Part 45 (1/1)

Standing, Warren extended his demon's hand toward the corpse of his stepfather. ”Not you,” Warren said softly. ”You're not going to come.”

Flames jumped from Warren's fingertips and wreathed the zombie. It howled and beat at the flames. Sinew popped and cracked as it exploded from the heat.

Warren held his hands out, warming them in the heat given off by the demon. Then it fell. Warren stood there, watching as his stepfather's body burned down to ash on the frozen ground.

When the last ember had flickered out, Warren turned and led the undead army from the cemetery. It was time to get on with his master's work. Warren was looking forward to it. The more power Merihim gathered, the more that Warren got as well. Being independent, being strong and powerful, was worth every dark and dreadful thing Warren had to do.

But part of him still burned for vengeance against the Templar. He wouldn't let that need go unanswered.

He would find the Templar, and he would kill the man in the most painful manner he could manage. Soon.


About the Author.

Mel Odom lives in Moore, Oklahoma, with his wife and children. He's written dozens of books, original as well as tie-ins to games, shows, and movies such asBuffy the Vampire Slayer andBlade, and received the Alex Award for his novelThe Rover. His novel,Apocalypse Dawn, was runner-up for the Christie Award.

He also coaches Little League baseball and basketball, teaches writing, and writes reviews of movies, DVDs, books, and video games.

His Web page is, but he blogs at. He can be reached
