Chapter 32: Escape Day (1/2)

Chapter 32: Escape Day

Facing Han Ling Feng’s questioning, Little Fatty would naturally not say the truth out. Regarding his Natal Artifact, he would not say anything about it even if he was beaten to death. Thus, he vaguely replied: “I was using a spell back then, thus it was s.h.i.+ning gold. But now, I am not using the spell, it would naturally regain its original look.”

“Oh, so it is like that!” Han Ling Feng replied half believing.

Little Fatty was afraid that she would ask further, so he quickly changed the topic and said, “Okay okay, now is not the time for this. It is more important to run!”

Saying that, he held Han Ling Feng and called out to Monkey. They ran towards the waterfall under the protection of the black iron bell. Despite the black iron bell covering their head, there were still Blood Ravens attacking the three of them from under the black iron bell. At least the Blood Ravens were reduced, thus being easier to deal with. Under the slicing and slas.h.i.+ng of their flying swords, it did not result in any trouble.

As the situation got better, the 3 of their moods also became more relaxed. Han Ling Feng couldn’t help but ask again, “Little Fatty since you have a magical tool with such a strong defence, why don’t we fly back directly? Why must we still hide into a cave?”

“I puke blood!” Little Fatty replied not knowing whether to laugh or cry, “Do you take me to be a deity? Able to hold this thing up and fly over 10,000 miles? Let me tell you, this black iron bell requires more Qi than flying on my sword. I can only hold it up for an hour or so maximum. With such a short time, we may not even be able to fly out of the Blood Raven Ridge.”

“Oh, so this magical tool requires so much Qi!” Han Ling Feng replied with shock. “But the way it seems, it has a very strong defense. Enlarging to this size doesn’t seem to be its limit. How much black iron would be required to make sure a black iron bell?”

“This is not the time to be caring about such things right?” Little Fatty laughed bitterly as he killed a Blood Raven. He then added, “All of you focus, I can hear that the sounds of the Blood Ravens becoming denser. As though they are still increasing in quant.i.ty.”

Just as Little Fatty said that he suddenly felt the black iron bell above his head sink. There were obviously more Blood Ravens which swarmed over. Their weight added together made Little Fatty have some difficulty breathing. After all, the black iron bell is relying on his Qi to float in the air. Thus, the bigger a pressure the black iron bell is facing, the higher the amount of Qi Little Fatty is expending.

Feeling the increased pressure, Little Fatty’s face became a little ugly. Although his negative water lightning did not come easily, but he did not dare to save it in such a moment. He quickly cast the spell and flicked a pearl out, and exploded it at the top of the bell.

With a loud bang, the Blood Ravens which were acc.u.mulated on the top of the black iron bell were all blown away. Although the explosion also resulted in some pressure for the black iron bell, but because Little Fatty controlled the explosion radius, the black iron bell was at the periphery of the explosion. Thus, he was not affected greatly by it.

After a large amount of death and injury of the Blood Ravens, the pressure on the black iron bell also reduced a lot. Allowing their speed to increase a notch.

However, this was just temporary. The quant.i.ty of Blood Ravens outside was far too great. The amount which Little Fatty blew up was considered nothing. Very quickly, there were countless of Blood Ravens which continued rus.h.i.+ng over. There was also an increasing number of Blood Ravens which was attacking them below, fiercely poking them with their sharp beaks.

In such a situation, Little Fatty and all could only hold on like they were playing with their lives. The negative water lightning was thrown in rapid succession. In order to protect Han Ling Feng, Little Fatty and Monkey intentionally placed her in the middle. Especially Little Fatty, there were many times where he used his own arm to s.h.i.+eld her from the Blood Raven’s attacks. Even though his skin was thick and would not be injured, but under the attack of the sharp beaks, he would still feel pain. A few times was alright, but every time the Blood Ravens attack, there would be dozens, if not hundreds of attack. Causing Little Fatty to break out in sweat because of the pain.

Monkey’s plight was the worst and he was filled with b.l.o.o.d.y scars all over. There were many places which had a piece of meat being pecked away. His whole body was filled with blood and almost became a b.l.o.o.d.y human. Under the both of their cover, Han Ling Feng did not receive as much injury. However, she still received some attacks, and her clothes were soaked in blood as well.