Vol 1 Chapter 5 (1/2)
Translator: Giraffe
Proofreader: Puttty
Proofreader: A few chapters back you’ve heard the YuanLi? Well now it’s The Force. Also, forgive puttty if you see a casual Thousand Night, when Girraffe did this, she was baffled at how a thousand nights is a living being.
Chapter 5: Eternal Night and Dawn
Being mentally and physically tired, QianYe fell asleep in an instant.
But only three hours has pa.s.s and Qianye heard a piercing sound that woke him up. It was as if Longhai’s orders entered his brains, he immediately woke up, grabbed onto his s.h.i.+rt that was at the corner of his bed. Wore it at his fastest speed and in midst these actions, he inevitably agitated his wounds, thus sighed in pain.
From waking up to gathering, the kids only had 5 minutes, the last three would receive 3 whips as punishment.
QianYe was numb to everything, from the lining up, listening to the orders-running up the small hill for around 5 kilometres to the finish line, he was numb to all of it.
Thanks to his survival experiences in the landfills, Qianye performed pretty well during the run, he was the tenth to finish the run.
Following that was an hour of fitness training, those that did not finish the training would receive a whip. The scrawny QianYe received a whipping, unfortunately.
But that was just the beginning, in the next training, the whips will be the most profound to the kids.
After the fitness training, it was lunch time.
Breakfast was the most rewarding out of the training camp, not only because of the wide variety of food, but also because it was unlimited. The only thing that was limited was time, the kids were given 30 minutes to eat and to them, it was more than enough, thus n.o.body ever exceeded that timing.
After a day of experience, the kids understood that anything that exceeds the time limit meant a whipping.
The death camp consisted of kids from prominent families, however a huge amount comes from the commoners, whereas some along with Qianye were orphans that experienced much. Upon seeing the feast, the kids that had perpetual struggles with hunger lost control and eat with all their might, as though they were afraid that they can never get such a chance anymore.
QianYe ate diligently, eating slightly fuller than before, and stopped. In the rubbish dump, he occasionally saw those that accidently picked up bags of food but in the end they died due to eating too much.
When breakfast was over, the bell rang persistently. The kids dashed out in waves, similar a waterfall. At this moment, an accident occurred. A small girl suddenly fell to the ground and were cringing and moaning in pain. But after a while, she kept still.
She had eaten too much, and gave away her own life in return.
This breakfast and girl taught the kids how to survive.
After breakfast, it was training again. The entire day was just filled with all kinds of training, all of it was related to stamina and determination.
After 30 minutes has pa.s.sed for the training, Qianye felt as though he could not continue anymore. But he persevered due to his stubbornness and determination. He would let his small body do a particular action numbly till he finishes it. The days in the landfills taught him that by clenching his teeth, he can see tomorrow even during despair.
When he could finally lie on his bed again, he did not know how he got by this day. Once again, he did not hurt himself and slept. With his back having 3 whip marks.
The moment he went to bed, he fell asleep. He had a dream that night, in the dream which included whipping sounds that filled the air.
Dawn at 6, the piercing alarm woke thousand night again. He jumped off the bed, and with his own abilities wore his clothes and dashed out his bunk. Throughout the routines, he’s eyes were not even fully opened.
The moment he exited his bunk, the sun rays that seemingly welcomed him pierced his eyes. He suddenly recalled that it should be the dark season, why was it that there was sun rays 6am in the morning?
Next moment , he then remembered that he was no longer at the landfill but was at the empire at the middle continent: Qin. In here the sun rays are not normally blocked, thus there were sunlight at 6 am.
QianYe just blinked his eyes and went to his position and stood still like a pen.
A new day had just begun.
This day, what was most vivid to Qianye was still the whips in the officer’s hand. Due to him not meeting the time limit for a task, he had received a whip.
The other kids were not any different, only those few stronger kids did not receive whipping. The weakest received 5 lashes and fell on the floor, incapable of gathering strength to climb up. He was immediately pulled out of training and was never seen again.