Part 43 (1/2)
Although Three Editions of the _Manual of Chemistry_ have already appeared, the present may be considered as a new work. It has been almost wholly re-written; everything new and important in the Science, both in English and Foreign Works, has been embodied; and it abounds in references to Authorities.
AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY: being a preparatory View of the Forces which concur to the Production of Chemical Phenomena.
By J. FREDERIC DANIELL, F.R.S. Professor of Chemistry in King's College, London; and Lecturer on Chemistry and Geology in the Hon. East India Company's Military Seminary at Addis...o...b..; and Author of _Meteorological Essays_. 16_s_.
* A FAMILIAR HISTORY of BIRDS; their Nature, Habits, and Instincts. By EDWARD STANLEY, D.D., F.L.S., Lord Bishop of Norwich; President of the Linnaean Society. Two Vols., with Engravings. 7_s_.
BRITISH SONG BIRDS; Popular Descriptions and Anecdotes of the Songsters of the Groves. By NEVILLE WOOD. _7s_.
OUTLINES OF GENERAL PATHOLOGY. By GEORGE FRECKLETON, M.D., Cantab., Fellow of the Royal Coll. of Physicians. 7_s_.
* POPULAR PHYSIOLOGY; familiar Explanations of interesting Facts connected with the Structure and Functions of Animals, and particularly of Man. By PERCEVAL B. LORD, M.B. Many Engravings. 7_s._ 6_d._
To trace the finger of G.o.d in the works of creation, to consider ”the wonders that He doeth amongst the children of men,” has ever been a source of the purest and n.o.blest gratification,--that moral gratification which a well-framed mind naturally experiences in contemplating Infinite Power working out the dictates of Infinite Goodness,--that intellectual satisfaction which attends upon our being allowed, even imperfectly, to comprehend some small part of the designs of Infinite Wisdom.
THE DOCTRINE OF LIMITS, with its Applications; namely, The First Three Sections of Newton--Conic Sections--The Differential Calculus. By the Rev. WILLIAM WHEWELL, B.D., &c. 9_s._
THE MECHANICAL EUCLID. By the Rev. WILLIAM WHEWELL, B.D., Fellow and Tutor of Trin. Coll. Cambridge. 5_s._ 6_d._
AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS. By the Rev. T.G. HALL, M.A., Professor of Mathematics, King's College, London.
12_s_. 6_d_.
Second Edition, corrected. 7_s._ 6_d._
DYNAMICS, or a TREATISE on MOTION; to which is added, a SHORT TREATISE on ATTRACTIONS. By SAMUEL EARNSHAW, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge. Octavo, with many Cuts. 14_s._
THE MAGAZINE OF POPULAR SCIENCE; complete in Four large Volumes, Octavo.
2 15_s._