Part 13 (2/2)

He looked the embodiment of strength.

”He ain't a bit like his father,” said some one.

”He 's like his father was in his best days,” replied another.

”He don't look like he 's over-pleased with the business. They say he did n't want to come.”

”Well, I guess it 's purty resky work gittin' up to speak before all these people that 's knowed him all his life, an' know where an' what he come from.”

”They say, too, that he 's some pumpkins out at the college.”

”I 'ain't much faith in these school-made preachers; but we' ll soon see what he kin do in the pulpit. We 've heerd preachers, an' we kin compare.”

”That 's so: we 've heerd some preachers in our day. He must toe the mark. He may be all right at college, but he 's in a pulpit now that has held preachers fur sh.o.r.e. A pebble 's all right among pebbles, but it looks mighty small 'longside o' boulders. He 's preachin' before people now. Why, Brother Simpson himself never would 'a' got a special dispensation to hold the church all these years, ef it had n't been fur the people backin' him up an' Conference was afraid they 'd leave the connection.”

”Well, ef this boy is anything, Lord only knows where he gets it, fur everybody knows--”


The buzz which had attended the young speaker's entrance subsided as Mr.

Simpson rose and gave out the hymn. That finished, he ran his eyes over the front seats of the a.s.sembly and then said, ”Brother Hastings, lead us in prayer.”

The old man paused for an instant as if surprised, and then got slowly to his knees. It was a strange selection, but we have seen that this particular parson was capable of doing strange things. In the course of a supplication of some fifteen minutes' duration, Brother Hastings managed to vent his spleen upon the people and to pay the Lord a few clumsy compliments. During the usual special blessing which is asked upon the preacher of the hour, he prayed, ”O Lord, let not the rarin'

horses of his youth run away with Thy chariot of eternal truth. Lord, cool his head and warm his heart and settle him firm. Grant that he may fully realise where he 's a-standin' at, an' who he 's a-speakin' to. Do Thou not let _him_ speak, but speak through him, that Thy gospel may be preached to-day as Thy prophets of old preached it.”

Throughout the prayer, but one thought was running through Frederick Brent's mind, and his heart was crying in its anguish, ”Oh, my G.o.d, my G.o.d, why do they hound me so?”

It is a terrible thing, this first effort before the home people, especially when home has not been kind.

When he arose to meet the people's eyes, his face was haggard and he felt weak. But unflinchingly he swept his eyes over the crowd, and that instant's glance brought before him all the panorama of the past years.

There before him was the sneaking Billy Tompkins, now grown to the maturity of being called ”Bill.” Then there was Dan'l Hastings. Oh, that night, years ago, when he had been marched up the aisle with crimson face! In one brief second he lived it all over again, the shame, the disgrace, the misery of it. There, severe, critical, expectant, sat his guardian, the master-hand who had manipulated all the machinery of his life. All this pa.s.sed through his mind in a flash, as he stood there facing the people. His face changed. The haggard look pa.s.sed away. His eyes kindled, his cheeks mantled. Even in the pulpit, even in the house of G.o.d, about to speak His word, the blood sped hotly through his veins, and anger burned at his heart. But he crushed down his feelings for the moment, and began in a clear ringing voice, ”Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” The lesson he drew from the words was G.o.d's recognition of the fallibility of human judgment, and the self-condemnation brought about by ignoring the prohibition in the text. By an effort, he spoke deliberately at first, but the fire in his heart came out more and more in his words as he progressed. ”Blinded by our own prejudices,” he said, ”circ.u.mscribed by our own ignorance, we dare to set ourselves up as censors of our fellow-men. Unable to see the whole chain of life which G.o.d has forged, we take a single link and say that it is faulty. Too narrow to see His broad plan, we take a patch of it and say, 'This is not good.' There is One who works even through evil that good may come, but we take the sin of our brother, and, without seeing or knowing what went before it or shall come after, condemn him. What false, blind, petty judges we are!

You women who are condemning your fallen sisters, you men who are execrating your sinful brothers, if Christ to-day were to command, 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone,' look into your own hearts and answer me, how many of you would dare to lift a hand? How many of you have taken the beam out of your own eye before attempting to pluck the mote out of your brother's? O ye pharisaical ones, who stand in the public places and thank G.o.d that you are not as other men, beware, beware. The condemnation that surely and inevitably shall fall upon you is not the judgment of Jesus Christ. It is not the sentence of the Father. It is your own self-condemnation, without charity, without forbearance, without love; 'for with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged.'

”Stand by the wayside if you will. Draw aside your skirts in the vainglory of self-righteousness from the pa.s.sing mult.i.tude. Say to each other, if you will, 'This woman is a sinner: this man is a criminal.'

Close your eyes against their acts of repentance, harden your hearts against their pleas for forgiveness, withhold mercy and pardon and charity; but I tell you of One who has exalted charity into the highest and best of virtues. I bring you the message of One whose judgment is tempered by divine love. He is seeing you. He is hearing you. Over the parapets of high heaven the gentle Father leans waiting to take into His soul any breath of human love or charity which floats up to Him from this sin-parched world. What have you done to merit His approval? Have you been kind, or have you been hard? Have you been gentle, or have you been harsh? Have you been charitable, or have you hunted out all the evil and closed your eyes to all the good? You have forgotten, O ye of little faith, you have forgotten, you without charity in your hearts, and you who claim to follow Christ and yet have no love for your fellows,--you have forgotten that G.o.d is a G.o.d of wrath as well as of love; that Christ hath anger as well as pity; that He who holds the hyssop of divine mercy holds also the scourge of divine indignation. You have forgotten that the lash you so love to wield over your brother's back shall be laid upon your own by Him who whipped the money-changers from His temple. Listen! The day shall come when the condemnation you are acc.u.mulating against yourselves shall overwhelm you. Stop trying to steal the prerogative of heaven. Judge not. G.o.d only is just!”

The silence throughout the sermon was intense. During the closing words which have been quoted, it was like a presence in the chapel. The voice of the preacher rang out like a clarion. His eyes looked before him as if he saw into the future. His hand was uplifted as if he would call down upon them the very judgment which he predicted.

Without more words he sat down. No one moved or spoke for an instant.

Dan'l Hastings let his cane fall upon the floor. It echoed through the silent place with a crash. Some of the women started and half cried out; but the spell was now partly broken. Mr. Simpson suddenly remembered to pray, and the gossips forgot to whisper when their heads were bowed.

There were some pale faces in the crowd, and some which the galling of tears had made red. There was in the atmosphere something of the same tense silence that follows a terrific thunder-clap. And so the service ended, and the people filed out of church silent still. Some few remained behind to shake the preacher's hand, but as soon as the benediction was over he hurried out the side door, and, before any one could intercept him, was on his way home. But he left a willing subst.i.tute. Mrs. Hodges accepted all his congratulations with complacent condescension.

”Dan'l,” said Thomas Donaldson, as he helped the old man down the church steps, ”I was mistaken about the docterns an' the whisky. It was stronger an' better, because it was the pure stuff.”

”I 'ain't got a word to say,” said Dan'l, ”'ceptin' that a good deal of it was jest sa.s.s.” But he kept mumbling to himself as he hobbled along, ”Jedge not, fur you 're a-pilin' up sentences on yoreself. I never thought of it that way before; no, I never.”
