49 A Whole Lot of... Everything (2/2)
”Priscilla did open her mouth.” I chuckled at the thought of her staying quiet for my mercy.
Trigman spoke this time, ”I'm sorry. On Mapalla's behalf. We were not supposed to say anything. But this blabbermouth doesn't know when to keep his trap shut.”
I shot a glance at Kyo. She seemed down once again. She was darting her vision all over the steel box we were enclosed in. And when she couldn't find any place to concentrate on, she looked at me. She smiled at my blank face.
I closed my eyes for a second. Then looked at Mapalla and said,” Not right now.”
There was silence in the lift once again.
We had gone thirty floors up when Mapalla opened his mouth again.
”So, what are we doing here? You called us out of the blue and told us to come to Canada. I don't think you felt reunion was mandatory on foreign land, right?”
He had returned to be his normal self. His posture was not scrunchy. And his speech was not funny anymore. This was the person I could talk to.
”We are here to see Gian,” I replied.
I saw a small jolt shocking both men. They took a moment to comprehend this knowledge. Mapalla was with the expressions of annoyance, while Trigman didn't let any emotion come over his face. But I knew he was pissed too.
”Why? After all these years, why are we back on the starting line?” Mapalla said.
”It was not our starting line, Mappa. Have you no memory of Nepal?” Trigman said.
”No, I do. But I also remember all the changes that happened between us. And all of it was kickstarted by that woman. Why are we going back to her?” Mapalla pointed his question towards me. I tried to be smart with my response.
”Well, you said I needed to deal with my past. And here I am, on the other side of the world, doing just that. you cant blame me now.”
”Well, I can. Because you think of putting me and her in the same room. That doesn't sit well with me.”
I never thought Mapalla could be so adamant about something. His speech was rigid. His posture was stern. His mind was clear. And everything I had planned could go south if he…
”I'd go wherever you want me to go. As long as it doesn't involve that witch.”
…didn't say that.
The lift pinged once again and opened its doors at floor 77. Mapalla dashed out before anyone else and came across three doors. He swung his head sideways like a lost puppy and turned towards Priscilla's room. We walked behind him, but by the time we reached our room, he had already disappeared behind the door.
I fished my pocket for the keys but unfortunately, I had locked us out.
”Wonderful day, isn't it?” Trigman chimed.
”Please, not right now.”
Trigman let out a small laugh and headed back towards the lift.
”I'll go to the reception and get another key card.”
”You can just call them and get somebody to come up here.”
”We could. or you can take this time and explain the clueless Kiyomi what is going on.”
Trigman vanished behind the steel doors and I crumbled down on the floor. Kyo sat on the floor next to me.
”What happened between Gian and Mapalla, Mad?”
”Gian, and her husband Krash, spent a long time looking for me. There was a blast in Dhaka, where I lost my parents, I was presumed dead. Nobody noticed my admission to an orphanage. Or should I say that there was little to no media coverage of my survival. There I met with Mapalla and Trigman. They knew the corruption that ran through the orphanage, and how the head priest was a pedophile. So they took me, who didn't have the time to settle in with the circumstances and ran away. We found ourselves in Nepal. I was nine. The beginning was rocky, like every kid who lives on the streets. But after five years, I got wind of Gian and Krash looking for me. I contacted the authorities and they led me to them. Gian hugged me, and Krash sighed in peace. They left me with some money and went back to the USA to reverse my death certificate. A year later they returned for me, but I wanted Mapalla and Trigman to come with me. They were not happy with it. But I stood my ground and refused to come with them.
They left me a little money once again and returned with Trigman's visa, saying that Mapalla's was in progress. So me, Trigman, Krash and Gian came to New York for our further studies and elevated lifestyles. I was seventeen, just out of highschool. Trigman was too, and we were ready to go to college. But it was apparent that Krash and Gian were not going to let Mapalla come to us.
And that, is why Mapalla is less fond of Gian.”
I closed my eyes and crunched my teeth. I was angry at abandoning my friend. I was mad at Gian for betraying him. But I was glad I was out of the mess i had made back home. So, maybe I was happy coming away from Her.
It had been so long that I visited this confusion in my mind. And that too in the middle of this shitshow. I balled my hand into a fist and punched the door that didn't budge. I did it again. Nothing but a thud.
I felt Kyo's soft hand grabbing my fist. I stopped punching and turned to look at her.
”It wasn't your fault. You had one shot at a better life, and you took it. If I were you, I would have done the same thing.”
The wold seemed a little smaller now that I had her with me.