Part 7 (1/2)
The explorer for truth must first declare his independence of all obligations or brotherhoods of any kind whatsoever. He must be free to think and reason. He must establish his observatory upon hills of his own; he must establish them above the imaginary high planes of rulers, kings, professors of schools of all kinds and denominations. He must be the Czar of his own mental empire, unenc.u.mbered with anything that will annoy while he makes his observations. I believe the reasons are so plain, so easily comprehended, the facts in its support so brilliant, that I will offer the same, though I be slaughtered on the altar of bigotry and intolerance. This philosophy is not intended for minds not thoroughly well posted by dissection and otherwise of the whole human anatomy. You must know its physiological laboratories and workings with the brain as the battery, the lungs as the source or machine that renovates the blood from all impurities, and the heart as the living engine or quarter-master, whose duty is to supply the commissaries with blood and other fluids to all divisions and sub-divisions of the human body, which is busily engaged producing material suited to the production of bone and muscle, and all other substances necessary to keep the machinery of life in full force and action.
Without this knowledge on the part of the reader, the words of this philosophy will fall as blanks before reaching his magazine of reason.
Thus this is addressed to the independent man or woman that can, will and does reason.
At this point we will introduce the diaphragm, which separates the heart, lungs and brain from the organs of life that are limited to the abdomen and pelvis. A question arises at this point; what has the diaphragm to do with good or bad health? At this time we will a.n.a.lyze the diaphragm; we will examine its construction, and its uses; we will examine its openings through which blood both above and below. We will examine the opening through which food to stomach. We will carefully examine the pa.s.sage or opening for nerve supply to the abdomen below, to run this great system of chemistry, which is producing the various kinds of substances necessary to the hard and soft parts of the body. We must know the nerve supply of the lymphatics, womb, liver, kidneys, pancreas, the generative organs, what they are, what they do, and what are demanded of them, before we are able to feed our own minds from the cup that contains the essence of reason as expressed from the tree of life.
The diaphragm surely gives much food to the one who would search for the great whys of disease as reported causes seem to be far back in the fogs of mystery. It may help us to arrive at some facts if we take each organ and division and make a full acquaintance of all its parts and uses before we combine it with others.
In all ages, the Doctor has for lack of knowledge of the true cause of diseases, combatted effects with his remedies. He treats pain with remedies to deaden pain; congestion to wash out overplus of blood that has been carried to parts or organs of the body by arteries of blood and channels of secretions and not taken up and pa.s.sed out and off by the excretories. He sees the abnormal size and leaves the hunting of the cause that has given growth to such proportions and begins to seek rest and ease for his patient. Then he treats to reduce by medicine to carry the waste fluids to bowels, bladder and skin, with tonics to give strength and stimulants to increase the action of the heart in order to force local deposits to the general excretory system. At this time let the Osteopathic Doctor take a close hunt for any fold in muscles of the system that would cause a cut-off of the normal supply of blood or suspend the action of nerves whose office is to give power and action to the excretory system sufficient to keep the dead matter carried off as fast as it acc.u.mulates. Let us stop and acquaint ourselves with the true condition of the diaphragm. It must be normal in place, as it is so situated that it will admit of no abnormality. It must be kept stretched, just as Nature arranged that it should, like a drum-head. It is attached all around to the chest, though it crosses five or six ribs on its descent from the seventh rib to the sternum at the lower point and down to fourth lumbar vertebra. It is a continuous slanting floor, above bowels and abdominal organs, and below heart and lungs. It must, by all reason, be kept normal in tightness at all places, without a fold or wrinkle, that could press the aorta, nerves, oesophagus, or anything that contributes to the supply or circulation of any vital substance. Now can there be any move in spine or ribs that would or could change the normal shape of the diaphragm? If so, where and why?
