Vol 1 Chapter 2 (1/2)

Wait, wait! Before you go! I know, I know it’s a VAMPIRE novel. I read ahead, it was beautiful. There’s 3 reasons I decided not to drop this, you’ll see, I can’t give spoilers, I had read ahead to chapter 7 and decided that the beginning is BEAUTIFUL trust puttty. So, please give it a chance (・◇・)/~~~.

s.h.i.+njoiu: I had a choice between a GoT chapter and this, so… I thought I might be mean and continue the cliff hanger. Expect GoT’s next chapter in 24 hours or so.

Also, if this novel has any of those stupid romance elements, I’ll drop it, I mean puttty is here for the blood! (And I wasn’t disappointed (^ν^))

I mean, in terms of ranking, this is a few places higher than GoT! (^O^☆♪

King of the Eternal Night Chapter 2: The Standing Silence.

(Please read the note if you want desu~)

(Apology chapter!)

The boy was pulled out of his little nest without suspense. The remaining half of the bread wasn’t able to escape, and was placed into the hands of the strongest child. These kids were all over the age of ten, the leader already 12.

The leader of the big children took a deep whiff of the bread’s aroma, and, without hesitation, he plucked off a big piece and shoved it into his mouth, swallowing it in an instant. The watching children at the side had their mouths full of drool.

The one mouthful of bread did not calm the bigger child’s anger. Instead, his eyes turned red. “How dare you to hide food! Where’s the other half? Where did you hide it? Not speaking? Hit him!!”

The little boy was kicked onto the ground as a large number of big children crowded around, kicking and punching him, putting their full strength into every strike. The small boy was like a doll, rolling around as they hit him.

The little girl took two steps back as she panicked. She knew that if the little boy said that he had given the other half of the bread to her, then she would most likely be beaten to death on the spot.

However, the little boy’s mouth was sealed shut. He did not speak a single sentence. He didn’t even make a groan, he merely silently withstood the beating.

Finally the big children got tired from beating him, and their hands gradually slowed down. They had already searched the little nest of the small boy and got the same result, nothing.

“It looks like that other half was eaten by him!” A big child spoke hatefully.

“Cut open his stomach! Maybe we can still find it!” Another scrawny dark skinned big child spoke up maliciously.

The leader of the big children viciously kicked the small boy “Where’s the other half?! If it was you who ate it, then go and die!”

The little girl’s face instantly went ghastly pale.

But to her surprise, the boy did not speak but struggled to stand up.

The boy’s mouth moved as if he was speaking, but no one could hear him clearly. The big children involuntary moved to the small body, wanting to hear what he was saying.

The small boy’s right fist suddenly rose and viciously rammed into the big child’s face!

The big child made a pitiful noise, and, covering his face, he staggered backwards. His face was extremely b.l.o.o.d.y. While the boy was being hit around, he had secretly grabbed hold of a metal sheet. When he struck, the sharp edge protruded from his fingers, cruelly slicing open the face of the big child.

“Hit him! Hit him to death!” The injured big child shouted madly as he covered his face.

The small boy fought desperately, but was. .h.i.t to the ground again at the blink of an eye. Gritting his teeth, he pulled his small body together in attempt of protecting it. He did not plead for mercy or even make a noise.

The big children had become tired again, and their hands stopped. The child who had been injured was not satisfied and pulled the small boy up, wanting to speak. However, he did not expect the small boy find the strength to smash his head into the his face!

The big child’s nose instantly caved in.

Covering his face he cried pitifully in pain. The other big children looked at the small boy, and were shocked to notice a sense of dread in their hearts. With those kind of wounds, they would probably not be able to hang on. No one knew what kind of power supported the small boy enough that he could continue standing.

This time, without any instructions, the big children gathered again to cruelly beat the small boy down. Once they had become tired again, the small boy only moved slightly, and unstably stood up again.

This was an incomparably stubborn child. Even if he died, he would die standing.

“Let’s kill him!” A big child suggested, his voice shaking. If they did not kill this small boy, then he felt that he would not be able to sleep peacefully in the future.

No one echoed his suggestion, but the small boy was beaten down yet again. This time the big children’s blows were much softer. They were scared and tired at the same time. Their loot today was very small, and their physical strength was also limited. If it wasn’t for the Blood Moon’s maniac effect of catharsis, then perhaps they would have sped off after obtaining the bread.

The big children had currently hit him to the point where their legs were wobbly and their hips hurt and had decided to stop. Suddenly, a tiny silhouette suddenly appeared at their sides.

That was a small girl carrying a stone that was rather big in size for her. She carried it with difficulty and squeezed through the crowd.

The big children all stared shocked at her. Her beautiful face was distorted with determination and madness. She shakily raised the stone on top of her and then smashed it down towards the small boy’s head with all her strength!

With a ‘Ping’ sound, the boy finally stopped moving, a pool of blood appearing under his head and gradually increased in size.

A wave of coldness pa.s.sed through the surroundings. The big children unconsciously took a few steps back, moving away from a small girl they could easily kick to the ground.

The small girl then ran towards the stone that had rolled to the side and struggled to carry it again. The stone was coated in blood. The girl’s body and face were similarly covered in blood. Her tiny frame staggered towards the boy, causing even the big children’s heart to run cold.

At this moment a gust of wind suddenly swept pa.s.s the landfill, twirling up the small pieces of paper. The originally cold night had become even more freezing. All the humans that had been rummaging through the rubbish had suddenly been thrown into a chill.