Volume Ii Part 43 (1/2)
(1) Reise durch die La Plata-Staaten, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die physische Beschaffenheit und den Culturzustand der Argentinischen Republik. Ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, und 1860. 2 vols. Halle, 1861.
In a work on Argentine Ornithology it is hardly necessary to explain who Dr. Burmeister is. The Director of the Museo Publico is as well known in Europe as he is in Buenos Ayres. It should, however, be here mentioned that in the second volume of 'Reise durch die La Plata-Staaten' Dr. Burmeister has given an excellent systematic synopsis of the Vertebrate Animals of the Argentine Republic. Of the cla.s.s of Birds 263 species are enumerated as having been met with within the limits of the Republic up to that date, and references, native names, and general observations as to habits and localities are attached to each species. This is in fact up to the present time the best, or, we might say, the only authority on the Birds of the Argentine Republic.
Besides this, Dr. Burmeister has published several other contributions towards our knowledge of Argentine Ornithology, namely:--
(2) Sobre los Picaflores descriptos por D. Felix de Azara. Por Dr.
German Burmeister. An. d. Mus. Publ. d. Buenos Aires, tomo i. p.
67 (1864).
[An essay on the eleven species of Trochilidae, described by Azara, which appear reducible to six.]
(3) Extract from a letter addressed to Mr. Sclater on the _Tyrannidae_ found near Buenos Ayres. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 2.
[Contains a list of 10 species of this family.]
(4) Contributions to the Ornithology of the Argentine Republic and adjacent lands.--Part I. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 633.
[Notes on 13 species additional to those given in his Synopsis.
_Pachyrhamphus albinucha_ and _Synallaxis sulphurifera_ are described as new.]
(5) Letter from, containing remarks on the _Cracidae_ in the Museum of Buenos Ayres. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 701.
[Contains remarks on three Argentine species.]
(6) Synopsis of the Lamellirostres of the Argentine Republic. P. Z. S.
1872, p. 364.
[Contains notices of 24 species, including 2 Flamingoes (_Phnicopterus ignipalliatus_ and _P. andinus_).]
(7) Notes on _Conurus hilaris_ and other Parrots of the Argentine Republic. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 75.
[Describes _C. hilaris_ at full length from specimens received from Tuc.u.man, and gives critical notes on other species mentioned by Finsch.]
The well-known Ornithologist of Berlin has made several important contributions to the Ornithology of the Argentine Republic, namely:--
(1) Ueber eine Sammlung von Vogeln der Argentinischen Republik.
Journ. f. Orn. 1878, pp. 194-199.
[Gives an account of 29 species, examples of which are in a collection made by Dr. A. Doering, of Cordova, in the Sierra of Cordova. _Furnarius tricolor_, _Synallaxis sclateri_, and _Nothoprocta doeringi_ are described as new.]
(2) Ueber neue Arten von Herrn Fritz Schulz im nordlichen Argentinien entdeckt. Journ. f. Orn. 1883.
[The reports of the meetings of the Deutsche Ornithologische Gesellschaft, published in the 'Journal fur Ornithologie' for 1883, contain descriptions by Dr. Cabanis of the following 19 species discovered by Herr Schulz in Tuc.u.man and in other parts of Northern Argentina:--_Colaptes longirostris_ (_t. c._ p. 97), _Cinclus schulzi_ (_t. c._ p. 102), _Phlotomus schulzi_ (_t. c._ p. 102), _Chloronerpes tuc.u.ma.n.u.s_ (_t. c._ p. 103), _Troglodytes (Uropsila) auricularis_ (_t. c._ p. 105), _Scytalopus superciliaris_ (_t. c._ p.
105), _Orospina pratensis_ (_t. c._ p. 108), _Phrygilus dorsalis_ (_t.
c._ p. 109), _Buarremon (Atlapetes) citrinellus_ (_t. c._ p. 109), _Phacellodomus sincipitalis_ (_t. c._ p. 109), _P. maculipectus_ (_t.