The diaphragm is possibly the least understood as being the cause of more diseases, when its supports are not all in line and normal position, than any other part of the body. It has many openings through which nerves, blood and food pa.s.s while going from chest to all parts below. It begins at the lower end of the breast-bone and crosses to ribs back and down, in a slanting direction to the third or fourth lumbar vertebra. Like an ap.r.o.n, it holds all that is above it up, such as heart and lungs, and is the fence that divides the organs of the abdomen from the chest. Below it are the stomach, bowels, liver, spleen, kidneys, pancreas, womb, bladder; also the great system of lymphatics of the whole blood and nerve supply of the organs and systems of nutrition and life supply. All parts of the body have a direct or indirect connection with this great separating muscle. It a.s.sists in breathing, in all animals, when normal, and when prolapsed by the falling in and down of any of the five or six ribs by which it is supported in place, then we suffer from the effects of suspended normal arterial supply, and venous stagnation below diaphragm. The aorta meets resistance as it goes down with blood to nourish, and the vein as it goes back with impurities contained in venous blood, also meets an obstruction at the diaphragm, as it returns to the heart through the vena cava, because of the packing of a fallen diaphragm on and about the blood vessels that must not be obstructed. Thus heart trouble, lung disease, brain, liver, womb, tumors of the abdomen and through the list of effects can be traced to the diaphragm as the cause.
I am strongly impressed that the diaphragm has much to do in keeping all the machinery and organs of life in a healthy condition, and will try and give some of the reasons why, as I now understand them. First, it is found to be wisely located just below the heart and lungs; one being the engine of the blood, and the other is the engine of the air. This strong wall holds all substances or other bodies away from any chance to press on either engine, while performing their parts in the economy of life.
Each engine has a sacred duty to perform under the penal law of death to itself and all other divisions of the whole being, man. If it should neglect its work of which it is a vital part, should we take down this wall and allow the liver, stomach and spleen to occupy any of the places allotted to these engines of life, a confusion would surely be the result; ability of the heart to force blood to the lungs would be overcome and cause trouble.
Suppose we take a few diseases and submit them to the crucial ordeal of reason, and see if we do, or can find any one of the climatic fevers that appear with its full list of symptoms and have no a.s.sistance from an irritated diaphragm. For example take a case of common bilious fever of North America. It generally begins with a tired and sore feeling of limbs and muscles, pain in spine, head, and lumbar region. At this point of our inquiry we are left in an open sea of mystery and conjecture as to cause. One says, ”malaria,” and goes no farther, gives a name and stops. If you ask for the cause of such torturous pain in head and back, with fever and vomiting, he will tell you that the very best authorities agree that the cause is malaria, with its peculiar diagnostic tendency to affect the brain, spine and stomach, and administers quinine and leaves, thinking he has said and done all.
Reason would lead seekers for cause of the pain above located to remember that all blood first as chyme up to heart and lungs, directly through the diaphragm, conducted through the thoracic duct, first to heart, thence to lungs, at the same time rivers of blood are pouring into the heart from all of the system. Much of it very impure, from diseased or stale blood. Much of the chyle is dead before it enters the great thoracic duct and goes to the lungs without enough pure blood to sustain life. Then disease appears.
As a cut-off the diaphragm, when dropped front and down, and across the aorta and vena cava by a lowering of the ribs, on both sides of the spine; it would be a complete pressure over coelic axis, with liver supply, renal, pelvic, to a complete abdominal stoppage. Then we have over-due blood for other parts to send off dead corpuscles by asphyxia, with no hope that it can sustain life and health of the parts for which it was designed. Thus we know that nature would not be true to its own laws, if it would do good work with bad material.
Why not reason on the broad scale of known fact, and give the ”why” he or she has complete prostration when all systems are wholly cut off from a chance to move and execute such duties as nature has allotted to them.
Motor nerves must drive all substances to, and sensation must judge the supply and demand. Nutrition must be in action all the time and keep all parts well supplied or a failure is sure to appear. We must ever remember the demands of nature on the lymphatics, liver and kidneys, that nerves work all the time or a confusion for lack in their duties will mark a cripple in some function of life over which they preside.
At this time we see by all systems of reason that no delay in pa.s.sage of food or blood, can be tolerated at the diaphragm, because any irritation is bound to cause muscular contraction and impede the natural flow of blood, first through the abdominal aorta, and even to a temporary, partial or complete stoppage of arterial supply to the abdomen. Or the vena cava may be so pressed as to completely stop the return of venous blood from the stomach, kidneys, bowels and all other organs, such as the lymphatics, pancreas, fascia, cellular membranes, nerve centers, ganglionic and all systems of supply of organs of life found in the abdomen. Thus by pressure, stricture or contraction to the pa.s.sage of blood can be stopped, either above or below the diaphragm, and be the cause of blood being detained long enough to die from asphyxia, and be left in the body of all organs below the diaphragm.