Part 19 (1/2)

We're silent as we walk, though at least she lets me hold her hand. She looks beautiful, her head held high, that white dress hugging her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and waist and hips, the high black heels she has on making those s.e.xy legs of hers look impossibly long.

I am a lucky man, walking down the street holding this woman's hand. Random guys take a second look as they walk past and I send the ones that do a murderous glare. Can't they see she belongs to me? Do I need to write a sign across her forehead that declares, Property of Caden Kingsley-Eyes and hands the f.u.c.k off?

Yeah. I think I do.

”You're awfully quiet,” she says as we enter the hotel lobby and head toward the elevators.

I shrug, feeling morose. Like the end is coming and there's nothing I can do to stop it. ”I'm moody.” And now I sound like a whiny girl.

”Too many beers?”

”Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I'm completely sober.”

She flinches at my choice of words and I curse inwardly. I can't f.u.c.k this up now. My time with her is limited. She's going to leave me soon.

I have to make the most of it.

”I'm being an a.s.shole,” I tell her when we enter the elevator and the doors close us in.

”Yes, you are.” She smiles.

”I'm sorry.” I never apologize. There's usually no need, because usually I'm long gone by the time anyone I've wronged finds out.

For once, I want to stick. I want to live a real life, not some constant con game. I want to be real with Rose. And if that means sometimes it gets ugly, and sometimes I'm scared, mad, sad, or whatever-the-h.e.l.l emotion I'm struggling with, I still want to do it.

So I've got to fight for it. Own it. Own me. Own her.

Own us.

”You're forgiven,” she says, her voice soft, her gaze open, showing me all she's got. And I like what I see. ”I'm sorry, too.”

”For what?” I frown.

”For that whole thing with Hugh.” She waves a hand. ”He's nice. I like him. But not ... not like that.”

”He likes you like that.” Just thinking about Hugh makes me want to hit something, specifically his smug face.

”I bet he doesn't anymore.” Her smile grows. ”You couldn't have been more possessive, what with the way you practically growled at him when he caught us kissing by the bathrooms.”

”I didn't growl at him.” Did I? I don't remember.

”Yes. You definitely did. You should've just hung a sign around my neck that said Property of Caden. That would've sent your message loud and clear.”

”I considered it,” I say truthfully. ”But I guess my growling was good enough.”

Her eyes sparkle with amus.e.m.e.nt. ”I thought it was kind of s.e.xy.”

”Oh yeah? You like it when I growl?” She can't be serious. That smile on her pretty face is telling me she's making fun of me, but you never know with Rose. She's a constant surprise. A dirty, naughty, fun, extremely s.e.xy surprise.

”I do. Maybe you can growl for me later.”

”I can growl for you right now if you want me to.” I go for her, my arms sliding around her waist just as the elevator comes to a stop at our floor and the doors slide open. She slips out of my embrace and practically races out of the elevator toward the room.

”You have to catch me first,” she calls over her shoulder, the key card already clasped in her fingers.

I saunter after her, not bothering to run. I'll catch her; I have complete faith in that. She wants to be caught. Maybe she's a little buzzed from the two drinks she had. Maybe she's relieved to get out of the tense atmosphere of the pub. Maybe she's just happy to finally be alone with me.

Whatever it is, I'm letting her have her fun because I reap all the benefits.

She opens the door just as I approach her, my hands going to her waist so I can shove her into the room. Crowding her, I wrap my arms around her from behind and pull her to me, her a.s.s pressed against my front, my hands reaching for her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as I kiss her neck. The door shuts behind us, closing us in so we're all alone. ”Caught ya,” I mutter against her skin and she giggles.

”I let you catch me,” she murmurs, tilting her head to the side to give me better access.

”Where's the fun in that?” I ask, skimming my teeth along her neck, making her shudder. I slide my hands down, along her waist, her hips, gripping her there so I can pull her tight against my growing erection.

”Oh, I can guarantee you loads of fun.” She reaches behind her, her hand wrapping around my c.o.c.k that's straining against my jeans, and I grunt into her neck, thrusting against her a.s.s.

”Are you saying you want to play?” I tug on the fabric of her skirt, easing it up slowly, resting my chin on her shoulder so I can watch her dress rise higher and higher on her slender thighs. ”Because I'm always up for that.”

”You certainly are.” She laughs, then moans when I nip and suck on her neck. Her skirt is bunched around her waist, revealing the skimpy panties she's got on, and now it's my turn to moan. ”What in the f.u.c.k are you wearing?”

Rose tilts her head back so her gaze meets mine. ”You like them?”

”I think I need to look at them closer.” I release my hold on her and turn her around, falling to my knees so I can examine the sc.r.a.p of material she's calling panties. They're white. Sheer, so I can see her scant pubic hair, her plump p.u.s.s.y lips. Lace trims the outer edges and tiny white silk bows dot either side of her hips. ”They're indecent.”

”I knew you'd approve,” she teases.

I glance up at her, smoothing my hands up along the sides of her thighs. ”I love them.” I grip her hips, turning her around, and I close my eyes for only a second, leaning my head against one exposed b.u.t.t cheek for a brief moment before I drop a kiss on it. ”Why did you even bother wearing panties? There's nothing to them.” The back consists of a silk string around her waist and between her cheeks, another innocent bow dotting the top center of her a.s.s.

”I wore them for you.” She glances over her shoulder, smiling down at me. ”They make me feel s.e.xy. Like you make me feel s.e.xy.”

I palm her a.s.s, gripping her ample flesh. She has a perfect b.u.t.t. Round and full and with two little dimples at the base of her spine, I don't appreciate this particular body part of hers enough. I need to rectify that. ”Well, these little panties are definitely s.e.xy, but I think they're going to have to go.”

”Really?” She sounds thrilled at the prospect.

”Definitely. But first, we need to get rid of the dress.” I stand, my hands going to the zipper, and I slowly draw it down, revealing her back and the matching white lacy bra she's wearing. I swallow hard, imagining what the bra must look like in the front. Probably completely sheer and offering me a perfect view of her nipples.

With eager, shaking hands, I pull the dress up over her head before I toss it onto the floor. I turn her around, my gaze dropping to her chest, and h.e.l.l, yes, just like I knew it would be, the bra is a killer. Sheer white and trimmed with lace, with more innocent white bows, one in the center, two more on the top of each breast. Skimpy as h.e.l.l and probably not offering much support, the bra and panties are all about the visual.

And I f.u.c.king approve wholeheartedly.

”You've been wearing this all afternoon and I had no idea.” I reach out and tease the little bow at the center of her bra.

”Isn't it a pleasant surprise?” She hitches in a breath when I trace the edge of her bra with my finger, touching her skin, seeing the goose b.u.mps rise.