3 Chapter 3 (1/2)
It was January 19, Sunday, 10 p.m. Maria was seated comfortably in Santiago's silver car. Her face was calm, while Santiago tried his best to loosen up by taking deep breaths. There was no certainty that Maria would be able to accomplish anything, but it was better to try than not know whether he was just imagining things because he has gone crazy, or there really was an old woman ghost, and seven owners of the mysterious place that he couldn't enter. Nevertheless, he was scared to death, not only for him, but for the innocent-looking girl who rarely spoke. Will she be able to handle this supernatural assignment?
”Are you ready?” The question was for Maria, but deep inside, he was also asking himself.
As expected, she simply nodded.
”Since you don't talk much and we need to make sure we communicate everything we need to, and get a response tonight, I have recorded my voice, so all you need to do is give 'em this.” He handed a small grey tape recorder. ”You just have to press this button that says play. If they miss something I said, you can press rewind.” He explained, pointing at the button.
Maria nodded with the kind of smile that was meant to let him know she wasn't dumb.
”Also…” He took out a Motorola MicroTAC 9800X, the first portable phone that could fit in a jacket's pocket. ”Take this. This is a company phone and I have my personal phone as well. Do you know how to use this?”
She nodded, feeling embarrassed that Santiago had mistaken her for a dumb girl just because she wasn't the talkative type.
Dear God. Please help us and keep us safe from harm, he thought. ”Okay, let's go now.”
They stepped out of the car and walked the grassy path of Mystery Village, both with flashlights. It was more eerie that he had expected because it was nighttime, but at least there were lamp posts along the way that he hadn't noticed before. The sound of their tracks echoed until they passed by the abandoned office building and stopped in front of the metallic maroon gate. Santiago looked at Maria who didn't seem bothered at all with the eerie atmosphere, and found it weird that he, a man, was the only one whose knees wobbled at the thought of another paranormal occurrence. He started to feel very sensitive to his surroundings as he used his peripheral vision to detect if there was an old woman's presence; he felt relieved that there was none. He looked at Maria who was again sporting an all-white outfit: she was wearing a hooded long comfy jacket that was larger than her size, white top, white jeans, and white sneakers. Santiago didn't want to wonder why because there was no time. He looked at his watch which said 10:27 p.m. ”It's almost time. Let me try first if I can get in.”
Maria nodded and witnessed that the illuminated part had become more visible, until it reached the full moon stage. Santiago also witnessed it and at exactly 10:28 p.m., he kicked the left part of the gate. It hung open, while the right half stayed where it was. He stepped his foot and pushed his arms, but he had the same failed experience. ”Who the heck am I kidding? Of course, it wouldn't work.” He looked at Maria who was not confused, nor amazed. ”See what I mean?”
She nodded.
”Try it. Let's see if you can…” Before he could finish his sentence, he was slack jawed as Maria nonchalantly entered the premises. His eyes grew and he couldn't stop his mouth from opening wide. He had a huge hope that it would work, but he didn't know it would be that easy. He was thinking it would happen just like in the movies with slow motion effect and a triumphant music once she entered, but that was just all in his imagination.
Maria didn't give him time to further express his astonishment. She walked the grassless front yard until she reached the front door of the three-story building. She smiled at the sight of a doorbell on her left and turned to Santiago whose anxiousness had been replaced with optimism, waiving at her like a dad waiving at his daughter. Without further ado, she cheerfully pressed the doorbell.