Volume Ii Part 11 (1/2)
Fam. x.x.x. STRIGIDae, or BARN-OWLS.
+Strix flammea+, _Scl. et Salv. Nomencl._ p. 116; _Durnford, Ibis_, 1877, p. 187 (Buenos Ayres); _White, P. Z. S._ 1882, p. 622 (Misiones); _Withington, Ibis_, 1888, p. 468 (Lomas de Zamora); _Sharpe, Cat. B._ ii. p. 291. +Aluco flammeus+, _Barrows, Auk_, 1884, p. 29 (Entrerios). +Strix perlata+, _Burm. La-Plata Reise_, ii. p. 440; _Doring, Exp. al Rio Negro_, p. 49.
_Description._--Above orange-brown, marbled with ashy and white, and dotted with black spots with central white points; wings and tail crossed by four or five blackish bands; face silvery white, with a posterior and inferior border of orange-brown and black: beneath white, more or less suffused with tawny, except on the lower belly, and dotted with distinct rounded black spots; bill yellowish; tarsus feathered; toes slightly bristled; claws long and sharp: whole length 150 inches, wing 125, tail 50. _Female_ similar.
_Hab._ Old and New Worlds.
This widely distributed species is found throughout South America; and in its habits and sepulchral voice, as well as in its pretty reddish buff, grey, and white plumage, is identical with the European bird.
D'Orbigny expressed astonishment that this Owl, which is never seen in uninhabited places, invariably appears to keep company with man wherever a settlement is formed, even in the most lonely and isolated spots.
Probably it is much more numerous than most people imagine, sheltering itself everywhere in caverns and hollow trees, so that it is always present, and ready to take early advantage of the commodious church-tower or other large building raised by man. On the level pampas, where there are no hills or suitable hiding-places, it is rarely seen: it is exclusively a town bird.
Nothing more need be said of the habits of a species so well known, and about which there is so much recorded in general works of Natural History.
Fam. x.x.xI. BUBONIDae, or OWLS.
287. As...o...b..ACHYOTUS (Forst.).
+Otus pal.u.s.tris+, _Darwin, Zool. Beagle_, iii. p. 33. +Otus brachyotus+, _Scl. et Salv. Nomencl._ p. 116; _Burm. La-Plata Reise_, ii. p. 439 (Rosario); _Hudson, P. Z. S._ 1870, p. 800 (Buenos Ayres); _Durnford, Ibis_, 1877, p. 186 (Buenos Ayres), et 1878, p. 396 (Patagonia). +As...o...b..achyotus+, _Gibson, Ibis_, 1879, p. 423 (Buenos Ayres); _White, P. Z. S._ 1882, p. 622 (Buenos Ayres); _Withington, Ibis_, 1888, p. 468 (Lomas de Zamora). +Asio accipitrinus+, _Sharpe, Cat. B._ ii. p. 234.
_Description._--Above streaked and variegated with fulvous and blackish brown; face whitish, with a large central blotch of blackish round the eye; wings pale tawny white, with several irregular broad blackish cross bars; tail whitish, with four or five broad black cross bands: beneath as above, but much whiter on the belly, which is only slightly streaked, and without markings on the crissum and thighs; bill black; tarsi and toes densely feathered: whole length 150 inches, wing 130, tail 60. _Female_ similar, but rather larger.
_Hab._ Old and New Worlds.
The Short-eared Owl is found throughout the Argentine country, where it is commonly called _Lechuzon_ (big Owl) in the vernacular. Like the species last described--the Barn-Owl--it has an exceedingly wide range.
It is found throughout the continent of Europe; it also inhabits Asia and Africa, many of the Pacific Islands, and both Americas, from Canada down to the Straits of Magellan. Such a very wide distribution would seem to indicate that it possesses some advantage over its congeners, and is (as an Owl) more perfect than others. It is rather more diurnal in its habits than most Owls, and differs structurally from other members of its order in having a much smaller head. It is also usually said to be a weak flier; but this I am sure is a great mistake, for it seems to me the strongest flier amongst Owls, and very migratory in its habits, or, at any rate, very much given to wandering. Probably its very extensive distribution is due in some measure to a greater adaptability than is possessed by most species; also to its better sight in the daytime, and to its wandering disposition, which enables it to escape a threatened famine, and to seize on unoccupied or favourable ground.
The bird loves an open country, and sits by day on the ground concealed amongst the herbage or tall gra.s.s. An hour before sunset it quits its hiding-place, and is seen perched on a bush or tall stalk, or sailing about a few feet above the ground with a singularly slow, heron-like flight; and at intervals while flying it smites its wings together under its breast in a quick sudden manner. It is not at all shy, the intrusion of a man or dog in the field it frequents only having the effect of exciting its indignation. An imitation of its cry will attract all the individuals within hearing about a person, and any loud unusual sound, like the report of a gun, produces the same effect. When alarmed or angry it utters a loud hiss, and at times a shrill laugh-like cry. It also has a dismal scream, not often heard; and at twilight hoots, this part of its vocal performance sounding not unlike the distant baying of a mastiff or a bloodhound. It breeds on the ground, clearing a circular spot, and sometimes, but not often, lining it with a scanty bed of dry gra.s.s. The eggs are three or four, white, and nearly spherical.
The Short-eared Owl was formerly common everywhere on the pampas, where the coa.r.s.e indigenous gra.s.ses afforded the shelter and conditions best suited to it. When in time this old rough vegetation gave place to the soft perishable gra.s.ses and clovers, accidentally introduced by European settlers, the Owl disappeared from the country, like the large Tinamou (_Rhynchotis rufescens_), the Red-bellied Finch (_Embernagra platensis_), and various other species; for the smooth level plains afforded it no shelter. Now, however, with the spread of cultivation, it has reappeared, and is once more becoming a common bird in the more thickly-settled districts.
288. BUBO VIRGINIa.n.u.s (Gm.).
+Bubo virginia.n.u.s+, _Scl. et Salv. Nomencl._ p. 116; _Scl. P. Z.
S._ 1872, p. 549 (Rio Negro); _White, P. Z. S._ 1883, p. 433 (Cordova); _Barrows, Auk_, 1884, p. 29 (Gualeguaychu). +Bubo cra.s.sirostris+, _Burm. La-Plata Reise_, ii. p. 439 (Mendoza).
+Bubo magellanicus+, _d'Orb. Voy. Ois._ p. 137; _Salv. Ibis_, 1880, p. 361 (Salta); _Sharpe, Cat. B._ ii. p. 29.