Part 41 (1/2)
n.i.g.g.e.r lifted his head high and whinnered shrilly at nothing at all.
This was another day; there might be hope!
The flies came and lighted on the crusted stain on the vest and crawled down inside the s.h.i.+rt ... and after an aeon a sharp, white wire of consciousness commenced to glow in Two-Bits' blank mind. The one hand--the gun hand--twitched again and the fingers, puffed from their cramped position, stretched stiffly, resuming their struggle for the gun where it had left off yesterday.
One foot moved a trifle and a m.u.f.fled cough sent a small spurt of dust from beneath the face pressed into it. Slowly the gun hand gave up its search and was still, gathering strength. The arm drew up along the man's side, the hand reached his face. Elbows pressed into the ground and with a moan Two-Bits tried to lift his body ... tried and failed and sank back, with his face turned away from the dirt.
n.i.g.g.e.r blew loudly and shook his whole body and stared. The other horse came up and stared, too; then moved toward the water hole, the precious water, and drank deeply. n.i.g.g.e.r watched him as though he, too, would drink. But he did not go; remained there, with the reins dangling among the flies. Now and then his nostrils twitched and fluttered; his ears quirked in constant query.
Noon, and another effort to rise. A muttered word this time and a squinting of the eyes that was not wholly witless.
Two-Bits s.h.i.+fted his position. He could see his tee-pee, his black kettle on the ashes, his water bucket ... his bucket ... water bucket ... water.... He worked his lips heavily. They were burned and cracked and his mouth was an insensate orifice....
After a time he commenced to crawl, moving an inch at a time, settling back, moaning. The crusted stain on his vest took on fresh life and the flies buzzed angrily when disturbed. His arms were of little use and he progressed by slow undulations of his limbs. Once he found a crack between two rocks with a toe and shoved himself forward a foot.
”d.a.m.n...” he muttered in feeble triumph.
A fevered glow came into his eyes. His breath quickened under the effort. He moaned more; rested less.
And behind, beside or before him went the excited n.i.g.g.e.r. He muttered softly, as in encouragement, doing his best to put his hope into sounds. His heavy mane and forelock fell about his eyes, giving him a disheveled appearance, but he seemed to be trying to say:
”You're alive; you're alive! You _can_ move after all; you _can_ move! Let me help! Oh, pardner, let me help you!”
The horse pawed the earth desperately, sending stones and dirt scattering, dust drifting.
”Keep on!” he seemed to say. ”Keep it up! I'm here; we'll get there somehow!”
Two-Bits gained shadows. The water was less than a hundred feet away.
He moved his head from side to side in an agony of effort and threw one hand clumsily before him. It touched sage brush and after moments of struggle he clamped his fingers about the stalk and dragged himself on, gritting his teeth against the pain. He reached a little wash and tried to rise to his feet. He could not. He floundered in effort and rolled into it, crying lowly as his torso doubled limply and he sprawled on his back.
n.i.g.g.e.r stood at the edge, snuffing, peering down. He kicked at a fly irritably and stepped down into the wash himself, nickering in tender query.
It took a long time for Two-Bits to roll over. He cried hoa.r.s.ely from the hurt of the effort and the fevered light in his eyes mounted. His mouth was no longer without sensation. It and his throat stung and smarted. Their hurt was worse than the weight of suffering on his shoulders.... He wanted water as only a man whose life is in the balance can want water!
Somehow he crawled out of the wash. It was fifty feet to the hole now.... He cut it to twenty and lay gasping, trembling, burning, n.i.g.g.e.r close beside him, first on one side, then the other, sometimes at his feet. Never, though, standing motionless in his path....
It was ten feet.... Then five. Lifting eye lids was a world of effort in itself. His mouth was open, breath sucking in the dust, but he could not close it. He made a hand's breadth and stopped. His limbs twitched spasmodically and drew up. He made a straining, strangling sound, gathering all the life that remained in his body. He rose on his elbows and on one knee. He swayed forward, he scrambled drunkenly. He pitched down and as he went he made one last, awkward attempt to push his own weight along. Then fell ... short.
The right hand half propped his body up. It slid slowly forward, impelled by the weight upon it alone, shoving light sand in its way....
Then went limp and extended.
The tip of his second finger just dented the surface of the water in the pool!
The horse switched his tail slowly, as if disconsolate at a waning hope.
”Hang it all,” he might have thought. ”Here I thought you were going to make it and you can't! I _wish_ I knew how to help!”
He sighed again, this time as if in despair. He waited a long time before drinking himself as if hoping that his master would move. But the body was motionless ... utterly. The shallow, quick come and go of breath was not in evidence. Two-Bits had done all that he could do for himself....
n.i.g.g.e.r moved to the lip of rock which held the water against the cliff.