Volume I Part 29 (1/2)

viii. p. 200 (Entrerios); _White, P. Z. S._ 1882, p. 606 (Buenos Ayres).

_Description._--Above dark ashy brown, with a slight olivaceous tinge on the rump; head slightly darker, with a more or less concealed white vertical spot; wings and tail blackish brown; tips of wing-coverts, forming two transverse bands, and outer margins of exterior secondaries dirty white; rest of wing-feathers and tail-feathers slightly margined with lighter colour; below nearly uniform pale cinereous, whiter on the throat and middle of the belly; under wing-coverts slightly tinged with yellowish; bill brownish; feet black: whole length 60 inches, wing 32, tail 30.

_Female_ similar.

_Hab._ Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guiana, Brazil, Argentina, Chili, Patagonia.

A widely spread species, very common near Buenos Ayres according to White, where it is found in the clumps of trees.



+Elainea strepera+, _Cab. J. f. O._ 1883, p. 215.

_Description._--Above dark greyish olive; head slightly crested, with a white basal spot; eye-ring white; wings and tail blackish, tips of wing-coverts rufous, slight margins of wing and tail-feathers olivaceous; beneath cinereous; middle of belly white; flanks olivaceous; under wing-coverts pale cinereous; bill dark brown, pale at the base; feet blackish: whole length 56 inches, wing 29, tail 27.

_Hab._ Tuc.u.man.

Dr. Cabanis established this species, which is unknown to us, on specimens obtained by Herr Schulz in the woods of Tuc.u.man. It is said to have a loud voice, and to feed on berries.



+Muscicapara viridicata+, _d'Orb. Voy., Ois._ p. 325. +Elainea grata+, _Cab. J. f. O._ 1883, p. 216 (Tuc.u.man).

_Description._--Above dark olive-green; head dark cinereous, slightly crested, with a large basal spot of bright yellow; lores and eye-region mixed with whitish; wings and tail ashy black, with slight margins of the same colour as the back; below pale cinereous; belly, crissum, and under wing-coverts sulphur-yellow; bill blackish; feet dark brown: whole length 50 inches, wing 25, tail 25. _Female_ similar.

_Hab._ South America.

The _Elainea grata_, based by Dr. Cabanis upon specimens obtained by Herr Schulz in Tuc.u.man, must, I think, be identical with Azara's _Contramaestre pardo verdoso, corona amarilla_, upon which Vieillot established his _Sylvia viridicata_. It is certainly, in my opinion, the _Muscicapara viridicata_ of d'Orbigny.

Herr Schulz met with this species in the province of Tuc.u.man, in the month of December.



+Taenioptera suiriri+, _Burm. La-Plata Reise_, ii. p. 460 (Tuc.u.man).

+Empidagra suiriri+, _Scl. et Salv. Nomencl._ p. 49; _iid. P. Z.

S._ 1869, p. 633 (Buenos Ayres); _Cab. J. f. O._ 1878, p. 197.

+Pachyrhamphus albescens+, _Gould, Zool. Beagle_, iii. p. 50, t.

xiv. (Buenos Ayres).

_Description._--Above cinereous; wings and tail blackish, all the wing-coverts and outer secondaries broadly margined externally with white; outer web of outer tail-feathers white; outer edges of primaries and narrow ends of tail-feathers cinereous; below white, under wing-coverts pale yellowish white; bill and feet black: whole length 55 inches, wing 29, tail 25.