Volume I Part 40 (1/2)
_Hab._ South Brazil and Argentina.
White obtained examples of this species on the Sierra of Totoral. He says it is a very wild bird and exceedingly scarce.
+Sittosomus olivaceus+, _White, P. Z. S._ 1882, p. 613 (Salta).
+Sittasomus erithacus+, _Scl. et Salv. Nomencl._ p. 66.
_Description._--Above olive-green, tinged with chestnut on the back, rump, and upper wing-coverts; wings black, the basal part of the inner webs of the secondaries fulvous yellow, forming a well-marked transverse bar; outer webs and broad tips of inner secondaries and whole of outer secondaries chestnut; tail and upper tail-coverts chestnut; beneath yellowish olive, brighter on the throat and breast; under wing-coverts fulvous yellow; under tail-coverts pale chestnut; bill and feet black: whole length 62 inches, wing 30, tail 30. _Female_ similar.
_Hab._ South America from Colombia to Northern Argentina.
This is a straggler from the north, a specimen of which was obtained by White near Oran in 1880.
+Glyphorhynchus cuneatus+, _Scl. et Salv. Nomencl._ p. 67; _White, P.
Z. S._ 1882, p. 613 (Misiones).
_Description._--Above olive-brown, superciliaries and small spots on the side of the head yellowish white, rump and upper tail-coverts chestnut; wings blackish, outer webs of wing-feathers olive-brown, basal part of inner webs of secondaries yellowish white, forming a transverse bar; tail chestnut; beneath earthy olive-brown, whitish yellow on the throat, and with spots of the same colour on the upper part of the breast; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet horn-colour: whole length 51 inches, wing 25, tail 24. _Female_ similar.
_Hab._ South America from Colombia to Northern Argentina.
This is another northern form of which White obtained specimens in Misiones. He says it is not uncommon there in the thick woods, also in the orange-groves about the Jesuit ruins of St. Javier.
217. DENDROCOLAPTES PIc.u.mNUS (Licht.).
+Dendrocolaptes pic.u.mnus+, _Scl. et Salv. Nomencl._ p. 67; _White, P.
Z. S._ 1882, p. 613 (Misiones).
_Description._--Above olivaceous brown; head blackish, thickly covered with yellowish-buff elongated shaft-spots; rump and upper tail-coverts tinged with chestnut; wing-feathers chestnut, tinged with olivaceous; tail chestnut; beneath pale earthy olive-brown, paler on the throat, the shafts of the feathers of the breast buffy white, forming long lines, the feathers of the belly and under tail-coverts transversely barred with blackish; under wing-coverts yellowish white, spotted with blackish; bill and feet black: whole length 105 inches, wing 47, tail 46. _Female_ similar.
_Hab._ Brazil and Northern Argentina.
White obtained specimens of this species at Concepcion, ”in the thickest parts of the woods, near the river, climbing up the trees, around which it turned in corkscrew fas.h.i.+on.”
[Plate X.]