Part 18 (1/2)

He did not finish for at that instant a m.u.f.fled cry came from the old cottage, startling both boys.



”What can that be?”

”Must be somebody in trouble!”

”Maybe it is old Duff!”

”Let us go and see!”

With these hasty exclamations both boys leaped from the carriage they occupied and ran towards the delapidated cottage. The cries continued, coming from somewhere in the interior.

”Wait--we'll look in the window first,” suggested Sam. ”Maybe old Duff is having a quarrel with one of his neighbors, and if so it might not be wise to interfere.”

There was a window with small panes of gla.s.s close at hand, and going to this the two youths peered into the cottage. To their surprise they could see n.o.body. Both lower rooms of the old building seemed to be unoccupied.

”Let's go around to the rear. Maybe the sounds come from there,”

suggested Songbird.

There was a path full of weeds leading to a rear porch that was almost ready to fall down. The back door stood partly open. n.o.body was in sight.

”The call comes from somewhere inside,” said Sam. ”Come on in. But be on your guard, Songbird. We don't want to get into trouble.”

Both lads crossed the rickety porch and entered what was the kitchen of the cottage. A musty odor pervaded the building, for old Duff usually kept everything tightly closed.

The place was in disorder, a chair being overturned and several cooking utensils littering the floor. On the stove, which was cold, lay a big carving knife.

”What do you want? Where are you?” called out Sam.

”Oh, help me! Get me out of here!” came the somewhat faint reply. ”I am in the cellar!”

”In the cellar!” repeated Songbird. ”Are you Mr. Duff?”

”Yes. Help me out, please.”

Both boys looked around for a stairs, but there was none. Then, to one side of the kitchen floor, they saw a trap door. It was shut down and bolted by means of a plug stuck through two staples.

It was an easy matter to kick the plug away and raise the trap door.

The boys peered down into the opening below and saw Hiram Duff sitting on the lower step of the stairs. He looked hollow-eyed and almost exhausted.

”What's the matter, Mr. Duff? How did you get shut up this way?” asked Sam, kindly.

”Oh, my! Oh, my!” sighed the old miser. ”Ca--can't you help me up the stairs? I am so--so weak I can't hardly walk. Where is the rascal who shut me up this way? I'll have the police on him!”

”Did somebody shut you up In this cellar?” asked Sam, as he and Songbird crawled below to give the old man a.s.sistance. They saw that the cellar was merely a big hole in the ground and the stairs were very steep and not particularly safe.