrico and Myra simply sat and watched the two, continuing to eat and sip their wine. They had seen enough young ones fight to know where this was heading.

”Seeing as if no one starts the match you will continuously to stare at each other till your eyes fall out. I will set the ground rules. Firsts, no breaking my hut, our food, or the Booze, second; don't cause any serious damage to the other or kill them. Thirdly don't destroy my Booze. That is all... on my count you will start the match. Are you ready?”

Their silence gave him his answer.


Elias knew it would not be easy, Lucius left no openings. The mans defense was impregnable.


Lucius new not to underestimate the son his rival. If it was anything he knew about Eric, it was his tenacity.


A full frontal assault, the mans eyes were sunk into Elias's soul. No tricks, a full all out offensive. Elias's smirk grew even more as he got into position. Lucius's smile grew along with the boys, memories flooded him of his first fight with Eric.


The two men dissipated in a flash of speed each dashing right to each other. And then their fight had begun. The two men traded attacks at each other. A punch, a kick, other moves that were to fast to be determined. The speed of the two fighters were super human.

With each attack the other would block or evade. Because of their speed it seemed they were multiple sets of them fighting in the yard, but they were just afterimages. They were actually creating a breeze in each direction because of their flurry of attacks. As Elias evaded a Kick from Lucius he knew that if he didn't try anything they would continue like this for as long as they could both stand on two feet.

That was when magic came into play. At first it was Lucius who was using his wind affinity to increase the speed of his movements, but he also put his hands on fire as to cause a distraction. It succeed at catching Elias off guard and Elias was kicked in the abdomen. A gust of wind was seen from the impact and Elias was sent flying backwards. He rolled a couple times and coughed up a bit of blood.

”Come boy, you are not done yet I hope.”