Part 1 (2/2)
She could only hope that the rest of her plan would follow so easily. Somehow, she greatly doubted she'
d be so blessed. She shrugged and said with as much cheerful indifference as she could muster, ”We found him.”
”In the road. His horse must have bolted.”
The priest did not look convinced. ”How did the lad get so wet?” He eyed her with deep suspicion.
”There's not been any rain in this part of Scotland in over three weeks.”
Fiona had to distract him. ”Hamish, can you awaken the lout? Father MacCanney will not marry us unless he's conscious.”
Hamish grunted, then bent over, grabbed the unconscious Jack Kincaid by the hair, and lifted his head.
Fiona's gaze fell on his face, and her heart leapt. Even splashed with mud, his dark red hair plastered flat from the rain, Jack Kincaid was painfully handsome. Fine, firmly cut features with a strong jaw and masculine nose, deep auburn hair, and, had they been open, the blue, blue eyes of an angel.
But angel he was not.
In the distance, a faint rumble of thunder caused the priest to look toward the open windows. Outside, bright suns.h.i.+ne warmed the stone walls, nary a cloud in the blue sky.
Fiona's gaze remained on Kincaid. It took all of her moral strength not to kick him-just a little-while he was so conveniently at her feet.
Since that dark day fifteen years ago when she'd discovered Jack Kincaid's true nature, she'd kept her emotions and thoughts about him locked away. She'd thought they'd died, but apparently some anger and resentment remained.
Still grasping Jack's hair, Hamish shook his head, then looked at Fiona. ”The jacka.s.s is not awakening.”
”I can see that.” Fiona sighed. ”Let him be.”
Hamish dropped his burden, ignoring the thud that made the priest wince.
Relief filled Father MacCanney's face. ”Ye can't marry him, then.”
”Yes, I can,” Fiona said firmly. ”He will awaken soon.”
The priest sighed. ”Ye are the most stubborn la.s.s I ever met.”
”Only when I must be. You cannot deny that 'twill be good for the lout to be in the care of a strong woman.”
”No,” Father MacCanney said in a constricted voice. ”I canna deny that.”
”I'll put up with neither drinking nor carousing. He will also be made to attend church regularly. Whether he knows it or not, Jack's wild days are over.”
Something like pity flickered over the priest's face. ”You canna make a person change, la.s.sie. They have towant to change.”
”Then I shallmake him want to change.”
The priest took her gloved hand in his. ”Why do you wish to embark on this madness, la.s.sie?”
”'Tis the only way to stop the feud. Callum's death must be the last,” she said in a hard voice.
The priest's eyes had filled with tears. ”I mourn your brother, too, la.s.s.”
”You cannot mourn Callum more than I. And as if his death is not enough to bear, my older brothers are calling out for vengeance. If someone does not stop this nonsense now-” Her voice broke.
Callum, beautiful Callum. Her youngest brother, with his quicksilver grin and equally fast flashes of temper, was now lying six feet under, a stone marker the only reminder of his life. And all because of an idiotic feud that began hundreds of years ago.
The MacLeans and the Kincaids had been fighting for so long that no one remembered the true cause of their hatred. Now, because of Callum's stupid refusal to let a silly insult from a Kincaid slide, things had come to a head. Callum had pushed the argument, pushed the fight. And paid the price with his life.
One blow, the edge of the stone hearth...and that was it. Callum was dead, and the banked fires of the age-old feud had erupted into flames.
The priest pressed her hand. ”I've heard that the Kincaids feel Callum's death was not their fault. That perhaps someone else-”
”Please, Father. Do not.”
The priest looked at her face. She knew what he was seeing: the circles under her eyes, the paleness of her skin, the tremor of her lips as she fought desperately to keep her tears at bay.
”Father,” she said softly, ”my brothers blame Eric Kincaid for Callum's death. Nothing I say can cool their thirst for vengeance. But if I marry Jack, he and his kin will be a part of our family. My brothers will be forced to let go of their plans.” Her determined gaze locked with the priest's. ”I will not lose another brother.” Anger surged through her, raw and furious.
Outside, the ominous rumble of thunder darkened the otherwise clear day. Hamish nodded, as if agreeing with an unspoken thought. Father MacCanney, meanwhile, paled.
The priest was silent a long moment, and Fiona could see he was on the verge of agreeing. He just needed a little push.
”Besides, Father, if I make this sacrifice and marry to end the feud, it might break the curse.”
Father MacCanney swallowed noisily and pulled his hand from her grasp. ”Hsst, la.s.s! I'll have none of that curse talk in this holy place.”
That was because he believed it. According to the old tales, a white witch, disgusted with Fiona's greatgrandfather's temper and self-serving ways, had declared that from then on, every member of the MacLean family would be given tenuous control over something as tempestuous as they were-the weather.
Whenever a MacLean lost his or her temper, lightning caused thatched houses to catch afire and made the ground tremble. Hail tore away the leaves of every tree and greenery within sight. Floods roared through the valley, ruining harvests, was.h.i.+ng away homes and, sometimes, people.
When the people of the village saw clouds gathering at Castle MacLean on the hill, they huddled in their houses in fear.