Volume I Part 8 (1/2)
+Euphonia nigricollis+, _Scl. Cat. B._ xi. p. 61. +Lindo azul y oro cabeza celeste+, _Azara, Apunt._ i. p. 390. +Euphonia aureata+, _d'Orb. Voy., Ois._ p. 267 (Corrientes).
_Description._--Above glossy purplish black; rump yellow; cap and nape blue; front black; below orange-yellow, throat and sides of the head black; axillaries pale yellow; under wing-coverts whitish, inner margins of wing-feathers pale cinereous; bill black; feet pale brown: whole length 45 inches, wing 27, tail 15. _Female_ above olive-green, rather lighter on the rump; cap blue; front chestnut, with a narrow dark margin between it and the blue cap; below yellowish olive-green, brighter on the belly.
_Hab._ South America from Colombia to Northern Argentina.
This Tanager was obtained by d'Orbigny in Southern Corrientes.
+Euphonia chlorotica+, _Scl. et Salv. Nomencl._ p. 17; _White, P. Z.
S._ 1882, p. 596 (Misiones, Catamarca); _Scl. Cat. B._ xi. p. 64.
_Description._--Above dark purple-black; front half of the cap yellow; below yellow, throat purple-black; tail beneath black, with a large white patch on the inner webs of the two exterior tail-feathers; under surface of wings black, with a large white patch on the inner webs of the remiges; bill and feet black: whole length 33 inches, wing 21, tail 12. _Female_ above greyish olive-green, with a yellowish tinge on the front and rump; below rather more yellowish, with the centre of the breast and belly pale ashy, flanks and crissum pale yellow; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers whitish.
_Hab._ Guiana, Brazil, Paraguay, and Northern Argentina.
White obtained examples of this species at Concepcion and Catamarca. At the former place it was noticed feeding on the fruit of a giant cactus.
+Pipridea melanonota+, _Scl. Cat. B._ xi. p. 92. +Pica de punza azul y canela+, _Azara, Apunt._ i. p. 413.
_Description._--Above violaceous blue; while interscapular region darker, blackish; wings and tail black, edged with blue; narrow front, lores, and sides of the head deep velvety black, well defined; body beneath and under wing-coverts clear ochraceous; under surfaces of wings and tail blackish; bill black; feet brown: whole length 58 inches, wing 31, tail 22. _Female_ above dark brown, tinged with blue on the head and rump; below like the male.
_Hab._ South America from Venezuela to Paraguay and Northern Argentina.
This Tanager, which was found by Azara in Paraguay, occurs in Tuc.u.man.
An adult male obtained by Herr Schulz in this province is in the collection of Hans, Graf von Berlepsch.
[Plate IV.]
+Stephanophorus leucocephalus+, _Scl. et Salv. Nomencl._ p. 20; _Durnford, Ibis_, 1877, p. 170 (Buenos Ayres); _White, P. Z. S._ 1882, p. 597 (Misiones); _Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl._ viii.