Part 25 (1/2)
He smiled. ”Yes. So far she's been right most of the time. All the dream does is confirm that someone is pregnant. She doesn't always know who. But once she says she's had a dream about fish, then everyone starts looking at each other suspiciously.”
”And how will you feel if they began looking at you?”
His smile widened. ”It wouldn't bother me a bit. So when will you know for sure?”
”I can always take one of those pregnancy tests. But I'm an old-fas.h.i.+oned girl and I prefer hearing it from a doctor. I have an appointment on Friday.”
”We have an appointment on Friday. We're in this together, and no matter the outcome, we'll leave there and go shopping for an engagement ring.” have an appointment on Friday. We're in this together, and no matter the outcome, we'll leave there and go shopping for an engagement ring.”
He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. ”How does a June wedding sound?” he said.
”That's only two months away,” she said, looking up at him.
He laughed. ”Hey, I met your mom. She can handle it, and if she needs help, the women in my family will be glad to pitch in.”
Sam's lips softened. ”In that case, I guess a June wedding it is.”
Satisfied, he pulled her closer and captured her lips in a kiss that was meant to seal what he knew was his destiny. She was the only woman for him, smart mouth and all. He would love her, adore her and cherish her forever.
Slade Madaris raised his champagne gla.s.s in a toast to the newlyweds. ”Today, Blade and Sam, the two of you have made the oldest member of the Madaris family truly happy.”
He glanced over at his great-grandmother and grinned before returning his attention back to the smiling couple. ”May today be the first of many days the two of you will share in wedded bliss.”
Blade took a sip of champagne and smiled at Sam. She'd had to settle for sparkling cider. Her doctor had confirmed what she'd suspected, that she was having his baby. He hadn't had to make an announcement to his family, since Mama Laverne's dream about fish had pretty much narrowed it down when Alex and Christy said they weren't expecting.
Blade proudly announced that he was going to be a father and was very happy about it, and that their wedding was going take place in June-not because he had to marry Sam, but because he wanted to.
Knowing that they would finally become grandparents in about seven months, Sam's parents were excited beyond measure. The news wasn't something they could tell them over the phone, so he and Sam had made a surprise visit to New York.
After Sam's parents learned that Frank Denson had confessed to killing Tyrell Graham, they fought to get the case reopened and get Tyrell's girlfriend, who'd been falsely convicted, exonerated and released from prison.
”I believe it's time for another dance, Mrs. Madaris,” said Blade as he leaned over and whispered in Sam's ear, before taking the gla.s.s from her hand. He swept her onto the dance floor as the music began to play. The elaborate and elegant wedding had taken place in New York, and all the Madarises had traveled to the Big Apple for the event. Blade and Sam would be catching a plane out of JFK for London for a fifteen-day cruise to the Mediterranean.
With the help of the Madaris women, Sam's mother had done the impossible in less than sixty days, putting together an elaborate wedding the likes of which New York society hadn't seen in a long time. The guest list had included friends and family members from both sides. Not surprisingly, the Madarises and Di Meglios knew some of the same people.
”Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?” Blade asked, leaning closer and whispering in her ear.
Sam smiled up at her husband. He had told her several times, but she had also seen it in his eyes. His love had been so plain it almost brought tears to her eyes. ”Yes, but you can always tell me again,” she said.
”Samari Madaris, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, not only today but always. And I love you.”
The smile that touched her lips also touched her heart. ”And I love you, too, so very much.”