Part 12 (1/2)
'Irreversibly to you, perhaps. The technology of these creatures predates yours by millions of years. Believe me, if they intend to fire these missiles of yours, they'll find a means to do so!'
'They simply won't have time, Doctor. As soon as I leave in the escape pod, this Base will be attacked by the forces of the East Bloc. Since the Base is helpless, everything in it, the creatures as well, will be destroyed.'
Suddenly Maddox appeared in the doorway to the computer bay. He was wild-eyed and hysterical, but he was sane again. For the time being at least, the savage cut-off from Nilson's device had cancelled the conditioning.
He waved the blaster at Nilson. 'You murdering traitor!
You made me kill Karina. Now you're going to die.'
Nilson's hand dived into his pocket and operated the control device. Maddox swayed on his feet, desperately trying to bring the blaster to bear on Nilson.
'I'm sorry Maddox,' said Nilson softly. 'Your usefulness is at an end.' He turned the control device up to its highest frequency. Maddox's face twisted in agony, his body stiffened, and he crashed to the floor like a felled tree, his brain burned out.
Preston ran to the body. She looked up. 'He's dead.'
'Leave him,' ordered Nilson. 'Over here!'
For a moment the Doctor was forgotten. Suddenly he flung himself across the room at Nilson, knocking the blaster aside. Nilson clubbed him savagely across the head with the control device in his left hand. The Doctor staggered and fell. Before he could recover, Nilson grabbed Tegan, holding her in front of him as a s.h.i.+eld.
'If any of you try to follow me, she dies,' he said matter-of-factly, and backed away from the Bridge.
Turlough, Bulic and a surviving guard were in full retreat by now. They dashed along the corridor, turned a corner and then found themselves facing a squad of Sea Devils.
The guard raised his weapon to fire and was immediately shot down.
Turlough stared for a moment in horror at the bulbous-eyed creatures and then threw down his weapon.
'Surrender, you fool,' he hissed. 'Throw down your blaster.'
Reluctantly Bulic obeyed.
The Doctor picked himself up and rubbed his aching head.
Lieutenant Preston was checking the computer.
Vorshak was listening to a report on his communicator.
'There's very little we can do, sir,' an anguished voice was saying. 'The Sea Devils have just breached the Bridge perimeter defences.'
'What about Bulic, and the boy Turlough?'
'No one's seen them, Commander. They must be dead or taken.'
Vorshak said, 'Doctor, I'm sorry...'
The Doctor picked up Karina's blaster from beside Maddox's body. 'I'm going after Nilson. Where's the entrance to the dock for the escape pod?'
Vorshak led him to a wall-plan of the Base. 'Here, Doctor.' His finger indicated a point on the map. 'The quickest way is along here, and then down here.'
With one quick glance the Doctor committed the map to memory and hurried on his way.
Sauvix strode proudly up to the Silurians. 'Your orders have been obeyed, Icthar. The way to the Bridge is clear.'
Turlough and Bulic had been herded into what looked like an empty store-room, with a Sea Devil guard at the door.
Turlough was by no means sure why they had been left alive and he had little confidence in this state of things continuing. 'We've got to get out of here, Bulic.'
Bulic, who had fought so hard and so long, seemed suddenly to have given up. He was slumped disconsolately in one corner. 'What's the point? Where could we go? The Sea Devils are all over the Base.'
Turlough was no hero, but he had the determination of a born survivor. 'We must get to the TARDIS. At least we'd be safe there, and if the Doctor can get there, we can still escape.'
There was a little window in the door. Through it Turlough could see their Sea Devil guard. He looked very alert.
Nilson was beginning to wish he'd picked a more docile hostage. His progress had been considerably slowed by the fact that Tegan had struggled every foot of the way, and she was struggling still. Nilson would cheerfully have killed her except for her possible value as a hostage. Once he reached the escape pod...
He shook her savagely. 'Be still, woman!'
He dragged her around the corner, and they found themselves looking at the body of the Myrka.
Intrigued despite his haste, Nilson paused for a second to examine the UV convertor. 'Ingenious! A pity all the Doctor's efforts were to no avail.'
'You haven't got away yet,' said Tegan spiritedly.
Nilson gripped her shoulder savagely, urging her onwards. Suddenly Tegan grabbed his arm and pulled him off balance. He lunged towards her. Tegan jumped aside, tripping him up. He fell, just as the Doctor ran around the corner.
'Tegan,' called the Doctor running forward.
'Stay where you are, Doctor,' shouted Nilson. He was still on the floor, but the blaster in his hand was levelled unerringly at Tegan. 'You were foolish to follow me, Doctor. Now drop the weapon, or the girl dies here and now.'
The Doctor tossed his blaster to the floor he'd never liked carrying weapons anyway. 'Let Tegan go, Nilson.
She's no use to you now.'
Nilson was scrambling to his feet, the blaster wavering between the Doctor and Tegan.
'Killing us won't make your escape any easier,' said the Doctor calmly. 'Fire now and you could bring every Sea Devil in the area running.'
Nilson said furiously, 'I am prepared to take that risk, Doctor.'
'Make a wish, Tegan,' said the Doctor calmly. Nilson levelled the weapon at the Doctor's head. 'Goodbye, Doctor.'
'Goodbye,' said the Doctor.