Part 19 (1/2)

At the same time, truth compels us to add, that Sir George Prevost took credit to himself, to which he was not ent.i.tled, when he wrote to Lord Bathurst: ”General Brock, relying upon the strong a.s.surances I had given him of a reinforcement as prompt and as effectual as the circ.u.mstances by which I was placed by this new war would permit me to send, adopted the most vigorous measures for the safety of that part of the frontier which had been attacked.” And again: ”The certainty of the expected reinforcements, and the weakness of the enemy on the Niagara frontier, had in the mean time induced General Brock,” &c. The last dispatch which, we believe, Major-General Brock had received from Sir George Prevost, when on the 6th of August he left York for Detroit, was dated the 10th and received on the 29th July; and in that dispatch (see page 178) no reinforcements were promised, and indeed offensive operations were deprecated. The first reinforcement which left Lower for Upper Canada, appears to have consisted of about 100 men of the Newfoundland regiment and 50 of the Veterans, which left Quebec on the 30th of July for Kingston, to strengthen that post; and the adjutant-general, on the 1st of August, (page 211), wrote that Sir George Prevost regretted extremely his inability to render Major-General Brock more efficient aid. It was only on the 2d of August that Sir George Prevost promised an additional reinforcement of four companies of the 49th regiment, (page 215,) and on the 12th of the same month the remainder of the regiment (page 218). Mr. Powell confirms this view of the subject in his admirable letter, page 261. It will be seen in the sequel that, on the 13th of August, the adjutant-general wrote that he had strongly urged Sir George Prevost to send further reinforcements, as he was sure they could be spared. As to the remark relative to the weakness of the enemy on the Niagara frontier, we shall only mention that Major-General Brock states, in a MS. before us, that it was the strong American force on that frontier which compelled him to take with him to Detroit only half of the militia, who volunteered.

_Sir George Prevost to Earl Bathurst._

Head Quarters, Montreal, Sept. 1, 1812.

Since I had the honor of transmitting to your lords.h.i.+p my letter of the 26th ultimo, in charge of my aide-de-camp, Captain Coore, I have received from Major-General Brock a dispatch, of which the enclosed is a copy, containing the particulars of Brigadier-General Hull's invasion of Upper Canada, which has terminated most gloriously to his majesty's arms, in that officer's defeat and surrender, as a prisoner of war, with the whole of the north-western army, together with the fort Detroit, and thirty-three pieces of ordnance.

I forward this dispatch express, in the expectation of its reaching Captain Coore previously to his leaving Canada, which, with the colours of the 4th United States' regiment accompanying it, I trust that officer will have the honor of delivering to your lords.h.i.+p.

_Earl Bathurst to Sir George Prevost._

DOWNING STREET, October 10, 1812.

I have had the honor of receiving your dispatch, dated the 26th August, together with its enclosures, from Major-General Brock, and I lost no time in laying intelligence so important and satisfactory before his royal highness the prince regent.

I am commanded by his royal highness to desire you to take the earliest opportunity of conveying his royal highness'

approbation of the able, judicious, and decisive conduct of Major-General Brock, of the zeal and spirit manifested by Colonel Proctor and the other officers, as well as of the intrepidity of the troops under the command of Major-General Brock.

By the united exertions of this little army, the enterprize of the American army has been defeated; the territories of his majesty in Upper Canada have been secured; and on the enemy's fort of Detroit, important to that security, the British standard has been happily placed.

You will inform Major-General Brock that his royal highness, taking into consideration all the difficulties by which Major-General Brock was surrounded from the time of the invasion of the province by the American army, under the command of General Hull, and the singular judgment, firmness, skill, and courage, with which he was enabled to surmount them so effectually--has been pleased to appoint him an extra knight of the most honorable order of the bath.

The following letter strikes us as singularly appropriate and pleasing, and as creditable to him who wrote it as it must have been gratifying to him who received it. Mr. Powell, who, we believe, was then one of the puisne judges, was chief justice of Upper Canada in the year 1817.

_William Dummer Powell, Esq., to Major-General Brock_.

KINGSTON, August 27, 1812.

I cannot persuade myself to offer my hearty congratulations through the medium of a third person, and hope you will believe that no one sympathizes more cordially than myself in your feelings on the late happy event. I shall never again regret little disappointments, when I consider to what they may lead: had your early representations been attended to and produced their proper effect, you would probably not have to boast of the most brilliant success, with the most inadequate means, which history records. There is something so fabulous in the report of a handful of troops, supported by a few raw militia, leaving their strong post to invade an enemy of double numbers in his own fortress, and making them all prisoners without the loss of a man, that, although your report may be sanctioned by Sir George Prevost, it seems to me that the people of England will be incredulous until they see the exterminating boaster a prisoner in London. We find in a cover by General Sheaffe, that the first report of the cannon taken was one-third short of the real number. I shall hardly sleep until I have the satisfaction of hearing particulars of the wonderful excursion, for it must not be called a campaign.

The _veni, vidi, vici_, is again the faithful report. Your good fortune in one instance is singular, for if your zeal had been thwarted by such adverse winds as frequently occur on the lake, the armistice might have intercepted your career. That it did not I heartily thank G.o.d, and pray that nothing may occur to damp the entire satisfaction of yourself and family in the glory so well earned. I am impatient to hear from Colonel M'Donell, but have no doubt that he justified your warmest expectations in every trial. May I beg to be presented to Glegg, and that you, Sir, will believe me, &c.

_Chief Justice of Lower Canada, Sewell, to Major-General Brock._

QUEBEC, Sept. 3, 1812.

In your present situation, I am perfectly sensible of your occupations, and know that your time is precious. Yet I take the liberty to intrude upon you with my congratulations upon the brilliant success which has attended the measures which you have pursued with so much judgment in Upper Canada, and the thanks of an individual who feels the benefits which he, in common with every other subject of his majesty in British America, derives from your exertions.

The next letter is from General Maitland,[82] who was colonel of the 49th foot from the 25th May, 1768, to the period of his death, in February, 1820, or nearly fifty-two years! Major-General Brock held this gallant veteran in high estimation, having received from him much attention and kindness, which were continued to some of his relatives after his fall, and it will be seen that the feeling was mutual.

Although General Maitland was so many years colonel of the 49th, yet we find that the Marquis of Drogheda held a similar appointment for a longer period, being colonel of the 18th Hussars from the 3d August, 1762, to October, 1821, when that regiment was disbanded, or above fifty-nine years!

_General the Honorable Alexander Maitland to Major-General Brock_.

TOTTERIDGE, October 8, 1812.