Part 10 (1/2)
Fumbling my words a bit, I said, ”Um...thank you. Well, I suppose I shouldn't be thanking you, because you caused it.”
”It was a long time coming. I'd wanted to throw you in the water since the first day I got here.”
”Oh really...”
”Yeah. Really.” He smiled mischievously.
”By the way, why are you still here?”
He squinted. ”What do you mean?”
”You could have easily gone back to New York with Jade. You know that.”
”Are you implying something?”
”I'm not implying anything. I just know that you've been using the Sandy's gig as the reason, and I find that hard to believe.”
”What do you want to hear, Amelia...that I'm here because of you?”
”No...I don't know. I-”
”I don't know why I'm here. Alright? That's the truth. It just didn't feel like it was time to leave.”
”Fair enough.”
”Are you done interrogating me for one night...pain in my a.s.s?”
”Yes.” I smiled. ”Payne in my a.s.s” was another name he used to call me. It was a play on my last name-Payne.
”For the record, I'm really glad you stayed.”
He shook his head and rubbed his eyes then said, ”Trying to hate you is exhausting.”
”So, stop trying.”
My teeth started to chatter; it was getting chilly out.
”We'd better go inside,” he said.
Following him to the house, I couldn't help thinking that the cold air outside had nothing on the warm feeling inside of me from having reconnected with him tonight.
”You hungry?” he asked.
”Starving, actually.”
”Go change. I'll make dinner.”
”Well, we gotta eat, don't we?”
”Yeah. I guess we do. I'll be back.” I smiled all the way to my room, giddy from the idea of him cooking for me.
When I returned with a dry outfit, my heart fluttered at the sight of Justin standing at the stove. He was still s.h.i.+rtless and wearing his gray beanie while frying some vegetables in a pan.
I cleared my throat. ”Smells good. What are you making?”
”Just a teriyaki stir fry with rice...seeing as though you have a limited palette. When the h.e.l.l did you stop eating red meat anyway? You used to be a carnivore.”
He must have remembered how much we enjoyed Burger Barn together in the old days.
”One day, I just woke up and thought about how bizarre it was to be eating a cow. It made no sense. And I just stopped cold turkey.”
”Seriously? That's kind of ridiculous.”
”You've always been a little bizarre, Amelia. I can't say that surprises me.”
I winked. ”That's why you love me.” I'd meant it to come out facetiously but immediately regretted using the word love given his prior admission. When he didn't respond, I panicked and diarrhea of the mouth developed. ”I didn't mean that you still love me. I was just joking. I-”
He held out his palm. ”Stop while you're ahead. I knew what you meant.”
I pursed my lips, trying to think of a quick change of subject. ”Do you think you'll go back to playing at Sandy's tomorrow night?”
”Good. I'm really looking forward to hearing you perform again.”
He grabbed two plates and emptied the contents of the pan onto each of them then slid mine across the counter. ”Here.”
”Thank you. This smells delicious.”
The dish he'd made was actually very tasty. He'd added sesame seeds and water chestnuts. ”Where did you learn to cook like this?”
”Self-taught. I've been cooking for myself for years.”
”Where are your parents now?”
”I thought we were done talking about this stuff.”
”Sorry. You're right.”
Despite his having said that, he looked up from his plate and answered my question anyway. ”My mother moved back to Cincinnati when I was in college. They sold the house. My father lives in a condo in Providence now.”