Part 11 (1/2)
Some words purely French, not derived froarden, garter, buckler, to advance, to cry, to plead, from the French jardin, jartier, bouclier, avancer, crier, plaider; though, indeed, even of these part is of Latin original
As to many words which we have in common with the Germans, it is doubtful whether the old Teutons borrowed them from the Latins, or the Latins froinal; as wine, vinum; wind, ventus; went, veni; way, via, wall, vallum; , volvo; wool, vellus; will, volo; worm, vermis; worth, virtus; wasp, vespa; day, dies; draw, traho; taum, ?e????; over, upper, super, ??pe?; ao; fly, volo; blow, flo I make no doubt but the Teutonick is more ancient than the Latin: and it is no less certain, that the Latin, which borrowed a great number of words not only frohbouring languages, as the Oscan and others, which have long become obsolete, received not a few frolish, Geres, retained some derived from the Greek, which the Latin has not; as, ax, achs, le, rave, to scrape, whole, from a????, eta, p?????, ???at??, e?a???, ?????, ???, ?????, ??af?, ????? Since they received these immediately froe, why may not other words be derived ih they be likewise found a the Latins?
Our ancestors were studious to for, into monosyllables; and not only cut off the formative terminations, but cropped the first syllable, especially in words beginning with a vowel; and rejected not only vowels in thethe stronger, which see theht beco their order, that they ht the more readily be pronounced without the intermediate vowels For example in expendo, spend; exee; extractum, stretch'd; excrucio, to screw; exscorio, to scour; excorio, to scourge; excortico, to scratch; and others beginning with ex: as also, emendo, to mend; episcopus, bishop, in Danish bisp; epistola, epistle; hospitale, spittle; Hispania, Spain; historia, story
Many of these etyies are doubtful, and so are somewhat harder, Alexander, Sander; Elisabetha, Betty; apis, bee; aper, bar; p passing into b, as in bishop; and by cutting off a fro, which is restored in the middle; but for the old bar or bare,say boar; as for lang, long, for bain, bane; for stane, stone; aprugna, brawn, p, being changed into b and a transposed, as in aper, and g changed into w, as in pignus, pawn; lege, law; a??p??, fox, cutting off the beginning, and changing p into f, as in pellis, a fell; pullus, a foal; pater, father; pavor, fear; polio, file; pleo, i o into the ; apex, a piece; peak, pike; zophorus, freese; mustum, stum; defensio, fence; dispensator, spencer; asculto, escouter, Fr scout; exscalpo, scrape; restoring l instead of r, and hence scrap, scrabble, scrawl; exculpo, scoop; exterritus, start; extonitus, attonitus, stonn'd; stomachus, maw; offendo, fined; obstipo, stop; audere, dare; cavere, ware; whence, a-ware, beware, wary, warn, warning; for the Latin v consonant formerly sounded like our w, and the modern sound of the v consonant was foramma, which had the sound of f, and the modern sound of the letter f was that of the Greek f or ph; ulcus, ulcere, ulcer, sore, and hence sorry, sorrow, sorrowful; ingeniu, unless you would rather derive it froates, jett, projectum, to jett forth, a jetty; cucullus, a cowl
There are syncopes somewhat harder; from tempore, time; from nomine, name, domina, dame; as the French hoe; p?t?????, pot; ??pe??a, cup; cantharus, can; tentorium, tent; precor, pray; preda, prey; specio, speculor, spy; plico, ply; implico, imply; replico, reply; complico, comply; sedes episcopalis, see
A vowel is also cut off in the middle, that the number of the syllables ht; debitum, debt; dubito, doubt; comes, comitis, count; clericus, clerk; quietus, quit, quite; acquieto, to acquit; separo, to spare; stabilis, stable; stabulum, stable; pallacium, palace, place; rabula, rail, ral, brawl, rable, brable; quaesito, quest
As also a consonant, or at least one of a softer sound, or even a whole syllable, rotundus, round; fragilis, frail; securus, sure; regula, rule; tegula, tile; subtilis, subtle; nomen, noun; decanus, dean; computo, count; subitaneus, sudden, soon; superare, to soar; periculun; tingo, stain; tinctuo, paint; praedari, reach
