Part 17 (2/2)
The oftener the fits come, the oftener the nutrient system of the sensory cries aloud in its own, though unmistakable language, that it must have nourishment, that it may run the machinery of life, or it must give up the ghost and die. In this dire extremity and struggle for life, it has asked the motor system to suspend its action, use its power and squeeze out of any part of the whole body though it be the brain itself, a few drops of cerebro-spinal fluid, or anything higher or lower, so it may live.
Those of you acquainted with the fertile fields of the Klondike referred to, will be enabled to furnish the sensory system with such nutriment, as will not make it necessary to appeal to you through the language used by the unconscious convulsions with all their horrible contortions.
Thus you surely see with the microscope of reason that the sensory nerves must be constantly nourished, and that all nutriment for the nerves must be obtained from the abdomen, though its propelling force should come directly from the brain.
The nerve courses from the brain must be un.o.bstructed from the cerebrum, cerebellum, the medulla oblongata, and on through the whole spinal cord; with a normal neck, a normal back, and normal ribs, which to an Osteopath means careful work, with power to know, and mind to reason that the work is done wisely to a finish. I hope that with these suggestions you will go on with the investigation to a satisfactory degree of success.
I wish to insert a short paragraph on a few effects following a down, front, and outer dislocation of the four upper ribs of either side. We have been familiar with asthma, goitre, pen-paralysis, shaking palsy, spasms, and heart diseases of various kinds. We have been as familiar with the existence of those abnormal variations as we are of the rising and the setting of the sun. Our best philosophers on diseases and causes have elaborately written and published their conclusions, and the world has carefully perused with deep interest, what they have said of all the diseases above named, also diseases of the lung, and to-day we are by them left in total darkness as to the cause of the above named diseases, also fits, insanity, loss of voice, brachial agitans, and many other diseases of the chest, neck and head. As the field is open and clear for any philosopher to establish his point of observation, note and report what he observes, I will avail myself of this opportunity, and say in a very few words, I have found no one of the diseases above indicated to have an existence without some variation of the first few of the upper ribs of the chest. With this I will leave farther exploration in the hands of other persons; and await the report of their observations pro and con.
Thoughts for Consideration--Offering a New Philosophy--Lymphatics and Fascia--A Satisfactory Experiment--Natural Was.h.i.+ng Out.
”Let us not forget the a.s.sembling of ourselves together.” Whether this quotation applies to us or not, as an Osteopath I will venture to say that the honored dead, and the honest living intelligent healers of all schools, and all systems of trying to relieve our race from disease and suffering, so far as I have been able to ascertain, have been forced to guess how to proceed when they enter the ”sick room” for want of a philosophical system of procedure. We have collected together many or few symptoms, named the disease, opened the battle, and on our side have met the enemy and fought bravely all battles very much the same way. I have spent one-half of a century in the field trying the many methods of attacks; and used the best arms and ammunition to date, and designed to do the greatest good. For twenty years or more I was content to be governed by the opinions and customs of older and more experienced physicians. I gave the disease its proper name. I gave the medicine as taught and practiced, but was not satisfied that the line of procedure was philosophically correct.
I believe at the present time I am fully prepared to say I can offer you a more rational philosophy of what should be the physician's first object, when called to repair a vessel that has become unseaworthy by acc.u.mulated barnacles, and is placed upon the dry dock for restoration to that condition called seaworthy, again. I believe this philosophy will sustain the strongest minds in the conclusion that our first and wisest step to successfully combat all diseases would be to inhibit first the nerves of the lymphatics, then produce muscular constricture and cause them to unload their diseased contents, and keep them unloading until renovation is absolutely complete; leaving the lymphatics in a purely healthy state, and keep them in this condition at any period of the disease. I have long since been of the opinion that if we could keep all impurities from acc.u.mulating in the lymphatics, and never allow them to become overloaded, we would have no such diseases as bilious fever, typhoid, mountain fever, malaria, pneumonia, flux, heart disease, brain disease, fits, insanity and on to the whole list of climatic troubles, and the troubles with the changes of winter and summer.
I have thought for many years that the lymphatics and cellular system of the fascia, of the brain, the lungs, and the heart throughout the whole system of blood supply, do get filled up with impure and unhealthy fluids, long before any disease makes its appearance, and that the procedure of changes known as fermentation, with its electromagnetic disturbances, were the cause of at least ninety per cent of the diseases that we labor to relieve by some chemical preparation called drugs. When I was fully satisfied that we were liable to do more harm than good with such remedies, I began to hunt for more reasonable methods to relieve the system of its poisonous gases and fluids, through the excretory system of the lymphatics and other channels, through which we had hoped to renovate and purify the system.
For twenty-five years I have tried to balance myself, divert my mind from all previous methods and see if I could not get more directly to the lymphatic system of nerves, and cause the millions of vessels known to exist in the body to begin to unload their contents and continue that action until all impurities were discharged by way of the bowels, lungs, kidneys and porous system.