Part 4 (1/2)
She stilled a moment, as caught by his smile as by his words. ”Invited where?”
”On our honeymoon.” Jack walked across the lawn to the carriage, his muscles rippling as Fiona clung
to him. ”We're going to London.” ”But I thought we'd live at my house!” ”With your brothers?” Jack scoffed. ”The ones who've sworn to kill every Kincaid they find? I think not.” ”But-” ”My lady?” It was Simon, the footman. ”Oh, ah, Simon,” Fiona said, wondering desperately what she should say. ”Simon, good man,” Jack said smoothly. ”Good news! Your mistress and I were married this morning.” ”Wh-you-the mistress-” Simon looked from Jack to Fiona, then back. Jack nuzzled Fiona's cheek. ”Tell him, love.” Fiona barely managed a smile through the s.h.i.+vers from his cheek against hers. ”It is true. We are married.”
Jack quirked a brow at the footman. ”So open the carriage door; we've no time to waste.”
”And hurry, before I drop your mistress,” Jack continued, walking briskly past the astounded footman.
”She may not have much height to her, but she's an armful.”
”Jack!” Fiona protested.
Simon scurried to the coach and threw open the door.
”Thank you,” Jack said, tucking Fiona inside, then settling close beside her on the leather seat. ”To London.”
”London?” Simon squeaked. ”But that's a long way-”
”London,” Jack repeated in a voice that brooked no argument. ”We'll stop along the way to change the horses. I have some boarded on the London Road.”
”Aye, my lord, but-”
”Now.” The word dripped with rebuke.
Simon flushed, then bowed and closed the door.
Almost immediately, the carriage began rocking over the uneven road. Fiona sent a sidelong glance at Jack, noting the hard set to his jaw.
This was it. She'd married Jack Kincaid and won his reluctant agreement to support her plan. Now she' d have to pay the price for that agreement.
London,her bemused mind thought. Her family was left behind. Her friends and the servants she knew and trusted.
In London, there would be no one. No one but her...and Jack.
Good G.o.d. What have I done?
Chapter Four.
Of course, pride and strength are not always bad. If ye're ever in a fight, ye want a couple of MacLeans with ye in case things go from bad to worse. If there's one word they dinna know, 'tis the word ”cease.”
The trip to London was long and tortuous. Though the carriage was of good quality-Alexander would have nothing less for his sister-it still swayed and b.u.mped over the roads because of the speed Jack insisted upon.
Fiona, heart weary, fell into a deep sleep after the first few hours. The next two days pa.s.sed in a blur. Every time the carriage stopped to change the horses, Jack would rouse her and escort her inside. There, she'd blearily partake of the inn's fare, then they'd be off, the carriage careening madly toward London.
Finally, late on the third day, Fiona awoke with a start. She'd been deeply and dreamlessly asleep. She lifted her head, blinking into the dark as she surfaced to awareness. Slowly, she realized she was in her carriage, snuggled in a corner, her cheek resting against...a waistcoat.
Fiona bolted upright. Jack. The marriage. London. Oh, G.o.d. She swallowed, painfully aware that her thigh was intimately pressed against his. She had been sleeping against him. She scooted to one side, pressing her hands to her face. ”What's wrong, love?” Jack's voice rumbled through her. ”Am I not soft enough?” Fiona closed her eyes a moment.Oh, please, don't let me have drooled. There was a spark and a flash, followed by a faint hiss, as Jack lit one of the lanterns that hung in the far corner. A warm golden glow suffused the coach and lit Jack's auburn hair to a deep, rich brown as he settled back in his seat, his leg once more against hers. Fiona's gaze flickered over his clothing. Thank goodness no splotch of drool marred his waistcoat.
Relieved, she smoothed her hair, pins scattering here and there, wisps of curls tickling her hands. ”Look at my hair!” She caught Jack's amused gaze and flushed. ”I must look a mess.” His eyes, almost black in the lantern light, raked over her, and a faint smile touched his lips. ”You look like a woman just roused from a very well-used bed.”
Fiona had an instant image of herself and Jack, unclothed, their bodies entwined, memories she'd thought long dead. She bit her lip, hoping the pain might drive out the thoughts. ”Don't attempt to seduce me with that look.” Her look was seductive? She lifted the edge of the curtain and regarded her face reflected in the window. ”I don't look seductive at all. I just look-Oh, blast! My hair!” Two large curls poked up in the back, giving her a faintly devilish look. ”Why didn't you tell me I had horns?”
”Perhaps I like women with horns.” He crossed his arms over his chest, looking handsome and wolfish. She tried to smooth her curls. ”So you like horns? It'sso tempting to make a comment about you and livestock.”
He burst into reluctant laughter. ”B'G.o.d, you are a fresh one.” ”I always was.” She gave her hair a final pat. ”How is my hair?” His dark gaze flickered over her hair, then lower.Much lower. ”I meant the hair on my head!” Jack's lips quirked in a smile, and he shrugged. ”I won't apologize for being a man.” ”You should apologize for being arude man.” She folded her hands in her lap. ”What did you mean when you said I was giving you 'that look'?” ”I find it very erotic when a woman bites her bottom lip.” ”You must be teasing,” she exclaimed. The blue of his eyes deepened. ”Youare an innocent, aren't you?” Her cheeks heated. ”You, of all men, know that is not true.” ”There are many kinds of innocents, Fiona.” She shrugged. ”I have no regrets about our previous relations.h.i.+p, except that it did not end as it should have.”
”That was not my fault.”
”Yes, it was. You were not ready to settle down.”
”I offered to marry you! I waited for you, but you didn't come. Instead, you sent your brothers with a
d.a.m.n note and-” ”You still had a mistress.” Silence met this. Jack's expression darkened. ”I do not see what that has to do with anything. Many men have mistresses. I wished to marryyou , Fiona. That was what should have mattered.”
An odd flicker of hurt burned through her. ”Our values are quite different. I would not have
countenanced my husband having a mistress.”
He shrugged. ”Perhaps I would have given her up had you asked. We'll never know, will we?”
”Do you have one now?” The question was out before she could recall it.
His lips tightened. ”That is none of your concern.”
Fiona realized that her hands were clenched into fists, and she forced her fingers to relax. Itwas her
concern. She could not accept a marriage that was othewise. And therein lay the only flaw in her plan: she'd married the one man she could not cajole, control, or persuade.
She regarded him from beneath her lashes. Every line of his body spelled defiance. From the way he planted his feet on the floor of the carriage, to the way his arms were crossed over his chest, to the proud tilt of his head, he was informing her without words that she had not won this battle. That she may, in fact, lose.