Part 53 (1/2)
'It's a record, though,' said she, and hummed to herself:
'That flood strewed wrecks upon the gra.s.s, That ebb swept out the flocks to sea.'
'You're always singing that, aren't you?' Midmore said suddenly as she pa.s.sed into the parlour where slimy chairs had been stranded at all angles.
'Am I? Now I come to think of it I believe I do. They say I always hum when I ride. Have you noticed it?'
'Of course I have. I notice every--'
'Oh,' she went on hurriedly. 'We had it for the village cantata last winter--”The Brides of Enderby.”'
'No! ”High Tide on the Coast of Lincolns.h.i.+re.”' For some reason Midmore spoke sharply.
'Just like that.' She pointed to the befouled walls. 'I say.... Let's get this furniture a little straight.... You know it too?'
'Every word, since you sang it of course.'
'The first night I ever came down. You rode past the drawing-room window in the dark singing it--”And sweeter woman--”'
'I thought the house was empty then. Your aunt always let us use that short cut. Ha-hadn't we better get this out into the pa.s.sage? It'll all have to come out anyhow. You take the other side.' They began to lift a heavyish table. Their words came jerkily between gasps and their faces were as white as--a newly washed and very hungry pig.
'Look out!' Midmore shouted. His legs were whirled from under him, as the table, grunting madly, careened and knocked the girl out of sight.
The wild boar of Asia could not have cut down a couple more scientifically, but this little pig lacked his ancestor's nerve and fled shrieking over their bodies.
'Are you hurt, darling?' was Midmore's first word, and 'No--I'm only winded--dear,' was Miss Sperrit's, as he lifted her out of her corner, her hat over one eye and her right cheek a smear of mud.
They fed him a little later on some chicken-feed that they found in Sidney's quiet barn, a pail of b.u.t.termilk out of the dairy, and a quant.i.ty of onions from a shelf in the back-kitchen.
'Seed-onions, most likely,' said Connie. 'You'll hear about this.'
'What does it matter? They ought to have been gilded. We must buy him.'
'And keep him as long as he lives,' she agreed. 'But I think I ought to go home now. You see, when I came out I didn't expect ... Did you?'
'No! Yes.... It had to come.... But if any one had told me an hour ago!... Sidney's unspeakable parlour--and the mud on the carpet.'
'Oh, I say! Is my cheek clean now?'
'Not quite. Lend me your hanky again a minute, darling.... What a purler you came!'
'You can't talk. 'Remember when your chin hit that table and you said ”blast”! I was just going to laugh.'
'You didn't laugh when I picked you up. You were going ”oo-oo-oo” like a little owl.'
'My dear child--'
'Say that again!'