Part 8 (1/2)

From behind came the scuff of a leather boot on stone. Wheeling on instinct, she rolled right, knocking Skarda down with a hard shove. An automatic rifle chattered. Slugs tore up the side of the column where April's head had been, sending chunks of marble flying. Slivers of rock sliced through her face and shoulders. Blood spurted. Then, with a loud crack, a sharp-edged block of granite broke off and struck her on the side of her head.

She fell, hitting the paving stones with a solid, final sound.

Rolling to his knees, Skarda got to his feet and scrambled toward her, his heart hammering in his throat.

Jaz took quick steps forward. ”Hold it right there, handsome.”

He whipped his head around, seeing her standing there grinning, pinning him in place with her rifle.

His legs felt like jelly. Blood pounded in his head. Turning back, he stared at the red mess that was April's face.

Then he slowly brought his gaze up to meet the woman's cat-like green eyes. The swollen vein on her temple throbbed like something alive trapped under her skin.

”You better hope she's not dead,” he said, struggling to keep the emotion out of his voice. But the intensity of his gaze made her take a step back.

Then she threw her head back and brayed out a laugh. ”And what are you going to do about it if she is, handsome? In case you haven't noticed, I've got the gun and you don't.”

Darting towards him, she rammed the b.u.t.t end of the rifle into his stomach. He let loose a sharp cry and sank to his knees.

Her eyes frosted ice cold. ”Don't ever threaten me.” She motioned with the barrel. ”Hands behind your head.”

Gritting his teeth, Skarda lifted his head, stabbing her with his eyes. He was glad to see the blood-soaked bandage wrapped around her left hand.

”Do it,” Jaz warned. ”Or I'll put a couple of bullets in her.”

He obeyed. But his gaze didn't falter.

”Gee, you look so tough,” she mocked. ”I am so totally scared!” With deliberate casualness, she leaned against a column, the rifle not wavering in her hands. ”Now,” she said. ”Where's your other girlfriend?”

”I don't know who you're talking about.”

Men with rifles stepped into view, taking up positions around them.

Jaz snorted, shaking her head in mock exasperation. ”Why do I even try?” She lifted her chin, calling out to the shadowed ruins. ”Okay, honey. Come out, come out, wherever you are. I'm going to count down from five and then I'm going shoot your boyfriend right between the eyes. Five...”

”Wait!” Flinders' voice was faint, m.u.f.fled by sandstone walls. ”Don't shoot! I'm coming!”

Inwardly Skarda winced. But he hoped she at least had enough presence of mind to hide the laptop.

Then his heart sank as she stepped into view, picking her way over fallen rock, computer and camera in hand. She gasped when she saw April. ”Oh, no! Is she-”

Jaz cut her off, gesturing with the rifle. ”Over there, honey. Next to handsome. On your knees.”

Flinders dropped down next to Skarda, setting the laptop and the Nikon on the paving stones.

April groaned. Her right leg s.h.i.+fted, sending loose stones rattling.

Jaz shrugged. ”Well, what do you know? She lives.”

Waves of relief washed over Skarda. As long as April was alive, they had a chance of survival.

”Now, ”Jaz said, singling out Flinders. ”Tell me what you found here.”

”We came up empty,” Skarda said.

Again Jaz shook her head. ”You're not playing nice again.” She let out a sigh. ”Okay, one more time.” Lowering her rifle, she aimed directly at Skarda's forehead. ”Five...”

Flinders' words spilled out in a rush. ”There's an altar back there and an entrance to an underground chamber. We took some photos, that's all.”

”Show me.”

Flinders traded glances with Skarda. Reluctantly he nodded.

Another low moan from April.

”Let me help her,” he said.

Jaz waved her index finger back and forth. ”Uh-uh. Laptop first.”

Flinders' hands were shaking as she opened the computer and booted it up. The photos of the pillars popped on the screen.

Jaz made a small sound of surprise. ”That looks like gold. And emerald.”

Flinders shook her head. ”No. It's asem.”

”What the h.e.l.l is that?”

”The ancient Egyptians were expert metallurgists. They mixed tin and copper to make an artificial metal that looked like gold. And the green stone is common crystal.”

An inward smile warmed Skarda. Flinders was catching on.

”There's no green tablet down there?”

”If there were, we'd have it with us,” Skarda said.

Jaz grunted, immediately losing interest. Motioning to her men to cover her, she s.n.a.t.c.hed up the laptop and retrieved the file of Flinders' recent doc.u.ments, opening the page that contained the translations of the hieroglyphs inscribed on the pillars. Then she ejected the Nikon's memory card and stuck it in her pocket, tossing the camera at the rocks, where it shattered. ”Good. looks like we got everything we came for. So I guess we won't be needing any of you anymore.”

Flinders glanced at Skarda, her eyes frantic. ”What are you going to do to us? We didn't do anything.”

Jaz grinned. ”Don't worry. It will be very painful and it won't be quick.”

Flinders gasped out a scream. Skarda put his arm around her shoulders. ”We'll be okay,” he said.

Jaz barked out a caustic laugh and signaled to her men. They dragged April to her feet, dead weight. Skarda watched them with deadly eyes.

With the rifle barrel Jaz motioned for Skarda and Flinders to move into the court. ”Let's go find this altar.”