26 Disaster (2/2)
I tried to divert my mind from kinky equipment that Amaan had next to her bed and focused more on what Madonna would be doing. It was to no avail. I was too restless to go back and fall asleep like nothing happened. I had discovered another person's kink. A hobby. Her way of living. And that was drastically different to mine. Maybe I too had a couple of cuffs in my bed drawer, but a couple of them could never compete with Amaan's collection.
I shut my eyes and fell back on the toilet. It was cold to sit in the bathroom. I needed to relax. Relax my mind and body would do the trick.
So I decided to masturbate. In the middle of the night. In a stranger's bathroom. While sitting on her toilet. I started rubbing my clit. I slid my hand into my robe and touched my nipple. It was erect, trying to burst through the robe. So I opened the robe and swung it open, exposing my naked body to the cold air.
All this chill around me contrasted to the raging heat in my body. I continued to insert fingers in my vagina as I licked my finger and ran them over my breasts. I kept my moans to myself and resisted myself by stuffing my mouth with the robe. All the love I made my wife came back to me. Her, tied in cuffs, licking me down there while she rubbed her pointy nails into my breasts. Her tongue running up and down in my clit while I pushed her mouth between my legs.
my breath was getting uneven. My chest was bouncing up and down. I opened my eyes to take a peek at myself, and I liked what I saw. I switched from rubbing my fingers to inserting them as deep as I could in me. It was sensational. It was a different kind of arousal that no amount of fingering or scissoring would result. I put my fingers in my mouth to lubricate it and applied my saliva on my raging nipples. The moisture on them touched the cold air around, peeking my arousal up to heaven.
I was ready to come. I increased my speed of insertion and grabbed my breasts tightly. I wanted to contain my passion inside me as much as I could. Madonna always said I was a moaner. I accepted myself in that moment and screamed Madonna's name through the robe. Madonna was holding my breasts. She was licking me to my content. I was ready to release all of it in her. but then, she was not there anymore.
I blinked. And in that moment, Madonna was pushed away from between my legs. It was Amaan with a black strap-on and a whip in her mouth pushing herself into me. The pleasure increased tenfold. I let go of the robe from my mouth and lost myself.
Imagining Amaan's swinging breasts in front of me, while she breathed down my shoulder brought me jubilation. I continued fingering myself until I came. My body twitched until I opened my eyes. I looked around and saw myself as I spoiled the bathroom floor. I looked for some towels and dipped them in water before wiping the floor with them.
After flushing the toilet, I stood in front of a sink. I turned the hot water on and started rinsing my hands. When I looked up into the mirror, I saw myself smiling in glee.
That smile, it felt wrong. What was I doing?
I turned the tap off and splashed the remaining drops on my face.
Don't worry, it wasn't cheating. I was not cheating on Mad. Nothing happened. An imagination doesn't count…
I entered the room where Amaan was still fast asleep. I felt no shame or guilt when I looked at her. Given that I was looking at her by flashing my phone at her wasn't part of the deal, but still. All I could see was another woman sleeping on her own bed with no clothes on. And it'd be disrespectful if I didn't accept that.
Thus, to show that I accepted Amaan's ways and her hobbies, I undid my robe and walked to my side of the bed. I laid there with my back against her to resume my sleep.
If our bodies touched, it'd be bad. But if our bodies touched my mistake, it's be just a mistake.
I closed my eyes. I stretched my legs. I raised my arms over my head. Then I flipped myself. By the time my limbs relaxed, my leg was touching her thigh, my one arm was in contact with her hair, and the other one fell over her waist. The fact that our breasts were touching each other didn't make me uncomfortable one bit.
Relieved that I was doing nothing wrong, I smiled myself back to sleep.