14 TIKTOK: 1:30/2:00 (2/2)
I twitched my eyes as the light hit my face. It was too bright to endure. Slowly, I opened my eyes and the beam of light hit my eyelids. I closed my eyes once more and started waving my arms around to save myself from it.
Suddenly I realized that everything was hot. SO HOT. It was supposed to be cold outside, and we hadn't cranked the heat in the house. It felt like being in an empty cauldron with a fire sitting below it. The only juices I was dipped in was my own sweat. I couldn't take it anymore so I jumped from the bed and dashed to the lobby.
I breathed heavily to catch my breath when Priscilla walked out of the room laughing maniacally. Before I could realize what was going on, I looked at the torch light she was holding. It was an LED light which burned my eyeballs moments ago. It was also this laughing beast who had cranked the heat of the room to dry-boil me.
”You-” I marched towards Priscilla at a breakneck speed and swung my right hand. She dropped her laugh and opened her eyes wide to receive an open hand slap straight to her left cheek. Instead, I grabbed her nape, pushing her lips into mine. My eyes were closed, but I bet her eyes were wide open at this subversion.
I locked lips for a minute before I let her go. This time, it was her who was catching a breath.
”Good Morning, baby.” She looked at my smug face walking past her.
I went into the kitchen and the lost lamb followed me.
”What do we have planned for today?” Priscilla asked.
”You need to work out. I will go to the Jango Night Club to arrange a meet up. In the afternoon, we'll go to the studio where we'll complete yesterday's recording. You record your best music when you're tired. In the evening, we'll meet up for a sexy dinner. Today is also one of those rare days when you can return home at 10 P.M.”
”Okay, got it.” She said. ”What will you do?” She asked.
”I just told you. I'll go to the club to arrange a meet-up, then I'll pick you to go to the studio.”
”Jango will probably take half an hour. I'll be working out for more than two hours. What will you do in the meantime?”
I turned around towards the refrigerator and looked for orange juice inside.
”Probably will take care of some business.”
I turned around with the carton in hand and pointed at some glasses. Priscilla trotted across the kitchen to get them for me. I poured the juice and handed the glass to her. ”Why'd you ask?”
Priscilla gripped the glass she was holding and answered, ” it's 1 P.M. right now. You always sleep that late when something is bothering you. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
I almost dropped my glass when I heard it. It has had been so long that Priscilla noticed even the minuscule changes in my behavior.
I collected myself before saying 'Everything is fine' to her.
There was some laughter following that, before I dropped a piece of news on her.
”Hey, Priscilla. I'll be in Asia for the next month.”
Priscilla's eyes sparkled,” Cool where are we going?”
I immediately corrected her,” No, not us. Just me. I'll be in Asia for a month to plan your Asian tour.”
”But, why can't I accompany you?” She made her drooping face to convince me.
”Because you need to finish up your album. I'll be visiting couple of countries to book your shows, and I'll be back in no time.”
”What countries would I be performing?”
”China, Japan, Thailand, India. That's all I have thought of right now. Do you have any specific choice?”
”What about Nepal?”
Priscilla's answer caught me off guard. ”No, Not Nepal. They don't have any big stadiums. And I don't think you have any audience in that country.”
”Why not try it?” Priscilla was getting persistent.
”There is no way they have a location to pack 50,000 people.” I offered my reason of resistance.
”But I looked online and-”
”Enough, Priscilla. Nobody will invest in a hole like that. So better concentrate on the given task. If you want to visit Nepal so much, take it to the sponsors.” Saying that I left the kitchen and dashed towards the washroom. I bolted the door behind me once I got in. I still had the glass filled with orange juice in my hand, which I proceeded to flush in the sink. I let the glass slip from my hands and it clanked in the porcelain sink before setting in the center of it.
I sat down on the toilet seat and cupped my face with my hands. It took every fibre of my body to resist myself from breaking down.
I had decided. Be strong.
I had a path ahead of me. Be strong.
I had experience of survival. You're strong.
Saying all that, I threw my head backwards while having my eyes closed.
It's all just a dream.