Part 10 (1/2)
'I know. Now it all depends on whether that bulkhead door can hold them.'
On the other side of the bulkhead, two of the Sea Devils were bringing up a bulbous-headed device, a kind of portable electronic cannon. At a gesture from Sauvix, they switched on the device and trained it on the door.
There was a steady hum of power. Slowly, very slowly, the surface of the ma.s.sive metal bulkhead began to char and crumble.
For the moment at least there was no sign of this on the other side. Vorshak and his men were able to s.n.a.t.c.h a few moments of much-needed rest. Medics appeared to tend the wounded, emergency rations were issued and suddenly Turlough came running up, blaster-rifle in hand.
'The Doctor and Tegan...' he gasped. 'Where are they?'
Vorshak looked grimly at him. 'So, there you are.'
Turlough had an uneasy feeling that the Commander was wondering whether to have him shot now or wait till later.
'Your friends are alive,' said Vorshak at last. 'At least for the moment. The Doctor's gone off to see if he can do something to stop this Myrka creature.' Vorshak smiled grimly. 'You might say that the Doctor is contributing to the defence of the Base just as you are.'
'I'm sorry?' said Turlough politely.
'You are volunteering your services to defend this bulkhead. Isn't he, Bulic?'
Bulic nodded, his face grim. 'That's right. We appreciate it very much. Now get over there with those guards in the front!'
Turlough looked at them in horror. He'd been acting with unusual bravery but only to try and help the Doctor and Tegan. The last thing he'd ever wanted was a hero's death. But it looked as if he was going to get one all the same.
Sabotage Lieutenant Preston was following the Doctor and Tegan along the corridor when there came a bleep from her communicator. She stopped to answer it. 'Lieutenant Preston here.'
The strained voice of a guard came over the intercom.
'The monster it's in corridor seven.'
'Try to hold it back as long as you can.'
'We'll do our best,' said the voice dubiously. 'But I wouldn't bank on it!'
The intercom flicked off.
The Doctor paused, trying to chart the Myrka's progress from his sketchy knowledge of the layout of the Base. 'It entered by airlock one, now it's in corridor seven. It must be making for somewhere...'
'It seems to be heading for the Bridge,' said Preston.
'Yes, that would be it. The Bridge!'
Lieutenant Preston reached for her communicator. 'I must warn them...'
'Later,' said the Doctor impatiently. 'Listen, do you have ultra-violet convertors on the Base?'
'Yes, I should think so. There are some in the Solarium.'
The Solarium was one of the Base's recreational facilities, a cunningly designed area where you could lounge beneath plastic palm trees on a simulated beach, against a back projection of tropical sea and sky bathed, of course, in artificial suns.h.i.+ne. It was designed to counteract the effect of long spells of undersea duty. It was said you could even get a tan if you stayed in there long enough, though few people bothered.
The Doctor was thinking hard. 'Good. Now, will the Myrka need to pa.s.s this way on its route to the Bridge?'
'From corridor seven? Yes, this is the main access corridor.'
'Perfect. I'll need the ultra-violet convertor brought here immediately please.'
Giving him a puzzled look, Preston switched on her communicator. 'Lieutenant Preston to tech. unit. Send a squad to the Solarium, dismantle the UV convertor and bring it to the junction of corridor one and the main access corridor. This is an emergency, priority one.'
The edges of the bulkhead door were charring and smoking like burnt toast, thought Turlough. Nostalgically he remembered the ritual of study-teas at his public school, with a terrified f.a.g to make the toast. He looked at the blaster in his hand and wondered what he was doing here.
Bulic stared at the bulkhead. 'It won't hold much longer.'
Vorshak was deep in thought. 'There's only one thing for it. We'll have to break radio silence, call Sea Base Command and ask for help. We need more men, heavier weapons... But if we do break silence '
'Every enemy listening post will pinpoint our position,'
completed Bulic.
'It seems we lose either way. But there's no alternative.
The way things are going, this Base could fall into those creatures' hands. Our people have got to know!'
On the other side of the door, Vorshak's opposite number, Sauvix, Commander of the Sea Devils, watched the operation of the heat cannon with quiet satisfaction.
The cannon was one of the most impressive achievements of Silurian technology. It built up and focused an incredibly powerful heat-ray. The bulkhead door was made of specially reinforced steel, several feet thick. Under the influence of the heat cannon, it was crumbling like the wall of a sandcastle attacked by incoming waves.
Sauvix looked around his Warriors. They stood grouped around the door waiting. It would not be long now.
A couple of technicians came staggering along the corridor carrying the UV convertor, a bulky silver box packed with electronic equipment.
'There you are,' said the Doctor. 'Just set it up over here, would you? And if you'd be kind enough to lend me that tool kit?'
Unclipping the tool kit from his belt, the technician handed it to the Doctor.
'That will be all,' said Lieutenant Preston.
'Ma'am.' The technician saluted and hurried away, glad to be gone.
The Doctor removed the cover from an electrical junction box and began connecting up the UV convertor.
He looked up at Lieutenant Preston. 'What do you think?
Will the lighting circuit bear the maximum convertor load?'
She shrugged. 'Just about! I'd better keep watch.'