Part 14 (2/2)

”Try to get some rest,” he said. He leaned closer and brushed a kiss across her lips and whispered, ”Good night.”

”Good night, Blade.”

When she opened the door to let him out, a private security patrol car was driving by, making its rounds. Seeing the patrol car made her feel safe and secure. As she watched Blade walk down her steps and head next door to his own place, she suddenly felt so terribly lonely.

Blade pulled off his jacket and tossed it aside, then picked up the phone to retrieve his messages after seeing the light blinking. He checked the first number and saw the call had been from Alex. He hit the speed-dial b.u.t.ton to return the call.

”Alex, this is Blade. Did you try reaching me?”

”You're not picking up on your cell phone. What's up with that?”

Blade pulled in a deep breath. ”I was in a meeting,” he said, thinking of the time he'd spent in Sam's office while Detective Adams had asked her questions. ”What's going on?”

”I never got the chance to thank you for helping out at A.C.'s birthday party last month.”

A.C. was the nickname for Alex and Christy's daughter, Alexandria Christina, who had turned two last month. Alex and Christy had asked him to be the cameraman at the party when the one they'd hired became ill. Blade hadn't minded filling in, since it had been better than playing lifeguard at the kiddy pool as he'd done the previous year.

Blade smiled. ”No problem, although I wouldn't want to do it again anytime soon.”

Alex chuckled. ”Does that mean I can't pa.s.s your name on to Sir Drake? His daughter will be celebrating her first birthday soon and I'm sure they'll want a bunch of pictures.”

”Hey, don't do me any favors.”

Alex laughed. ”Will we see you this weekend at Jake and Diamond's party?”

Blade rubbed a hand over his face. In his haste to volunteer as Sam's bodyguard, he'd forgotten all about the fact that he was supposed to return to Houston this weekend for the party Jake and Diamond were hosting for Rasheed. He would have to think of what to do about Sam while he was gone. He couldn't talk her into going to the ranch with Mac and Luke, since they'd made plans to attend the party in Houston, as well. The Madarises liked to party, and enjoyed any excuse for a family gathering.

”Yes, I plan to come.”

”I'll see you then, and again thanks for taking care of the pictures at A.C.'s party. You took some real good shots and all of them came out great. I owe you one for agreeing to do it on such short notice,” Alex said, regaining Blade's attention.

”I might be collecting on that IOU sooner than you think,” he said. ”A woman I know is getting flowers.”

Alex laughed. ”And?”

”She doesn't know who's sending them.”

”I'm sure they aren't coming from you. And I can't imagine you getting jealous about someone sending a woman you're messing around with flowers, since jealousy isn't one of your attributes. Sounds like she has a secret admirer. Why do you care? What's the problem?”

He glanced out the window at the lake. It was just beginning to get dark and there was a breeze in the air that was stirring the waters. ”The problem is that her secret admirer threatened to kill her.”

”d.a.m.n. That doesn't sound good. Who is this woman?”

”Samari Di Meglio. She's one of Mac's law partners.”

”I've met Sam. A nice person. She's also a looker.”

Blade smiled. Since he knew just how much Alex loved and adored his wife, he knew his comment was nothing more than a compliment. ”Yes, she is.”

”Call me tomorrow so we can talk about it. And by the way, in case you hadn't heard, Mama Laverne dreamed about fish again.”

Blade rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. ”What's going on with her? Why can't she have normal dreams like everybody else?”

Alex laughed. ”Depends on what you consider normal dreams. h.e.l.l, I would hate for her to start having any of yours.”

Blade couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of that, and quickly concluded that Alex was right. He would hate for the old gal to start having any of his dreams. They would turn her gray hair grayer. h.e.l.l, she just might wake up the next morning completely bald.

”And just so you know, all eyes are on Clayton and Syneda.”

Blade almost got weak in the knees at that announcement. ”I hope you're bulls.h.i.+tting me, Alex.”

”Sorry, but I'm not.”

Blade shook his head. Clayton and Syneda, the attorneys in the family, and a power couple if there ever was one, already had a daughter, eight-year-old Remington, who was definitely a handful, and that was putting it mildly. The thought of adding another child to their already chaotic household was a bit much.

Moments after his conversation with Alex ended, Blade returned calls to his brothers Slade and Jantzen. Both wanted to give him the scoop about the stork possibly visiting Clayton and Syneda again, just in case he hadn't heard.

It was close to eleven when he finally headed upstairs to take a shower and try to get some sleep. He'd seen security patrolling the area when he'd left Sam's place, and he felt good about it. He also felt good that he was right next door if she needed him.

Sometime tomorrow he would call and talk to Alex and tell him what he knew. Alex was a former FBI agent who owned a private investigation firm and was good at what he did. h.e.l.l, Alex wasn't just good. His ability to solve cases was legendary.

If anyone could find out who the person was behind the threat to Sam's life there was no doubt in Blade's mind it was Alex.

Chapter 16.

Daylight was just beginning to break when Sam finished her shower. After toweling dry she slipped into her robe to go downstairs to start a pot of coffee.

Even after all the drama of yesterday, she had been able to get some sleep. She was certain the gla.s.s of wine she'd had before finally going upstairs to shower and dress for bed had helped.

As strange as it seemed, she had felt a measure of comfort knowing Blade had been in her bedroom. The man had a way of being a part of her fantasies whether she wanted him to be or not.

With the coffee brewing she was about to head back upstairs, when she remembered she had left her purse on the sofa, and that when Blade had returned her BlackBerry after inputting his phone number, she'd noticed that she had missed a call. She had totally forgotten about it until now.

Taking her BlackBerry from her purse, she saw the missed call had come from Peyton's private number at the office. Sam pressed the b.u.t.ton to listen.

”Sam, this is Peyton. After you guys left I hung back to get some work done and happened to be here when your eight-o'clock appointment called to cancel. I thought I'd let you know so you wouldn't get up so early to come into the office. After everything that happened today, you need your rest. In fact, if you want to just take the whole day off and chill, then do so. Mac and I can handle things here. Love you. Bye.”

After Sam ended the voice-mail message she breathed a deep sigh. She wished she'd checked her messages last night and then she wouldn't be up so early this morning. Oh, well, since she was already up, she might as well stay up, and she just might take Peyton's advice and work from home today and get some rest.

Then she remembered Blade. It was too late to call and let him know about her change in plans. He would be knocking on her door for breakfast in about a half hour. Since she was up, she might as well prepare breakfast as planned. Besides, she was hungry. All the activity in her dreams last night had made her ravenous.
