37 A Whole Lot of...Nothing (2/2)

My Yuri Harem Opinionhooman 48490K 2022-07-20

I knocked the third time. Unresponsive.

Amaan suggested to open the door, and while I resisted a little, it opened easily. She hadn't locked her door. Pretty balsy move for an adult woman.

We nodded to each other and swung the door inside, only to see Priscilla, naked, sleeping next to Brad, also naked.

We looked at Brad's toned, lean body and his soft blonde hair thrown over his face, and our heart skipped a beat. He was such a pretty man. We switched our target to observe Priscilla's bodacious frame that rested next to him. Her thick black hair shone in the sunlight, and perfectly complimented her fair skin.

After taking notes of their vulnerable selves we slowly closed the door and knocked on it heavily one last time. Seconds later we heard some murmurs and movements beyond the door before Priscilla greeted us in her panties. She had let her boobs taste the morning air, and I was jealous of her confidence.

Amaan told her that breakfast was ready. She kept on nodding while being half asleep but added to not check on Brad. She said that she'd wake him up, and shut the door behind her. We giggled at her expense and walked away. This would make for a nice conversation topic, I thought to myself.

Amaan and I walked a little more and we reached Madonna's room. Unlike Priscilla, Madonna had locked her door. But she answered us just after one knock. She was fully dressed in her yellow jumpsuit. She also had her hair in ponytails, which was a new hairstyle for her.

I looked at her for a while before I realized that Amaan was nowhere to be found. I saw her at the end of the corridor, where she winked at me before escaping from my field of vision. Now, it was just me and my wife on either side of an open door.

\Madonna had folded her hands in front of her. her head was down, just like yesterday. She rose her arms without looking and touched my cheeks. I was holding a mug full of cold coffee, and thus, couldn't repay the soft touch.

But I was wise enough to realize that it would be my mistake if I let my ignorance cloud my common sense. Madonna had done bad things in the past, but she did nothing of that sort since we were together. it was highly unfortunate for people she dealt with in the past, but she was a changed woman.

Therefore, I took a step back, put the mug down, and looked at her in the eyes. They were starting to produce tears. I couldn't handle myself and grabbed her face. I planted my lips onto her, and we kissed.

We locked lips, and the waves formed in my mind. It felt like my heart went into overdrive. Our bodies shivered every time our tongues touched each other. We let them play in each other's mouths as our saliva lubricated our parched lips. I could feel the heat that we shared, and it warmed my body as well as my soul. I could have shared the kiss with Amaan earlier today, and it would have felt like licking on ice. But this flame that lit in my throat could only be a reaction to Madonna's touch.

We separated from each other slowly, but the tender aftertouch of her kiss remained on my lips. I still had my hands on her soft face, which Madonna proceeded to grab and kiss.

”Kyo, I swear, everything I did, I did for a reason. I had been a rotten apple for a very long time. But I swear, I would never do anything to harm you,” Madonna said tearfully.

Seeing her teary face made me break down and I started sobbing with her.

I knew what she had said, I knew what she had done. But I also knew what meant.

And she was earnest when she had me on her mind.

How could I ever let myself forget that?!

”I apologize for behaving like a child. I should have never behaved like I did. I'm sorry I let my fear and anger take over me. And I'm sorry for not being able to understand your turmoil,” I confessed.

We cried a little, and then a little more before we collapsed in the hallway in each others arms. It felt good once I was in an embrace with the woman of my life. The dark tunnel had just become a little more illuminated.

We wiped our tears and stood back up. We grabbed each other's hands and started walking. It felt like we walked after our vows. It felt special, and yet it didn't feel pleasant. Of course I didn't make those feeling public because of my reunion with my wife. We kept on walking until we reached the table where we had our lunch a day ago.

It was empty.

”Here, Here,” We heard Amaan waving her hand at us from the bar. We reached the desired position and sat down at the bar. She was sipping on her whiskey fizz at eight in the morning. I marvelled at her capacity to gulp down liquor so early in the day.

As my mind boarded that thought train we heard footsteps coming from the corridor. It was Priscilla and Brad followed by three of Amaan's maids. The two guests sat down at the bar while the maids laid out the food in front of us.

”The breakfast is a buffet. Grab whatever, how much ever you desire. The only catch? No water. Only juice or liquor,” Amaan explained.

I sighed at her unconventional standards of greeting a guest, but it was interesting, if nothing else.

I grabbed one of the paper plates and loaded it with chicken, cheese, mushrooms, and sauce. I was kind of happy that there was no limit to food because I was hungry since yesterday. The state of mind had not at all changed since yesterday even post kiss. I understood Madonna, but I couldn't accept Madonna.

I was still immersed into these thoughts when Amaan broke the silence by declaring,” I know the mood is bumpy and you'd rather be somewhere else than sitting here. But this is crucial for someone. And that person is the couple with us. However, I am a person of love, and will never hurt a couple. Thus, I revoke myself from telling the tale between Madonna and I. However, that defeats the purpose of you people being here. And thus, I state that Madonna, you, will be the narrator of our story.”

Before i could have a bite, Amaan dropped a bomb upon us. The others remained unchanged, whereas to me, it felt like chewing on gravel. The uneasiness was back, and I was not able to hide it.