Part 3 (1/2)

”From his parents,” Mama said. ”Postmarked a week apart. It's a shame how slow the mail is these days.”

Supper was merry that night, somehow; Papa smiled, and Mama sang as she brought the bread to the table; even Benjamin's face looked more ... relaxed. Magali was going on about her new friend at the girls' school: ”Her name's Rosa, her parents run the Cafe du Centre, you know, the Santoros ...” She beamed, and stuffed a whole piece of bread in her mouth.

”Santoro? They're not French, are they?”

”Fe's Fpanif,” said Magali. She swallowed. ”I mean, she's Spanish. Or was. She says her father'll never go back now that what's-his-name won the war.”

”General Franco,” said Papa.

”Yeah. Him.”

”Your mother's got a new friend too,” said Papa. Mama gave him a smile like Julien hadn't seen on her in weeks. ”Sylvie Alexandre just asked her to join the sewing circle, so if you ever come home and the place is overrun with women, don't be surprised.”

They ate, and Papa began telling stories. About Charlemagne, whose army loved him because he lived in the field with them on campaign and who liked to swim in the hot springs at Aix-la-Chapelle with his knights-sometimes a hundred knights in the water at once. (”I hope they took their armor off!” said Magali.) About Clovis, king of the Franks, whose baptism was the only bath he ever took. And who didn't exactly turn into Saint Francis. Once his soldiers fought over a huge vase taken in the spoils of war, and one of them settled it by splitting the thing from top to bottom with his sword-and Clovis, when he heard, called the offender forward during troop inspection, took his sword, and did, well ... the exact same thing.

”And the moral of the story is”-Papa finished up with a twinkle in his eye-”don't let anyone kid you about the 'good old days.'”

Even Benjamin laughed.

Julien sat with Benjamin in every cla.s.s. It was great: a prime, closeup view of exactly how much smarter than him Benjamin was. Benjamin would sit drinking in Ricot's equations, while Julien struggled to keep his eyes open.

”Pierre Rostin, stand up!” Julien jerked awake.

Ricot, red faced, was pulling Pierre out of his seat by the ear. ”What did I just ask you, young man?”

Pierre stood, rubbed his ear, looked slowly around at the cla.s.s. ”Sorry, monsieur. Earwax.”

Ricot's mouth shut like a trap. ”Who proved,” he said slowly and loudly, ”that the earth rotates on its axis? And how?”

”Um, Einstein maybe?” Pierre yawned. ”Or, uh ... Napoleon?”

A snicker ran through the cla.s.s. Ricot's ruler hit the desk. He grabbed Pierre by the ear again and marched him down to the blackboard. ”You can stay right there, Monsieur Rostin, until somebody smarter than you has answered my question.”

Julien was wide awake.

Philippe didn't know; he had to stay standing behind his desk. So did Dominique, and Antoine, and Leon. Jean-Pierre. Gilles. Jeremie. Lucien. Half the cla.s.s was on their feet. Roland.

Roland would know. He paused, looking at Ricot.

”I'm sorry, monsieur. I'm not prepared to answer your question.”

Ricot sputtered. Julien began to chew his lip; three more guys and he was up. Um. Something about a pendulum ...

Benjamin raised his hand.

”It was Foucault, n'est-ce pas? He hung a pendulum, sixty-seven meters long. He set it swinging, and its axis swiveled slowly over twenty-four hours. And then he proved that it was really swinging in the same plane all along, but the earth was rotating beneath it.”

”Ah.” Ricot's voice was actually warm. ”Well done, young man.” He gestured at the cla.s.s. ”The rest of you morons can sit down now.”

They sat. Benjamin was smiling. Pierre, Julien saw, was not.

Julien caught up with Roland on the way out of school, crossing the bridge. ”You live in town?”

”No. Out that way.” Roland waved behind them at the dirt road that went south. ”I'm buying bread.”

”You lived here long?”

Roland gave him a little smile. ”Sure. About as long as that chapel there.” It stood on their left by the water, a humble little place; four black stone walls and an arched door, a roof of slates with their edges nicked and broken. It looked like it had grown there, out of the bones of the earth, and would still be there when the square concrete school had fallen to dust.

”I didn't know you were four hundred years old,” Julien said. Roland laughed.

”Who told you how old it is?”

”My grandfather.” Roland's eyebrows lifted, and Julien named Grandpa by his local name. ”Le pere Julien.”

”He's your grandfather?” Roland gave his head a shake. ”Did I know that?”

”Don't ask me!”

After a moment's pause, one corner of Roland's mouth turned up. ”You're named after him.”


”You should tell people you're from here. If they think you're from Paris, they'll ignore you. That's what we do here. That's what the estivants want.”

”Yeah? They don't want to play soccer?”

Roland stuck his hands in his pockets and kicked at a pinecone on the sidewalk. ”Hey listen,” he said suddenly, turning to Julien. ”Are you good? What position d'you play?”

”Center forward. Yeah,” he said simply, ”I'm good.”

”Just watch for when we're missing a player and jump in, okay? Don't ask. If you're that good, Gilles won't say anything. And Henri's not gonna take his ball home or something in the middle of a game.”

”Thanks,” Julien said, surprised.

”No problem. We need you. We need something.”

”Hey ... did you really not know the answer to that question?”

”Foucault?” Roland's quirky smile came back. ”Sure I knew. And Jean-Pierre knew. Pierre didn't, that's for sure.”

”So why didn't you answer?” said Julien. ”Was it some kind of prank?”

Roland gave him a sidelong look. ”I don't show up my friends for Cocorico, that's why. So he can call them morons.” He snorted. ”n.o.body likes that. You should tell your friend.”