Part 32 (1/2)

Grabbing April's left arm, Jaz levered it behind her back while she bent low, clamping her forearm around her throat like a vise, forcing her head back as her knees kept April's torso pinned to the floor.

Jaz's arm was like a steel band, constricting tighter and tighter like some of kind of inexorable machine, crus.h.i.+ng April's carotid artery. Blackness crowded her vision. Desperately she clawed at the blonde woman's rigid muscles with her free hands. From somewhere far away behind her she could hear the sound of Flinders' screams, drowned out by Jaz's s.a.d.i.s.tic laugh loud in her ear and the pulsing roar of blood inside her skull.

Giving up on trying to tear the arm away, she jerked her fist up, smas.h.i.+ng again and again at Jaz's shattered nose, but she was only rewarded with more laughter.

Digging her knees deeper into April's back, Jaz squeezed tighter, bending her spine like a bow. Black shadows loomed all around the edges of April's consciousness. Her lungs screamed for oxygen. Her neck felt like it was going to snap in two.

Then suddenly the pressure was gone. A horrible cry of pain filled April's ears. With the last of her strength she rolled free, pus.h.i.+ng herself to one knee, fists up, her chest heaving with wracking breaths, seeing Flinders kneeling next to Jaz, her hand jerking back from the hypodermic sticking from the woman's chest, its plunger depressed to the maximum.

Flinders had injected a full syringe of steroids into Jaz's heart!

Jaz shrieked like a wounded animal. Blood gushed from her mouth. On her temple, the vein twitched and writhed. She had sunk her knees, her back ramrod-straight, her hands thrust apart in front of her, the fingers open as if in supplication.

Through a haze of blood the verdigris eyes s.h.i.+fted to look at them.

Then she toppled forward to the floor.

Slowly, Flinders moved her head up to meet April's eyes. Blinking, she found her and climbed to her feet, turning- She kicked Jaz's prostrate body...once, twice...

Then with a frenzy of repeated kicks, she struck her over and over and over...

Abruptly she stopped, her foot hovering in mid-swing. She was shaking, looking down at the dead woman. ”I told you I'd kill you.”

Then waves of shudders shook her body and tears cascaded down her cheeks.

Shoving to her feet, April put an arm around her shoulders.

Emotions tore across Flinders' face. For several long heartbeats she stared into April's black eyes. ”I thought you were dead. Is Park-?”

She broke off as footsteps pounded outside the door. Skarda burst into the room, his rifle raised. His gaze swept over the scene.

Flinders stared at him as if he were a ghost. ”You're not dead...”

He grinned at her. ”Not yet.” Glancing over at April, he said, ”Eleven minutes to go.”

Behind him, Rachel stepped into view.

Seeing her, April's eyes narrowed.

”She's with us,” he told her. ”I'll fill you in.”

”Okay,” she said. ”Let's move.”


From the doorway at the eastern end of Great Hall, Belisarius scanned the battle. Jaz's blonde head was nowhere to be seen.

That meant she was dead or wounded.

Either way, she was of no further use to him.

Ducking out of sight, he ran along the corridor of the T, coming to the gold storeroom that Tomilin had shown him. Without flicking on the lights, he stepped inside. On the brief prior visit his brain had already catalogued each artifact where it lay, and he'd already decided which pieces to take with him.

Cracking open his steel case, he looked down at the Emerald Tablet he'd already stolen from the mummy's throne room. An artifact like that would be worth millions on the black collector's market.

With an indulgent smile of avarice, he began to fill the case with gold.


In the weapons storeroom, Rachel helped Flinders into an armor-plated vest, then handed her an AK-47 and spare magazines.

April hefted what looked like a shotgun with a Tommy-gun-style drum attached. ”It's an AA-12 combat shotgun,” she said, smiling. ”It can fire five twelve-gauge shotgun a second, plus FRAG-12 rounds, which are basically little warheads. Good weapon.”

Shouldering the shotgun, she ran an eye over her three companions. Each wore a tactical vest whose pockets were loaded with grenades. Flinders and Rachel carried AK-47's, while Skarda had his Barrett.

And Rachel had filled an ammo bag with extra grenades. ”These might come in handy,” she said.

April nodded in satisfaction. The distant boom of explosions reached their ears over the insistent wail of the klaxons. ”It looks like we've got a war going on up there. But our objective is to reach the command center and stop them from firing the lasers.”

She turned to Rachel. ”I rigged the satellite dish to blow. Is there any other way Tomilin can activate the lasers?”

Rachel thought about it for a few seconds. ”I overheard him talking about a second dish on Roman-Kosh. If you wreck this one, they can probably use that.”

April shoved explosive frag rounds into the AA-12. ”I guess we'll just have to stop him the old-fas.h.i.+oned way.”


Reaching the top of the stairs, April stepped into a short corridor that led to doorways on either end. On their left was the doorway to the Great Hall. Through the opening they could hear gunfire and the screams of dying men echoing from the marble walls.

Skarda glanced at his Stealth. ”Six minutes,” he said.

Pulling out the remote detonator, April pressed the b.u.t.ton.

Nothing. Even with the battle raging, the explosion on the roof should have been audible.

”The walls are s.h.i.+elded!” she yelled. ”I'm going to have to go outside and blow it from there.”

She took off down the stairway.


A wind-driven snow howled around Belisarius' bare head. Ragged plumes of breath shot from his nose and mouth as he staggered over the uneven ground, struggling with the gold-laden case. His eyes were fixed on the landing strip and the Dussault Falcon, barely visible through the curtain of snow. It had been years since he'd flown a plane, but with Jaz gone, now he had no choice.

The muscles of his arms ached and his legs felt like sticks of lead.

But he was carrying a fortune.