Part 1 (1/2)

Kinston, Whitehall and Goldsboro (North Carolina) expedition, December, 1862.

by W. W. Howe.


The letter press from New York Herald, Dec. 20-25, 1862, by permission, also New York Times. The ill.u.s.trations of Kinston, Whitehall and Goldsboro, also portrait of Gen. J. G. Foster, are reproduced from Harper's History of the Rebellion, by arrangement with Messrs. Harpers Brothers.

New York, Dec. 1, 1890.

Major General J. G. Foster commenced a movement of his army from New Berne this morning. At 3 p. m. we came upon the enemy's pickets (near our present camping ground), when three prisoners were taken by the advance guard of the Third New York Cavalry. In attempting to press forward we found the road densely blockaded by felled trees; this blockade extended for several hundred yards, being situated in the midst of a swamp possessing an abundance of creeks. Owing to this obstruction it became absolutely necessary to halt here for the night. During the same time the woods were cleared and with great rapidity, too, by pioneers from several regiments and a strong force of ”pioneer contrabands”--the latter under the direction of the civil engineer of this department, Henry W. Wilson.

DECEMBER 12, 1862.

During the past night the Ninth New Jersey Infantry, under command of Colonel Heckmann, advanced through the swamp and took up a position within three miles of Trenton, engaging the enemy successfully for a short time.

At 9.30 o'clock to-day we came upon a body of rebel cavalry and an ambush of rebel infantry. Captain Marshall, with Company B., of the Third New York Cavalry, charged the enemy's cavalry, driving them ahead, taking seven prisoners and wounding or killing the captain of the company, besides killing and wounding a few others. In this charge we lost four men, who were taken prisoners; also Franklin Kingsley, who was wounded in the leg, and Augustus G. Butler, who was wounded in the side.

We had other light skirmis.h.i.+ng during the day; also took a few more prisoners.

DECEMBER 13, 1862.

We advanced at daylight, making several feints on various roads, but always finding the enemy posted in such a manner as to be able to destroy the bridges and otherwise r.e.t.a.r.ding our movements. About 9 o'clock, Company K., Captain Cole, of the Third New York Cavalry, came upon the enemy at a place called Southwest Creek. The rebels had an earthwork thrown up directly across the road. Behind it they had posted four guns. Captain Cole attempted to charge across the bridge, but found it partially destroyed. He then retired a short distance, after leaving John Costello wounded in the face, when the rebels opened fire with their artillery and small arms. We returned the fire with carbines, driving the enemy for several minutes from a piece of his artillery, which was posted at the other end of the bridge. About this time Lieutenant-Colonel Mix arrived with a force of cavalry and a section of the Third New York Artillery, under command of Lieutenant Day. This section opened fire with shot with good effect.

Near 10 o'clock the Ninth New Jersey Infantry was brought into action; also Morrison's battery, of the Third New York Artillery. By the aid of both of these forces the enemy was soon driven from his position. As soon as the battery ceased firing, the Ninth New Jersey forded the creek and charged upon the battery. The battery was taken, the old flag of the Union waved over it, and cheers were given and an interesting scene enacted.

While the bridge was being rebuilt, and while the ”black pioneer brigade” was again making itself eminently useful, Colonel Heckmann pushed forward with the Ninth New Jersey, again engaging the enemy, capturing a Rodman gun, killing three of the enemy and taking a few more prisoners. Colonel Heckmann was soon after supported by Brigadier-General Wessell's brigade.

Just as the sun was sinking in the west we came upon two regiments of rebel infantry and two of their pieces of artillery, posted on a rise of ground behind a dense woods. The Ninth New Jersey once more advanced and drove the enemy back upon their guns after a rapid and sharp fire, when Captain Morrison's battery, of the Third New York Artillery, forced him to retire from his position, ceasing his fire altogether. Before the Ninth New Jersey got engaged, Captain Cole, with Company K., of the Third New York Cavalry, charged the enemy, clearing the road and driving the rebels to the woods. In this charge Franklin Chapman was wounded in the leg. Night having set in, we encamped about three miles and a half or four miles from Kinston. In the evening affair our losses were: ---- Clifford, of the Ninth New Jersey, jaw broken; and ---- Neucommer of the same regiment, taken prisoner.

DECEMBER 14, 1862.

Almost immediately after commencing anew our advance, we came upon a force of the enemy, entering into a heavy skirmish and then a general engagement.

The Ninth New Jersey advanced slowly down the road and then into the woods on either side. These skirmishers stood their ground until their entire stock of ammunition was exhausted, when the Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania was ordered up to support the Ninth. They did their duty well. This was at 10 o'clock. The enemy having brought his artillery into action, we returned a similar and much more effective fire from Captain Morrison's battery, of the Third New York Artillery, the latter being posted in a small field, on a rise of ground, within eight hundred yards of the enemy. Soon after Captains Schenck's and E. S.

Jenney's batteries were brought into play, from different and the best available positions on either side of the road. The engagement having become more general, Brigadier-General Wessell's brigade was ordered up.

It comprised the Eighty-fifth, One Hundred and First and One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania, and the Eighty-eighth, Ninety-second and Ninety-sixth New York. After the Forty-fifth, Seventeenth and Twenty-third Ma.s.sachusetts Regiments had been ordered up, General Wessell, who was on the field, ordered the execution of a flank movement on the enemy's battery. So it was that while a small portion of this force operated to the left, the remainder moved through a woods to the right, also flanking a swamp, and got a position on the line of an open field that enabled our men to play upon the enemy with intense effect and remarkable execution. The Ninth New Jersey, after sustaining a terrific fire from the enemy, obtained a position close to the bridge, being handsomely supported by the Seventeenth Ma.s.sachusetts, and then it was that we found ourselves almost on the banks of the Neuse river, with a long fortification on the opposite side. This fortification, one hundred and seventy-five feet long, thoroughly commanded all the approaches to the bridge. In it and supporting it were three companies of light artillery, four companies of heavy artillery, two North Carolina regiments, the Second, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Twenty-third South Carolina Regiments, a portion of the Third North Carolina Cavalry, part of Major Nethercote's battalion, and the Raleigh detachment, under command of Colonel Molett, who was wounded in the leg--in all about six thousand strong.

The Forty-fifth and Twenty-third Ma.s.sachusetts Regiments advanced to the right and helped to execute the flank movement. While the above was being done, Captain Jacobs, with his company of the Third New York Cavalry and some light (Third New York) artillery, advanced on another road, to the right of the main column, and attracted as well as distracted the attention of the enemy.

Captain Jacobs came upon a regiment of rebel infantry, engaged them, drove them off with artillery, and then charged his men across, thereby saving quite an important bridge. Another diversion was created by Major Garrard, who was sent another road with a portion of his battalion of the Third New York Cavalry, one piece of Allis' Flying Artillery and two or three other light field pieces.

The gunboats, under command of Captain Murray, of the navy, and Lieutenant-Colonel Manchester, advanced up to the blockade and kept up a heavy firing. By this means General Evans was mystified regarding our order of movements that he would not bring the entire force under his command into operation in such a manner as to unitedly affect our main column.

After a sharp engagement for over three hours, we drove the enemy from his entrenchments and got possession of the bridge. The latter was fired in three places, but the Ninth New Jersey, a few of the Third New York Artillery, and the Provost-Marshal, Major Franklin, advanced in haste and put out the flames before the fire had done any material injury.

Immediately our advance regiments crossed, when the Tenth Connecticut advanced upon the enemy and drove him over the fields forcing him to retreat to the further end of the town.

KINSTON, N. C., DEC. 14, 1862.