Part 11 (1/2)

She felt her heart thud against her chest at the sound of the disappointment in his voice. She stood and slid into her skirt and pulled the halter top over her head. She tossed her panties back down, since they were wet.

She then met his gaze again. Cleared her throat and said, ”I invited you over here, but I didn't intend for us to have s.e.x, Blade.”

He sat back on his haunches. The dark brown eyes staring back at her narrowed. ”Of course you did. Did you not tell me when I arrived that you you would be my dinner?” would be my dinner?”

She tossed her hair over her shoulders and deliberately gave him a haughty look. ”Yes, I told you that. But when I did so, I had no intention of going through with any such plan.”

”Then why did you lead me to believe that you would?”

She lifted her chin. ”To teach you a lesson. You're a player. A man who thinks he can have any woman he wants, and I wanted to prove there're some women who find you resistible. I am one of them. Sorry you couldn't break through my defenses defenses.”

She saw the flash of anger that appeared in his eyes when her words sank in. He slowly got to his feet and she tried not to concentrate on the fact that her words hadn't deflated his erection any.

”Are you standing here telling me that you're nothing but a tease? That you deliberately invited me over here to set me up? That you dressed that way to make me want you, and did everything you did to me knowing that you wouldn't deliver?” he asked, with confusion and fury in his voice.

She pushed aside any feelings of guilt that plagued her. ”Yes, that's what I'm saying.”

Her response sounded flippant, totally lacking in remorse, and her expression gave the appearance of a woman who didn't have a shameful bone in her body.

He covered his face, as if he was awakening from a bad dream-a very bad dream. ”But why, Sam?”

She crossed her arms over her chest. Again she fought back any feelings of guilt. There was something about the look in his eyes that was totally unexpected. That look was something she would have to think about later, but definitely not now.

”The reason is simple. You're a player and I'm a player hater. Because of men like you I was made a fool of on my my wedding day, in front of over five hundred guests, when two women showed up claiming to be my fiance's baby mamas. And I lost a good friend in college-my roommate. She committed suicide after a guy she thought she loved made a fool of her.” wedding day, in front of over five hundred guests, when two women showed up claiming to be my fiance's baby mamas. And I lost a good friend in college-my roommate. She committed suicide after a guy she thought she loved made a fool of her.”

Those eyes that had been flas.h.i.+ng fire before were blazing now. ”You're punis.h.i.+ng me because of what some other guys did?”

”Yes, but don't think you're the only one. There have been others before who got the same treatment from me.”

”And you're still alive to brag about it?”

A sneer touched her lips. ”Evidently being a tease doesn't mean a death sentence.”

Instead of responding, Blade gathered up his clothes and angrily began putting them on. Like her, he didn't bother with his underwear. She watched as he balled up his briefs and put them in his pocket. He then headed for the door.

”Wait! What about all these condoms?”

He turned and glanced at her in a way she wished he hadn't. If looks could kill then she would definitely be dead. ”Flush them down the d.a.m.n toilet for all I care. And just for your information, Sam, I don't have s.e.x with women who don't know the score. I've never misled a woman by making promises I didn't intend to keep. The women I sleep with know I'm not into long-term relations.h.i.+ps, and for whatever reason, they prefer things that way.”

He paused and then said in a somewhat softer tone, ”I regret what happened on your wedding day. What your fiance did to you was unforgivable in my book. And as for your friend who committed suicide, believe it or not, the same thing happened to my cousin Dex's best friend, Greg. He fell in love with a girl in college and she played him and he took his own life. So men aren't the only ones who are players. Just like all women aren't alike, all men aren't the same, either.”

Sam pulled in a deep breath. Instead of feeling a surge of satisfaction at what she'd just done to Blade, a part of her felt pangs of regret. ”Look, Blade-”

”No!” he snarled. ”You look, Sam. You got your d.a.m.n pound of flesh. You got your laughs at my expense, so let's end it there. We know where we stand with each other now. Personally, I don't think you're a nice person, and although it's unlikely our paths will never cross, I suggest we try to avoid each other whenever possible.” look, Sam. You got your d.a.m.n pound of flesh. You got your laughs at my expense, so let's end it there. We know where we stand with each other now. Personally, I don't think you're a nice person, and although it's unlikely our paths will never cross, I suggest we try to avoid each other whenever possible.”

She lifted her chin. ”Fine. And you can stop sending me those flowers.”

He glared back at her. ”I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never sent you you or or any any woman flowers, other than the women in my family.” woman flowers, other than the women in my family.”