The contractions may seem harder, where many of them meet, as ????a???, kyrk, church; presbyter, priest; sacristanus, sexton; frango, fregi, break, breach; fagus, f??a, beech, f changed into b, and g into ch, which are letters near akin; frigesco, freeze, frigesco, fresh, sc into sh, as above in bishop, fish, so in scapha, skiff, skip, and refrigesco, refresh; but viresco, fresh; phlebotamus, fleam; bovina, beef; vitulina, veal; scutifer, squire; pnitentia, penance; sanctuarium, sanctuary, sentry; quaesitio, chase; perquisitio, purchase; anguilla, eel; insula, isle, ile, island, iland; insuletta, islet, ilet, eyght, and more contractedly ey, whence Owsney, Ruley, Ely; exa and end e and o, according to the usual manner, the remainder xamin, which the Saxons, who did not use x, writ csamen, or scamen, is contracted into scan: as from dominus, don; nomine, noun; abomino, ban; and indeed apum examen; they turned into scia r to denote the ; thesaurus, store; sedile, stool; ??et??, wet; sudo, sweat; gaudiua; chause, chausse, French, hose; extinguo, stand, squench, quench, stint; foras, forth; species, spice; recito, read; adjuvo, aid; a???, aevue, ever; floccus, lock; excerpo, scrape, scrabble, scrawl; extravagus, stray, straggle; collectuo, recoil; severo, swear; stridulus, shrill; procurator, proxy; pulso, to push; calaeo, auxi, wax; and vanesco, vanui, wane; syllabare, to spell; puteus, pit; granum, corn; comprimo, cramp, crump, crumple, crinkle
Some may seem harsher, yet may not be rejected, for it at least appears, that some of them are derived froy is acknowledged by every body; as, Alexander, Elick, Scander, Sander, Sandy, Sanny; Elizabetha, Elizabeth, Elisabeth, Betty, Bess; Margareta, Margaret, Marget, Meg, Peg; Maria, Mary, Mal, Pal, Malkin, Mawkin, Mawkes; Mathaeus, Mattha, Matthew; Martha, Mat, Pat; Gulielmus, Wilhelmus, Girolamo, Guillaume, William, Will, Bill, Wilkin, Wicken, Wicks, Weeks
Thus cariophyllus, flos; gerofilo, Italian, giriflee, gilofer, French, gilliflohich the vulgar call julyflower, as if derived from the month July; petroselinum, parsley; portulaca, purslain; cydonium, quince; cydoniatum, quiddeny; persicu, as if it took its na; and thus the word gis thus interwoven; quelques choses, kickshaws Since the origin of these, and ht to appear no wonder to any one if the ancients have thus disfigured many, especially as they so much affected monosyllables; and, to , taking away, changing, transposing, and softening them
But while we derive these from the Latin, I do not mean to say, that many of them did not immediately coes, and other dialects; and some taken more lately from the French or Italians, or Spaniards
The sanifications, often has a different origin; as, to bear a burden, from fero; but to bear, whence birth, born, bairn, coinal, from fera Thus perch, a fish, from perca; but perch, a measure, from pertica, and likewise to perch To spell is from syllaba; but spell, an inchantment, by which it is believed that the boundaries are so fixed in lands that none can pass theainst the er, froood-spell, or God-spell Thus freese, or freeze, froesco; but freeze, an architectonick word, from zophorus; but freeze, for cloth, froout the cold
There areus, even monosyllables, co instead of conification of more words that one; as, from scrip and roll comes scroll; from proud and dance, prance; from st of the verb stay or stand and out, is made stout; from stout and hardy, sturdy; from sp of spit or spew, and out, comes spout; fro out, spin out: and from the same sp, with it, is spit, which only differs from spout in that it is smaller, and with less noise and force; but sputter is, because of the obscure u, so r, it intimates a frequent iteration and noise, but obscurely confused; whereas spatter, on account of the sharper and clearer vowel a, intimates a more distinct poise, in which it chiefly differs from sputter Fro a single emission of fire with a noise; namely sp, the emission, ar, the more acute noise, and k, thesuddenly ter l, isr, that is spr, i itself; to which adding the terour spr i; and lastly in acute and tre, denotes the sudden ending of any nification, of a single, not a co whatever has an elastick force; as also a fountain of water, and thence the origin of any thing: and to spring, to ger, one of the four seasons From the sa, sprig; of which the following, for the rosser sound, i, of a slenderer sound, denotes a smaller shoot In like manner, from str of the verb strive, and out, comes strout, and strut Frole; and this gl ireat noise, by reason of the obscure sound of the vowel u
In like manner, from throw and roll is made troll, and almost in the saraff or grough is coe froe
In these observations it is easy to discover great sagacity and great extravagance, an ability to do h It may be remarked,
1 That Wallis's derivations are often so e may be deduced from any other
2 That he makes no distinction betords i copied froenius of the English language, or its laws of derivation
3 That he derives froreat harshness and violence, words apparently Teutonick; and therefore, according to his own declaration, probably older than the tongue to which he refers them
4 That some of his derivations are apparently erroneous