Part 47 (1/2)

But William King interrupted him gently. ”I wish to speak to Mrs.

Richie.” And Dr. Lavendar held his tongue.

”I am sorry to bother you,” William said, as he held the gate open for her; ”but I felt I must speak to you.”

Helena made no reply. All the way down the street, almost to the foot of the hill, Old Chester's evening stillness was unbroken, except for the rustle of fallen leaves under their feet. Suddenly the great disk of the hunter's moon lifted slowly up behind the hills, and the night splintered like a dark crystal; sheets of light spread sharply in the open road, gulfs of shadow deepened under trees and beside walls. It was as abrupt as sound. William King broke into hurried words as though he had been challenged: ”I knew you didn't want me to walk home with you, but indeed you ought not to go up the hill alone. Please take my arm; the flagging is so uneven here.”

”No, thank you.”

”Mrs. Richie, please don't feel that I am not your friend, just because--Indeed, I think I am more your friend than I ever was. You will believe that, won't you?”

”Oh, I suppose so; that is the way saints always talk to sinners.”

”I am far enough from being a saint,” William King said with an awkward effort to laugh; ”but--”

”But I am a sinner?” she interrupted.

”Oh, Mrs. Richie, don't let us talk this way! I have nothing but pity, and--and friends.h.i.+p. The last thing I mean to do, is to set myself as a judge of your actions; G.o.d knows I have no right to judge anybody!

But this matter of David, that's what I wanted to speak to you about.

My responsibility,” he stopped, and drew in his breath. ”Don't you see, my responsibility--”

Helena did not speak; she was marshalling all her forces to fight for her child. How should she begin? But he did not wait for her to begin.

”I would rather lose my right hand than pain you. I've gone all over it, a hundred times. I've tried to see some way out. But I can't. The only way is for you to give him up. It isn't right for you to have him! Mrs. Richie, I say this, and it is hard and cruel, and yet I never felt more”--William King stopped short--”friendly,” he ended brokenly.

He was walking at a pace she found hard to follow. ”I can't go quite so fast,” she said faintly, and instantly he came to a dead stop.

”Dr. King, I want to explain to you--”

She lifted her face, all white and quivering in the moonlight, but instead of explanations, she broke out: ”Oh, if you take him away from me, I shall die! I don't care very much about living anyhow. But I can't live without David. Please, Dr. King; oh, please; I will be good! I will be good,” she repeated like a child, and stood there crying, and clinging to his arm. All her reasons and excuses and pleadings had dropped out of her mind. ”Don't take him away from me; I will be good!” she said.

William King, with those trembling hands on his arm, looked down at her and trembled too. Then roughly, he pushed her hands away. ”Come on. We mustn't stand here. Don't you suppose I feel this as much as you do? I love children, and I know what it means to you to let David go. But more than that, I--have a regard for you, and it pains me inexpressibly to do anything that pains you. You can't understand how terrible this is to me, and I can't tell you. I mustn't tell you. But never mind, it's true. It isn't right, no, it isn't right! that a woman who--you know what I mean. And even if, after all, you should marry him, what sort of a man is he to have charge of a little boy like David? He has deceived us, and lied to us; he is a loose liver, a--”

”Wait,” she panted; ”I am not going to marry him. I thought you understood that.”

He drew away from her with a horrified gesture. ”And you would keep an innocent child--”

”No! No! I've broken with him--on account of David!”

”Broken with him!” said William King; he caught her by the wrist, and stared at her. Then with a breathless word that she could not hear, he dropped her hand and turned his face away.

Again, in their preoccupation, they stood still; this time in a great bank of shadow by the wall of the graveyard half-way up the hill.

”So you won't take him from me?” she said; ”I will leave Old Chester.

You need never see me again.”

”Good G.o.d!” said William King, ”do you think that is what I want?”