Part 6 (1/2)

_Colonel Baynes[33] to Brigadier Brock, at Fort George_.

QUEBEC, March 4, 1811.

Sir James desires me to tell you that he had fully intended writing to you himself by this day's post, but, from the arrival of the January mail and the departure of the Halifax courier to-morrow, he finds himself so much occupied that he has deputed me to explain to you the cause of his not announcing to you by his own pen the resolution he finds himself under the necessity of adopting, of returning to England early in the summer. I think it probable that he will leave this by the July fleet; indeed, the extremely weak and debilitated state of his health will not admit of his deferring his departure longer, lest it might involve him in inconveniences attendant upon an equinoctial or fall pa.s.sage.

It is with the deepest regret I observe that his strength is visibly sinking under his disease, although the latter does not appear to have increased in violence; on the contrary, for this fortnight past he seems in better spirits and to suffer less pain: the first probably arises from the prospect of his being speedily relieved from the weight and anxiety of his public charge, for, with regard to himself, his mind is most perfectly made up, and resigned to a very speedy termination of all his sufferings; and his anxiety has been latterly much excited from the apprehension of his becoming too ill to be able to undertake the voyage, and being obliged to linger out the short remnant of his life in this country.

I a.s.sure you he is very far from being indifferent in regard to forwarding your wishes; but from the necessity of his retiring himself, and even without waiting for leave to do so, he feels it the more indispensably necessary to leave this country in the best state of security he can, and that, under existing circ.u.mstances, he cannot attend to your request for leave. He desires me to say, that he regrets extremely the disappointment you may experience, and he requests that you will do him the favor to accept, as a legacy and mark of his very sincere regard, his favorite horse Alfred, and that he is induced to send him to you, not only from wis.h.i.+ng to secure to his old favorite a kind and careful master, but from the conviction that the whole continent of America could not furnish you with so safe and excellent a horse. Alfred is ten years old, but being a high bred horse, and latterly but very little worked, he may be considered as still perfectly fresh.

Sir James will give him up to Heriot, whenever you fix the mode of his being forwarded to you.

I have requested Sir James to allow me to accompany him home, a duty I should feel a most grateful pleasure in performing; but with a kind regard to what he thinks more to my interest, he will not accede to my wishes, but insists on my remaining here, as he thinks that my appointment will be considered permanent. Kempt goes home, his private affairs requiring his presence, and having strong ground to hope that he will be able to resign his staff for an active brigade; although his senior in years and length of service, I must still wait a long time before I can direct my ambition to so desirable an object.

You will have seen by Sir James' speech, the very complete triumph his firmness and energy have obtained over the factious cabal of their most contemptible a.s.sembly. Bedard will be shortly released--that fellow alone of the whole gang has nerve, and does not want ability or inclination to do mischief whenever opportunity offers; the rest, old Papineau and the bl.u.s.tering B----, are all white-livered runagates to a man; but when Sir James' back is turned, they will rally and commence the same bullying attack on his successor, who, I trust, will follow his example.

_Colonel J.A. Vesey to Brigadier Brock._

HAMPTON COURT PARK, April 9, 1811.

I am bound to Sicily in about a fortnight, as a brigadier-general on the staff there, and I am told that Lord William Bentinck, who is destined to command the forces in that island, will be the bearer of instructions to insist upon the command of the Sicilian army likewise.

I thank you much for the interesting details of local politics, both military and civil, which your letter contains, for I feel a more than common wish to know what in Canada, although I am certainly not partial to that country--quite the reverse. It is a pity that the 49th should be detained there so long, as it will interfere materially with the promotion of your officers. I fear you will have pa.s.sed a lonely winter at Fort George, notwithstanding the addition of my friend Murray and his nice little wife to your society. Pray remember me kindly to them and to my old friend, St. George. Mrs. Vesey has charged me to call her to your recollection in the kindest manner; she and my six children are as well as possible, and a very nice little group they are, all as healthy as can be. I wish I had a daughter old enough for you, as I would give her to you with pleasure.

You should be married, particularly as fate seems to detain you so long in Canada--but pray do not marry there.

_Colonel Vesey to Brigadier Brock._


I received a few days ago your letter of the 22d February, for which I thank you very much. I am very much obliged to you for taking so much trouble about my grant of land, respecting which I have not taken any steps whatever here, neither shall I so long as Lord Liverpool continues to direct the affairs of the colonial department, for he is not friendly to me, but I will reserve my claims for a more favorable moment. I am not the less thankful for your friends.h.i.+p on the occasion.

I quite feel for you, my good friend, when I think of the stupid and uninteresting time you must have pa.s.sed in Upper Canada--with your ardour for professional employment in the field, it must have been very painful. I did not think Sir James (Craig) would have detained you so long against your will. Had you returned to Europe, there is little doubt but that you would immediately have been employed in Portugal, and, as that service has turned out so very creditable, I regret very much that you had not deserted from Canada. I take it for granted that you will not stay there long, and should the fortune of war bring us again upon duty in the same country, I need not say how I shall hail the event with joy.

If you come to England, I would wish you to call upon the Duke of Kent,[34] who has a high respect for you, and will be happy to see you.

It seems determined that the Duke of York shall return to the command of the army; it would have taken place ere now, but for some ill-natured remarks inserted in some of the newspapers, produced by an over zeal on the part of his friends. Sir David (Dundas) will not be much regretted, and it surely is time that at his advanced period of life he should be relieved from the cares of office.

I am rejoiced to find that you live so comfortably with my friend Murray and his nice little wife. Mrs. Vesey and myself took a great fancy to her the morning she called here, on their way to Portsmouth.


[Footnote 31: Peter Carey Tupper, Esq., a native of Guernsey, British consul for Valencia at this time, and afterwards for Catalonia. He distinguished himself from 1808 to 1814, in encouraging the Spaniards to resist the invasion of Napoleon; and his name occurs repeatedly in the Duke of Wellington's Dispatches, recently published, as also in the first and fourth volumes of Napoleon's Peninsular War. He died in Madrid in 1825, in the prime of life. His youngest brother was British consul for Caraccas, and afterwards for Riga.]

[Footnote 32: The present General Sir James Kempt, G.C.B., &c, afterwards governor-general of British America, and subsequently master-general of the ordnance in Earl Grey's administration.]

[Footnote 33: Owing to the communication by post between Lower and Upper Canada being so slow at this period, we observe that many of Colonel Baynes' letters to Brigadier Brock, at Fort George, were transmitted through the United States. There was only a post once a fortnight between Montreal and Kingston, and in Upper Canada the post office was scarcely established.]

[Footnote 34: The father of her present Majesty, Queen Victoria.]