He then threw his head back and laughed. ”And I'm such a fool that today was the first time I've ever given a woman I'm interested in flowers. For some reason I thought you were special. d.a.m.n, was I wrong. You can flush them down the toilet along with the condoms.”

Muttering an obscenity that Sam was grateful she couldn't hear, Blade opened the door and walked out, slamming it shut behind him.

Blade let himself into his town house as rage blasted from every pore in his body. In all his thirty-four years, nothing like this had ever happened to him before. And the woman had had the d.a.m.n nerve, the gall, to blame him for something he'd had nothing to do with.

Admittedly, he was a player. He enjoyed women. He liked variety when it came to making love, and so far there hadn't been a woman out there capable of giving him what he wanted, what he needed and desired, all in one single package. h.e.l.l, considering his fantasies, he doubted it was possible for any one woman to fulfill his needs.

He didn't make excuses for doing what he did, but he of all people respected women. He had enough of them in his family and had been taught from an early age how women were to be treated. He'd never held a gun to their heads to make them sleep with him, so what gave Sam the right to come off thinking she was justified in seeking revenge on behalf of women who'd ever been hurt by him?

He ignored the blinking message light on his answering machine as he walked through his living room toward the kitchen. He needed a beer. In all honesty, he needed something stronger, but he would settle for what he had.

Moments later he was leaning against the kitchen counter, after taking a huge swallow of his beer. The cold brew had flowed down his throat, but other than that, the drink hadn't affected him. He was staring down at the floor as his anger continued to boil.

By her own admission she was a player hater? He had heard about those kinds of women, but had been lucky not to have encountered one until now. How could he have been so stupid, so gullible? So d.a.m.n h.o.r.n.y for a woman that he hadn't seen the signs? How had he allowed her to get under his skin to the point that he had been chasing her for the past ten months like a fool?

And how in the h.e.l.l had he allowed her to make a difference when no other woman had?

d.a.m.n! She was probably next door having a good old-fas.h.i.+oned laugh.

He slammed the beer bottle on the counter, almost spilling the contents on his hands and the countertop. And just to think that all the while he had been getting dressed to go over to her place for dinner, he'd barely been able to put his clothes on without thinking about when he would be taking them off with her, how his naked body would lie on top of hers, slide deep inside of her-as deep as he could go-giving her the ride of her life.

But things hadn't gone quite the way he'd wanted. Although he had slid inside of her. At least he had tried to. She had been pretty d.a.m.n tight and he had enjoyed the feel of her muscles clamping around him as he tried pus.h.i.+ng deeper, determined to be deeply embedded in her, before she'd stopped him. And he'd a.s.sumed that was because he wasn't wearing a condom.

He couldn't believe such a thing had happened. This was the first time he'd been skin to skin with any woman, and the feel of being inside of her without being sheathed in latex had every muscle in his body pulsating, even now. She probably hadn't realized it, but he had managed to stroke her at least once before pulling out.

But that was the thing. Even after realizing he wasn't wearing a condom, he hadn't wanted to pull out. He had wanted to stay in, ease deeper inside of her, feel her wetness claim him, her feminine juices saturate his erection, and press into her deeper and deeper.

She hadn't minded when he'd spread her luscious thighs wide. And she hadn't minded being taken-or almost taken-right there in her living room. He liked a woman who didn't believe lovemaking had to be confined to the bedroom. Where was it written that the bedroom was the only place two people could make love? The thought of that was so d.a.m.n boring.

h.e.l.l, he'd had lots of plans for Sam tonight. The moment he'd walked into her house and saw that her place was just like his, a number of erotic scenarios had danced through his mind. He had thought about taking her on the kitchen table, in the sauna and in that d.a.m.ned hot tub she had tempted him with last night.

But things didn't quite work out that way. Instead, after getting him all hot and bothered, she had sent him packing with a d.a.m.n smirk on her face. What she'd pulled tonight was unforgivable in his book, and just as he'd told her, it would be best for the both of them if they made it a point to avoid each other.

Chapter 13.

”You okay, Blade?”

Blade glanced across the table at his cousin Reese. There was no way he would tell him that no, he wasn't okay. He'd gone to bed mad and had awakened that morning even madder. What was worse, he had gone to bed with a hard-on and had awakened with a bigger hard-on. It had taken a couple of cold showers to make his erection go down. The mere thought of how Sam had deliberately played him was something he had yet to get over, and he doubted if he ever would.


He blinked and noticed both Luke and Reese were staring at him. ”Yes?”