Part 58 (1/2)

=Ottawa, University of.= Established, 1848. Originally incorporated under the t.i.tle of ”College of Bytown”; received the t.i.tle of ”College of Ottawa,” 1866. Pope Leo XIII raised it to the rank of a Roman Catholic University, 1889. It suffered from a serious fire, 1903. The university is conducted by the Oblate Fathers of Mary Immaculate.

=Otway's Regiment.= =WM= On British right, 189.

=Ouendats.= =Ch= General name given by French to four Huron tribes, 89.

=Ouentaron.= =S= Indian name of Lake Simcoe, 93. _See also_ Lake Simcoe.

=Ourouehate.= _See_ Big Mouth.

=Overman.= =Ch= Farmer of county of Renfrew, Ontario, discovers astrolabe lost by Champlain, 76.

=Owen, Admiral.= =W= Member of New Brunswick Council, 69.

=Pabos.= =Hd= Haldimand acquires seigniory of, 50; sends his nephew there, 73; not profitable, 111.

=Pacific Coast.= _See_ North-West Coast.

=Pacific Fur Company.= Organized by John Jacob Astor in 1810. Sometimes known as the Astor Fur Company. Astor had made a fortune in the fur trade, and formed the plan of extending his operations to the Pacific coast, and building a post at the mouth of the Columbia. He suggested to the North West Company that the project be undertaken jointly, but the Company declining the offer, he induced several of its partners and employees to join him. These men sailed to the Columbia by way of Cape Horn, while another party went overland by the route followed by Lewis and Clark. Astoria was built in 1811, at the mouth of the Columbia, but the energetic compet.i.tion of the North West Company, and complications arising out of the War of 1812, defeated Astor's plans. =Index=: =D= Logical sequel to journey of Lewis and Clark, 68; formed in 1810 by John Jacob Astor, 68; made famous by Was.h.i.+ngton Irving, 68; character and extent of its operations, 69-71; employees recruited in Montreal, 70; expeditions sent out, 71. _See also_ Astoria. =Bib.=: c.o.x, _Adventures on the Columbia River_; Ross, _Fur Hunters of the Far West_; Franchere, _Voyage to North-West Coast of America_; Irving, _Astoria_.

=Pacific Scandal.= =D= Difficulties aroused by episode, 321. =C= Cartier's connection with, 53-54, 105-106. =Md= History of, 199-211; grew out of Pacific Railway project, 200; the two syndicates, 200; government subsidies, 201; Huntington's motion for a committee to investigate charges against Sir Hugh Allan and the government, 201-203; motion defeated, 203; Macdonald's motion for select committee, 203-204; Allan's letters and telegrams published, with other doc.u.ments, 205; royal commission issued, 206; Macdonald's letter to Dufferin, 207; Mackenzie moves vote of censure, 208; Macdonald's defence, 208-209; Donald A. Smith's speech, 210; Macdonald resigns, 210; his party defeated at the elections, 211. =T= Tilley not involved in, 131. _See also_ Macdonald, Sir John A.; Macpherson, Sir David L.; Cartier, Sir Georges E.

=Pagan, William.= =W= Appointed to New Brunswick Council, 7.

=Pakington, Sir John.= _See_ Hampton.

=Palliser, Hugh.= Captain of the _Shrewsbury_ in 1759. =Index=: =WM= British marines under, occupy Lower Town of Quebec, 235.

=Pallu.= =L= Proposed appointment of, as bishop in Asia, 23.

=Palmer, Edward= (1809-1889). =T= Represents Prince Edward Island at Quebec Conference, 77.

=Palmerston, Henry John Temple, third Viscount= (1784-1865). Born in Hamps.h.i.+re, England. Educated at Harrow, Edinburgh, and Cambridge. First entered Parliament, 1807; lord of the admiralty, 1808; secretary of war, 1809-1828; foreign secretary, 1830-1840 and 1846-1851; home secretary, 1852; prime minister, 1855; defeated, but returned to power, 1857; again defeated, 1858, and once more prime minister, 1859; warden of the Cinque Ports, 1861. =Index=: =E= Sends Elgin on mission to China, 212. =Sy= Resigns from Duke of Wellington's Cabinet, 16. =T= On Intercolonial Railway question, 55; on Confederation negotiations, 63-64. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._

=Pambrun, Pierre Chrysologue.= Served in the Canadian Voltigeurs during the War of 1812. Entered the service of the Hudson's Bay Company, and sent to the Qu'Appelle district. Captured there by Cuthbert Grant, of the North West Company, in 1816, and held prisoner for five days, shortly before the Seven Oaks affair. Stationed at Stuart Lake, New Caledonia, in 1824, and still in the same district in 1828 when Sir George Simpson made his overland journey to the Pacific. In 1842 in charge of Fort Halkett. =Index=: =D= At Stuart Lake, 99. =Bib.=: Bryce, _Hudson's Bay Company_; Bancroft, _History of British Columbia_; Morice, _History of the Northern Interior of British Columbia_.

=Panama Ca.n.a.l.= =Ch= Suggested by Champlain, 5; undertaken by De Lesseps, 6.

=Panet, Jean Antoine= (1751-1815). Practised as an advocate and notary in Montreal, represented Quebec in the Legislature, 1792, and presented a pet.i.tion from the citizens of Quebec for the abolition of slavery.

First Speaker of the Legislature of Quebec; appointed judge of the Court of Common Pleas by Lord Dorchester, 1793, but resigned almost immediately and re-elected to the Legislature of Lower Canada where he sat until 1815; appointed a member of the Legislative Council, 1815.

=Index=: =Bk= Speaker of Lower Canada a.s.sembly, his commission as lieutenant-colonel of militia cancelled by Governor Craig, 105; elected for Huntingdon and again made Speaker, 115. =Dr= Speaker of first Lower Canada a.s.sembly, 276; appointed to judges.h.i.+p, 277. =C= Claims liberty of the press, 95; sent to jail, 95. =P= Establishes _Le Canadien_, 28; name struck off militia list by Sir James Craig, 28; sent to jail, 29; released, 29; Speaker of a.s.sembly succeeded by Papineau, 33. =Bib.=: Bibaud, _Pan. Can._; Christie, _History of Lower Canada_.

=Panet, Jean Claude.= =Dr= Appointed judge, 183.

=Pangman, Peter.= Born in New England. Engaged in the fur trade west of Lake Superior about 1780. With Peter Pond, John Gregory, and A. N.

McLeod, organized in 1784 a company in opposition to the North West Company. Afterwards for some years in the service of the North West Company. In 1793 retired from the fur trade, and purchased seigniory of Mascouche in Lower Canada. =Index=: =MS= a.s.sociated with Pond and others in opposition to North West Company, 11; sent to Saskatchewan, 14; his share as partner of North West Company, 58. =Bib.=: Bryce, _Hudson's Bay Company_.

=Paper Currency.= =Bk= Issue of, in Upper Canada, 198. =Hd= Redemption of, 58, =Dr= French, in circulation in Canada, 23; _habitants_ object to American, 116, 135, 150. =Bib.=: Weir, _Sixty Years in Canada_.

=Papin.= =C= Liberal leader in Quebec, 25; protests against Dorion entering Cartier administration, 106-107.

=Papineau, Denis B.= =E= Brother of Louis Joseph Papineau, 35; Metcalfe brings into Cabinet, 35; his lack of influence in Lower Canada, 44, 66.