22 Two Wishes (1/2)

My Yuri Harem Opinionhooman 32990K 2022-07-20

We were standing in front of a villa called 'Ant Hill'. Why would someone name a building which wasn't commercial? Did the residents always screamed the house's building when the walked through the front door?

This building was like a fortress. It contrasted its dark exterior from brightly lit street of Kathmandu. It seemed like a demon's castle in between a busy downtown.

I guess it did seem fantastic, that's why I was using fantasy as a metric.

Madonna was talking to a shopkeeper. I saw her slipping some money to him, followed by both of them looking at me.

Was Madonna going to sell me off?

I chuckled myself on the thought. But it froze my feet on the spot.

What was that chilling tingle in my spine? Why this feeling again. I turned my head immediately towards Mad's direction.

I'm safe, right?

She came next to me and handed me a metallic object wrapped in newspaper. I tried to unwrap it but she held my hands.

”No, don't do it unless you have to. Put it in your handbag.”

”What is it for?”

”Self defense.” She said.

”Why do we need this?”

”Trust me. It's easy to enter this building. But once you're in, its her labyrinth. Why do you think she named the most flamboyant building in all of Nepal 'Ant Hill'? its because it makes her the queen ant. Anybody else who enters her premise is just a worker ant.”

”But why not call it something like BeeHive then? Bees also have similar social structure, right?”

”Assaulting a beehive will reap one honey. Attacking an anthill will get you nothing but pain.”

Madonna explained the logic that I was better off not knowing.

”Mad, how long are we going to stay outside then?” I asked.

”Not much now. Keep your handbag on you at all times, okay.”

Saying that, she held my hand and we walked towards the front gate.

We were walking down the dimly lit corridor. It was uncomfortable to say the least. Mad was still holding my hand and that single contact with her gave me all the strength I needed.

We walked for almost forty meters before we encountered a door. Mad pushed it open and the bright lights on the other side blinded me momentarily. I flinched and opened my eyes to see a big room illuminated with various LED lights. There was a bar with almost endless amount of liquor in it, lit up by orange LEDs. The dinner table had blue lights around it. The couch was pretty well lit through the fire in fireplace. However, nobody was in the room.

”Kyo, take me to the bar. I want to have a drink.”

”Are you sure?”

We started walking towards the bar when the middle section of the bar started rotating. The shelves and the liquor were replaced by the host with even more amount of liquor behind her. She was wearing her hijab, but her body was covered with a see-through night gown. Her all black lingerie was in complete exposure. She was sipping on her champagne while smiling at us. Her body showed more features as we walked towards the bar. Her bra was not able to accommodate her plump chest. Her panties were pulled up to her waist, which I could not help but gawk at.

What did she smell like? I wondered.

How soft is her skin? I imagined.

I didn't know if I was walking towards the bar to get Madonna a drink or towards Amaan to sip on her champagne.

We finally reached the bar stools and I helped Madonna to sit on it. I took a seat next to her, and maybe my eyes played tricks, but I thought Amaan winked at me.

I took a closer look at her face and noticed that her smile was very beautiful.

Her sharp eyes pierced through my standards of 'SEXY'.

Her plump cheeks were white as snow.

How is it possible that I was able to look at a person more clearly in dim lights?!

Amaan put her glass on the bar and rubbed her hands together.

”So, Ladies, what would you like to drink?” She looked at Mad and said,” Madonna, regular for you?”

”No, I'll have Old Monk” Madonna answered.

She turned to me,” And you, Miss?”

”I, uh- Blue Label, please?”

She narrowed her eyes, took another glance at my face and broadly smiled,” Ooh, feisty.” She turns to Mad and says,” Madonna, your girlfriend has some exquisite tastes.” She turns back to me and says,” Sorry, honey. The professor's job doesn't pay well enough for me to afford that kind of luxuries.”